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2:34 AM
@Szabolcs - if you need someone who is already knowledgeable about graphs in general or IGraph/M in particular, I can not help. If you need a 'grunt' with some experience in documentation and proofreading, I may have something to offer. I'm Rabbit.
3 hours later…
5:50 AM
Quickie: my doc's not around today, so I had to postpone going to the doc with my results for tomorrow. O well.
@b3m2a1 Hi, I just saw that you have on your "DocumentationSite" page a reference to the MQTTLink. I'm curious to know if it is the result of just an automatic parser of the distributed but non-documented MQTTLink package, or if you actually have extra non published information behind those "Sorry, you do not have permission to access this item" pages.
6:44 AM
@P.Fonseca it’s all auto-generated (and shouldn’t be behind an error message but WRI’s server changed and screwed things up in the past few months). I don’t have WRI’s permission to do anything I do so if I get shut down some day you know why.
@b3m2a1 thanks!
the site does look very cool!
1 hour later…
7:59 AM
@P.Fonseca Thanks I hope to fully patch it up some day, but the system I use to build the HTML (WRI's "Transmogrify" paclet) is so slow it's tedious to update so many pages.
10 hours later…
6:24 PM
I thought things were getting bad with so many posting images here instead of code, until I saw this question at Maple's question/answer web site mapleprimes.com/questions/224404-I-Have-Problem-In-Plot It is screen shot of a computer screen and not even in English :) So things is not that bad here?
7:02 PM
@Nasser Fractions in Arabic, well, that's sort of interesting, I admit.
Is that localization... or what?
I must admit I have never got used to reading Arabic numerals, I mean those actually used in the Middle East, with any confidence. More of a problem to me than reading numbers in the Far East, though.
1 hour later…
8:14 PM
@Rabbit If you feel like playing with the package, the following could be useful: Just play with it, see if you find something interesting. Are parts of the documentation hard to understand? Any ideas for cool examples to include (basic ones are fine)? Does it work as described? Can you "break" some functions?
You can download/install the latest released version here: github.com/szhorvat/IGraphM
Many changes were made since then, and the PDF version of the latest documentation notebook can be viewed here: szhorvat.net/mathematica/IGraphM If you're serious about it, I can email you the bleeding edge version of the package along with the documentation notebook that you can edit.
8:50 PM
"visited 1616 days, 16 consecutive" ... hmm...
9:13 PM
@kirma wait... aren't we all using Arabic numerals? ;)
On a related note: saying numbers in Japanese is so easy, I'm annoyed at how English makes things needlessly complicated with things like "eleven" and "twelve", where Japanese would straightforwardly call them "ten-one" and "ten-two".
9:27 PM
@anderstood (replying here since it's off-topic there)
I should've had an appointment yesterday with the doc, but it got postponed to today.
So, I'm collecting my lab results in a few hours and then hand them over to my doc.
10:21 PM
I remember there was a bug with GridLines only showing horizontal lines and not vertical when using Ticks. Any one remember if this is known? I was going to post it, but thought to check here.

Ticks->{{0,Pi/4,Pi/2,3/4 Pi,Pi},Automatic},
Removing the Ticks line, it now works.
Using 11.3 on windows.
10:34 PM
I found it. It seems to be known issue as was already reported mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/133049/…

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