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12:04 AM
@JasonB. how's the chemistry stuff coming? I haven't heard things about it in a little while
2 hours later…
2:02 AM
Nassim Taleb's talk at WTC wasn't the most technical but I found it entertaining
2:16 AM
shoutout to M.SE at 4:38 in Brett Champion's talk
1 hour later…
3:45 AM
@b3m2a1 did you see this talk on function repository?
@ChrisK Yeah that's where I got the disappointing news that the paclet repo is probably coming out in 2020 (adjusting for the standard shifting timelines)
To be honest I don't have much use for the function repository, but maybe some of the stuff here on MSE could be migrated there.
Or rather copied to there as well.
4:37 AM
unless I missed something, the repository functions look cumbersome to use
that is, I don't want to type ResourceFunction all the time, or copy and paste a blob
but the documentation writing part looks easy to use
and time for bed:
5:15 AM
@ChrisK Just write AdjectiveQ = Resource["AdjectiveQ"] and use it as if you had defined that function yourself or it was built-in.
5:49 AM
Would someone be willing to answer a few questions about ParametricNDSolve in mathematica..
6:15 AM
particularly can i use to solve for a parameter that gives me a particular eigenvalue for an eigenvalue problem..
3 hours later…
8:55 AM
@getafix, either ask here if not too complicated or ask a question on the site.
9:32 AM
@b3m2a1 here is a fun progress indicator:
\[CapitalPsi][m_, n_, {x_, y_}] := Sin[m \[Pi] x] Sin[n \[Pi] y];
 {n = 20, a = 1.2, dots,
  cols = RGBColor /@ {"#0098d8", "#f54123", "#0b3536"}, \[Theta],
  colorGrid, cf},
 dots = Table[{(*we can pregenerate the table and leave z coordinate \
    2 \[Pi] (x - 1)/n,
    2 \[Pi] (y - 1)/n,
       2 Pi \[Theta]]] ((*we are preparing 'dynamic placeholder' to \
be used later. the rescaling to 0-2Pi done here can be done FE side.*)

      1./Sqrt[2] \[CapitalPsi][3, 1, {(x - 1)/n, (y - 1)/n}] +
10:00 AM
@Kuba Cute. Unfortunately on my computer it's a bit choppy, but I also have a dying old computer.
@b3m2a1 change n to 10 or something :)
10:43 AM
For those who work with packages, my BugTracker package can now not just track bugs, index them, and search, but also generate a Markdown form of the bugs notebook so others can see what you've got on your plate: github.com/b3m2a1/mathematica-BTools/blob/master/project/bugs/…
The Markdown still needs some cleanup work, but at the very least it lets me track my bugs in a more public way. And as with all these things, this can be HTML now, too.
I'm a one trick pony, but I do like my trick.
1 hour later…
11:44 AM
@b3m2a1 looks more like TODO list, or?
It's half-and-half
Some of it is bugs some of it is TODO
As far as I see them they require the same treatment
3 hours later…
2:29 PM
I'm curious when they expect 12 to be out. Surely they won't release it before the end of the year
2:58 PM
@C.E. Thanks, that's a pretty simple way to use a one-off function
4 hours later…
7:11 PM
Q: Something wrong with comment time-stamps

Mr.WizardWith the new site design I am experiencing a problem with comment time-stamps. As the page is loading they appear normally, following the user name, but after the page has loaded they disappear. The page shows that the date is still there, e.g. <span class="comment-date" dir="ltr"><a class="co...

7:47 PM
Once you have designed an interface that you think succinctly solves your problem, it is extremely important to fight the urge to make the interface more complicated than it needs to be just to make it cope with some edge cases. Giving in to that urge too early is the reason why software developers have to deal with subpar tools and libraries on a daily basis.
I often wish Mathematica stopped trying to complicate things much earlier than it does
1 hour later…
9:02 PM
@ChrisK I've played around with making a quick input shortcut for resource functions: wolframcloud.com/objects/rhennigan/ResourceFunctions/…
9:22 PM
Here's something powerful for having a notebook have a specific kernel, but only if that kernel exists:
Evaluator ->
    FrontEnd`$FrontEnd, {EvaluatorNames, "Palettes"}], Inherited],
Obviously you could do this for a whole list of kernels to pick the first best one. And it's all done FE side so you don't need a kernel running for the FE to do this.
I'm planning on doing this for all my big palettes that take time to load and are annoying to have to reload when I Quit.
9:41 PM
@rhennigan That's cute. Is there any way to get it working with the proper FE autocompletion popup instead of an InputField with the FieldCompletionFunction set?
I know Entity boxes can do that, but they're the only ones I know about
It would also probably be good to query the API to get the resource function names on load time, no?
And to use a localized $box instead of Global`$box
10:08 PM
Who knew that CurrentValue could crash the FE? Not I, certainly.
10:27 PM
I finally dug up how to make something look like the autocompletion menu:
acdpanel[item_, paste_] :=
    Appearance ->
      "Default" -> None,
      "Hover" ->
       FrontEnd`FileName[{"Popups", "CodeCompletion"},
    FrameMargins -> {{20, 20}, {15, 15}},
    ImageSize -> Full
    "MouseClicked" :> paste[item]
acd[items_, paste_, ops : OptionsPattern[Panel]] :=
    {acdpanel[#, paste] & /@ items} // Transpose,
    Alignment -> Left
   BaseStyle -> "Text",
acd[RandomWord[5], Identity]
Now I just need to get this hooked into an AttachedCell and we have a customizable autocompletion popup of our own :)
10:57 PM
@b3m2a1 Right now just trying to work on examples to show it off - and every example I make brings up things I should have implemented but haven't lol
@JasonB. I know how that goes :)
11:13 PM
If you ever get the ES hookup I've now got stuff to very cleanly work with discretized wavefunctions and PES-es and those kinds of things and so I'd be excited to work with what you can make.
11:46 PM
@JasonB. You should set up live-streaming of your meetings with Bob Nachbar (or whoever you meet with if you have meetings), excepting, of course, the fact that I'm sure you are literally not allowed to do anything like that.
I'd honestly prefer to see the meetings that average WRI developers have than those with Stephen in them. More likely to get a deeper dive into interesting things.

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