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Sigh. Can anyone help me with getting Filling to work properly. I'm currently trying to fill part of a line plot to the Y-axis, so I constructed three curves along this range and tried to fill between pairs. Here's my attempt:
 {{{0, 17.5`}, {18, 17.5`}, {55, 18.5`}, {59, 19.5`}}, {{0,
    19.5`}, {59, 19.5`}}, {{59, 19.5`}, {50, 20.5`}, {21, 21.5`}, {10,
     22.5`}, {4, 23.5`}, {0, 23.5`}}},
 Filling -> {1 -> {2}, 3 -> {2}}
Unfortunately I see this...
It's ignoring the 3->{2} completely and I can't understand why.
@b3m2a1 It will work as you expect if you sort the third data series by the x value: SortBy[{{59, 19.5}, {50, 20.5}, {21, 21.5}, {10, 22.5}, {4, 23.5}, {0, 23.5}}, First]
@C.E. Ah oh course... I should have known it'd be something unintuitive like that.
2 hours later…
Graphics3D[KnotData["Trefoil", "ImageData"], Axes -> True] is there a good way to center this trefoil around (0,0,0)?
Or, what I really want is for it to not wobble when it rotates: gr = KnotData["Trefoil", "ImageData"] ;
rotAbout = {0, 0, 1};
Manipulate[rot = RotationMatrix[a, rotAbout];
Graphics3D[{Specularity[GrayLevel[1], 100],
GeometricTransformation[gr, rot]}, Boxed -> False,
Lighting -> "Neutral", SphericalRegion -> True,
Background -> Black], {a, 0, 2 Pi, .3}]
2 hours later…
@idonutunderstand try this:
With[{g = KnotData["Trefoil", "ImageData"]},
  ReplacePart[g, 1 -> Translate[g[[1]], -Mean@g[[1, 1]]]],
  Boxed -> False,
  Axes -> True,
  AxesOrigin -> {0, 0, 0}
Just to show it at work:
With[{g = KnotData["Trefoil", "ImageData"]},
 With[{m = Mean@g[[1, 1]]},
    gins =
      1 ->
        Translate[g[[1]], -m],
        RotationTransform[\[Theta], {0, 0, 1}]
     Boxed -> False,
     Axes -> True,
     AxesOrigin -> {0, 0, 0},
     PlotRange -> {5, 5, 5}
    {\[Theta], 0, 2 \[Pi]}
7 hours later…
@idonutunderstand I'm not entirely sure why they would have such a weird shift in the coordinates when you access "ImageData" of the knot-data. When you use the parametric form directly, it is centered perfectly:
ParametricPlot3D[KnotData["Trefoil", "SpaceCurve"][t], {t, 0, 2 Pi}]
If you want to learn something, then use the space-curve, create a local frame and make the tube yourself.
2 hours later…
posted on November 16, 2018 by Michael Trott

This morning, representatives of more than 100 countries agreed on a new definition of the base units for all weights and measures. Here’s a picture of the event that I took this morning at the Palais des Congrès in Versailles (down the street from the Château): An important vote for the future weights and measures [...]

2 hours later…
Amazing FEM example:
Modeling jump conditions in interphase mass transfer
1 hour later…
@b3m2a1 the third data set is in reverse order. This is a known issue with Filling. It doesn't know how to handle that.
    ListLinePlot[{{{0, 17.5`}, {18, 17.5`}, {55, 18.5`}, {59,
    19.5`}}, {{0, 19.5`}, {59, 19.5`}},
  SortBy[First]@{{59, 19.5`}, {50, 20.5`}, {21, 21.5`}, {10,
     22.5`}, {4, 23.5`}, {0, 23.5`}}},
 Filling -> {1 -> {2}, 3 -> {2}}]
@VitaliyKaurov I have no idea what I'm looking at but I know it looks super cool :D
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
A: How can I define a 3D version of the built-in VoronoiDiagram (VoronoiMesh in V10) function?

Chip HurstNote that there's currently no way to represent a collection of 3D Voronoi mesh cells in a MeshRegion or BoundaryMeshRegion. Here's a routine that takes the dual of the DelaunayMesh and returns an Association where the keys are the points and the values are their respective Voronoi cells. pad[δ...

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