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Another fun SE-derived dataset:
It's the reputation-change history of the users with the highest rep.
Here's a fun sample graph that comes from it:
We can also compare the per-day rep histories of the people with the largest dips on that:
Which is interesting as it shows exactly when ciao got tired of the SE rep game but for Szabolcs we just see a big cluster of bounties around the end of 2016.
4 hours later…
@b3m2a1 thanks!
For anyone who wants to do a quality-of-question comparison between Wolfram Community and here I built a ServiceConnection for WC: community.wolfram.com/groups/-/m/t/1261562
I was gonna do it myself, but they don't have an API so I wrote a bunch of HTML scrapers and there is nothing more exhausting and tedious.
2 hours later…
@Szabolcs I reported my issue with Subgraph (together with the obligatory rage rant at the state of the graph functionality in Mathematica)
1 hour later…
@Szabolcs I also noticed that the syntax PropertyValue[{g, someEdge}, {edgeProp1, edgeProp2, ...}] does not evaluate. It is mentioned in the documentation as the third syntax variant (but no examples is given). Can you (or anyone else confirm this)?
@b3m2a1 Wow, did I have a -700 dip?
7 hours later…
I'll just leave this here for the interested academics among us:
@halirutan The open access option is very nice. Best of luck to the negotiators, I say.
3 hours later…
@Szabolcs it was actually like -810, but it's not that surprising:
You just offered two 500 bounties in the span of like a day
If you want to play with the data it's here: CloudImport["user:b3m2a1.datasets/stack_exchange_data/reputation/mmaRepHistorie‌​s.mx"];
Q: Can you help me at formulating question on "which function uses this data and output this scalar value"?

ReviousI've got a set of frequency distribution and output value i.e. F[0 1 2 3 6 9 2 5 2 2 1 1 1] = 11.30 F[0 0 2 3 4 6 2 8 2 1 1 1 1] = 41.66 I want to find a function F which gives that returns that output. Is it a suitable question?

Mathematica should be able to compile Piecewise, right? At least my impression was that it had in the past.
Ahh. I have a True-type Piecewise (i.e. with a fallthrough case) which isn't being handled properly.

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