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@zhk Try the following:
sol[x_] := Module[{y},
  NDSolveValue[{2.5 - (0.25 + 0.5 I) w[y] + (1. + 0.1 I) (w^\[Prime]\[Prime])[y] == 0,
    w[1 + 0.1 Sin[0.1 x]] == 0, w[-1 - 0.1 Sin[0.1 x]] == 0},
   w, {y, -1 - 0.1 Sin[0.1 x], 1 + 0.1 Sin[0.1 x]}]]

helper[x_, y_] :=
 Piecewise[{{sol[x][y], -1 - 0.1 Sin[0.1 x] <= y <= 1 + 0.1 Sin[0.1 x]}}, 0]

dat = Re@Table[helper[x, y], {x, -10, 10, 1/10}, {y, -10, 10, 1/10}] // ListPlot3D
The key point is the Module, without it, the code will fail, because Plot3D and Table internally use Block to localize variable (in this case x and y) so the y in NDSolve is influenced. You can try removing the Module and see what will happen.
@xzczd it generates plot but the x and y axis vary from 0..200 which suppose to vary x=-10..10, y=-1 - 0.1 Sin[0.1 x] <= y <= 1 + 0.1 Sin[0.1 x]
@xzczd I got that right now, with this dat = Partition[
Flatten[Table[{x, y, Re@helper[x, y]}, {x, 0, 1, 1/5}, {y, -1, 1, 1/5}]], 3]
But why fixing y when its not fixed
@xzczd thx dear. its perfect
@zhk Oh you want y to be between that interval in the plot, too? Then this should be more suitable:
sol[x_] := sol[x] =
   NDSolveValue[{2.5 - (0.25 + 0.5 I) w[y] + (1. + 0.1 I) w''[y] == 0,
     w[1 + 0.1 Sin[0.1 x]] == 0, w[-1 - 0.1 Sin[0.1 x]] == 0},
    w, {y, -1 - 0.1 Sin[0.1 x], 1 + 0.1 Sin[0.1 x]}]]

Flatten[Re@Table[{x, y, sol[x][y]}, {x, -10, 10, 2 10/100}, {y, -1 - 0.1 Sin[0.1 x],
     1 + 0.1 Sin[0.1 x], 2 (1 + 0.1 Sin[0.1 x])/100}], 1] // ListPlot3D
@xzczd its fantastic! thx alot dear
7 hours later…
This tutorial is broken for me (it is also in the doc center at WebServices/tutorial/AmazonExample). I didn't really try to understand it, but I think something goes wrong when evaluating the code cell, i.e. in the very first step. Does it work for anyone else?
2 hours later…
Important Friday question popped to my mind: what would happen if one would place a bottle of vodka in a clear glass bottle on a low earth orbit? Would it boil, would it freeze, would it do both depending on which dominates first, sun or shade, or would it magically stay inbetween?
Assuming an airtight bottle with normal air pressure inside, of course.
2 hours later…
Hey, does anyone know why Limit[Integral[1/Sqrt[x^3 + x + 1], {x, n, n + 1}], n -> Infinity] doens't compute ?
@kirma Sounds like an xkcd question. :D
@J.M. Yep, that came to my mind, too.
2 hours later…
Suppose I've got a graph which I know to be bipartite (through BipartiteGraphQ). Is there an easy way to determine which vertices are in which partition?
...oh, duh. of course there is. just use graph distance. Ignore me!
@JacobAkkerboom I think the modern version of that would use ServiceConnect. But, of course, you'd need to write the service connection yourself.

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