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I have a question that I don't know how to google effectively
How can I make a list of variables that aren't explicitly named?
for example, let's say some function is going to return N functions to me, and I want to fit a variable for each one to the sum of them, but I don't know in advance how many there will be
@YungHummmma That doesn't make sense. If you don't need names, you don't need a variable in the first place.
I'm probably explaining this really badly...
Can you give a simple example?
Let's say I get some list of functions of the form a*x^b, and for each one, a is specified, but b is left vague, as a fit parameter
and then I want to do FindMinimum[Total[listofaxb]], fitting for all the b's
but I want b to be different for each one, the fit parameters are the list of different b's
@YungHummmma How do you create this list of {a*x^b, ...}?
I dunno, a table or something
Then the solution is simple
like Table[i*x^b,{i,4}]
Hmm what do you have in mind?
exp = Table[With[{b = Unique["b"]}, {b, i*x^b}], {i, 4}]
You use the table for both building your expression and collecting which symbol b you have created.
Ahh... I've never seen Unique before... let me check that out!
ahhhh this seems perfect
Thank you!
Then go ahead and try your FindMinimum code..
Sure, gimme a min
damn it
I don't get what's happening when FindMinimum finds values that are less accurate than the initial values I give it...
neeeever mind, I'm an idiot
I should figure out the order of operations one of these days...
or just be extra explicit with parentheses...
real purdy, thank you!
14 hours later…
posted on July 14, 2017 by Brian Wood

In 1918, the National Geodetic Survey (or NGS, at that time the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey) used its compiled geodetic data to compute the geographic center of the contiguous United States as 39°50′N 98°35′W. Their methodology—balancing a cardboard cutout of the lower 48 states at a point—was rudimentary but surprisingly effective, coming within [...]

5 hours later…
So we are 2 people in this room, not counting Tim Stone? On a Friday night..

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