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3:07 AM
Anyone interested in Maple software can join us here
3:45 AM
@WReach I get the feeling that your tip to work with pure list of associations and use Query instead of working with datasets is really good. I mean, really good.
2 hours later…
6:09 AM
@C.E. this will not respect e.g. Hold* attributes of chained functions. @Szabolcs write in Code cells :) mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/80184/5478
is any one else having trouble logging into stackexchange directly using google account? i.e. when I click login at stackexchange, and then select GOOGLE as the method to login, I get new looking prompt asking me to enter my email and password. It will not let me login. it says invalid password. But if first login to google account from outside stackexchange, and then go to stackechange web site and click on the login button and then select GOOGLE again, now I am in. it works.
This started about a week ago or so. There is a new looking screen asking for username and password. I do not know what is going on.
4 hours later…
10:22 AM
@Nasser didn't face that
I'm tempted to close this as "The answer to this question requires either advice from Wolfram support or the services of a professional consultant". Anyone agree? Will the Wolfram Cloud products have a palette function?
3 hours later…
1:28 PM
@halirutan Yes, I find that taking the type inferencer out of the picture eliminates most of the surprising behaviour. I sometime go even further with:
thinQuery[ops___] :=
Query[ops, FailureAction->None, MissingBehavior->None, PartBehavior->None] //
This removes even more heuristics. The elimination of FailureAction in particular often makes it easier to understand and debug queries.
@WReach Cool tip. I often convert to lists of associations just because of the fail stop behavior of Dataset or occasional unsupported operations. I've drifted to using it mostly to format output.
2:10 PM
@Kuba can you give an example? I'm not sure I understand.
@user21 I'm not sure you have seen this, but I'm really interested if you have an idea. The question is, given polygon vertices on a sphere, is there a fast way to subdivide the polygon (espec. non-convex) so that it creates the polygon-restricted part of the sphere. The question to this is from Kuba here and I have written an answer for convex polygons.
Is there a solution that is faster or better or both?
(Note that by having the polygon vertices, we only have points in 3d but not the surface on the sphere)
3:09 PM
@C.E. I meant mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/54762/5478 but it isn't a serious problem if one is careful
3:25 PM
@halirutan I finally installed 11.1.1 on Linux. The wiggle bug is indeed there. In 11.0.1 it was not.
2 hours later…
5:34 PM
@halirutan Maybe something similar to this is helpful. The code is super rough though.
sphericalToLatLon[{theta_, phi_}] := {Rescale[
   theta, {0, Pi}, {-90, 90}], Rescale[phi, {-Pi, Pi}, {-180, 180}]}

latLonToSpherical[{lat_, lon_}] := {Rescale[lat, {-90, 90}, {0, Pi}],
  Rescale[lon, {-180, 180}, {-Pi, Pi}]}

geoSteps[{pos1_, pos2_}] :=
 With[{dir = GeoDirection[pos1, pos2]},
  Table[First@GeoDestination[pos1, {d, dir}], {d,
    QuantityMagnitude@UnitConvert[GeoDistance[pos1, pos2], "Meters"] //
      Append[Table[i, {i, 0, #, 1000000}], #] &}]]

Manipulate[{p1, p2, p3, p4} // Map@sphericalToLatLon //
2 hours later…
7:30 PM
Does anyone know the option that controls word wrapping
8:01 PM
@Edmund You can select a cell and go to Format->Word Wrapping->Don't Word Wrap
Or change the style to "Code" instead of "Input" if you want standard full control over indentation, new lines, etc.
@MichaelHale Thanks, but I need it for a Grid. When I narrow the notebook window the text is the grid's cells start to wrap until a certain point is reached. Then they snap back to normal
@MichaelHale I want to turn off this word wrapping. I am hoping there is a Style option for it
8:30 PM
@Edmund If I select an output cell and go to Format->Word Wrapping->Don't Word Wrap it affects the Grid. If I choose that option in the style sheet then it automatically applies.
Q: Four color theorem applied to map of Florida

Gilmar Rodriguez PierluissiI want to share a Mathematica notebook to explain a problem that I'm having in applying the four color theorem to a map of Florida. My data and code exceed the limit of characters to post my question and I cannot make the content shorter. Could you please, tell me how to proceed? Thank you.

9:20 PM
Does anyone have any idea what Wolfram-One is about? wolfram.com/wolfram-one
@Kuba ok, thanks.
2 hours later…
10:58 PM
@Zviovich It's Wolfram Cloud + Wolfram Desktop. I posted a comparison with other cloud licensing plans previously‌​.
11:33 PM
@Karsten7. thanks

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