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2:43 AM
@Szabolcs mesh["FaceFaceConnectivity"] seems to have the right structure but the indices are all wrong, as if they've been permuted.
7 hours later…
10:08 AM
guys do you know why if i try to convert this
newcover =
Table[ParametricPlot[ myellipse[i, j], {x, 0, 2 \[Pi]},
Axes -> False,
PlotStyle -> Directive[Black, Thickness[ spessoreellisse[i, j]]],
PlotRange -> {-1.2, 1.2},
Epilog -> { {If[Sign[S3medie[[i, j]]] == 1, Red, Blue],
Arrowheads[5*spessoreellisse[i, j]],
Arrow[{freccia[i, j ] [[-7]], freccia[i, j ][[-1]]}]}},
Background -> None], {i, 1, 300, 10}, {j, 1, 300, 10}] ,
ImageSize -> {900, 900}, Spacings -> 0, Frame -> None,
BaselinePosition -> Top, Background -> None]
9 hours later…
6:56 PM
Hi everybody,
does somebody have an idea how to plot following data {x,y,standarddeviation} with the error as shadow around the curve? Example picture https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37767719/timeseries-plot-with-min-max-shading-using-seaborn

{{101.323, 0.0524403, 0.0152868}, {104.276, 0.0622052,
0.0148273}, {107.228, 0.0641287, 0.0122896}, {110.178, 0.0594372,
0.0121901}, {113.128, 0.059623, 0.0109278}, {116.077, 0.0640666,
0.0116088}, {119.025, 0.0702841, 0.0117944}, {121.972, 0.0730945,
7:25 PM
@Jacccy here's a simple hacky solution:
data =
  {{101.323, 0.0524403, 0.0152868}, {104.276, 0.0622052,
    0.0148273}, {107.228, 0.0641287, 0.0122896}, {110.178, 0.0594372,
    0.0121901}, {113.128, 0.059623, 0.0109278}, {116.077, 0.0640666,
    0.0116088}, {119.025, 0.0702841, 0.0117944}, {121.972, 0.0730945,
    0.0108578}, {124.918, 0.0728545, 0.00880014}, {127.863, 0.0651077,
main =
  data[[All, ;; 2]];
upper =
  main + Map[Prepend[0], data[[All, {3}]]];
lower =
  main - Map[Prepend[0], data[[All, {3}]]];

baseColor = ColorData[97][1];
@Jacccy In addition to b3m2a1's answer here above, have a look at this.
2 hours later…
9:28 PM
I'm wondering if there's been a change in the RLink packet... i had followed szabolc's page on disabling csr and install_tool -- and this worked until today when I revisited that notebook
(in fact i can't even load the Paclet-installed version of R...)
well now i can get the paclet version to work... weird
So what I did was try to InstallR[] a bunch of times and then finally it took
10:09 PM
@b3m2a1 Thank you very much, exactly what I searched for!

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