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6:48 AM
Just noticed it's probably good to rewrite something like Min[f /@ data] > x into AllTrue[data, f[#] > x &]... too bad it can't happen automagically.
7:02 AM
What would be the most efficient way to get one element from a list that isn't on another? I'm getting the hunch a hand-coded variant probably doesn't compete well with First @* Complement on most cases.
1 hour later…
8:29 AM
GraphUnion doesn't work with single argument... :I
8:48 AM
Heh. Spent couple hours of time writing code that, in the end, is equivalent to BooleanRegion[Xor, #] &. The positive part seems to be that my code is much more efficient with actual discretization (but also demands regions to be nicely-behaving polygons).
9:13 AM
     RegionUnion @@ (Function[{root, g},
         RegionDifference[#, (#0 /@
               Cases[VertexOutComponent[g, #, 1], Except@#]) /. {{} ->
                EmptyRegion@2, {x__} :> RegionUnion@x}] &@
          root] @@@ #)] &[
       With[{root =
           VertexInDegree[g, #] == 0 &]}, {root,
         If[Length@# == 1, First@#, GraphUnion @@ #] &@
            Graph[DirectedEdge @@@ Partition[#, 2, 1]] & /@
I'm not certain if that code wins prizes in readability or elegance in general. :)
I wonder what would be the best way to find a "longest path" in a directed graph. FindShortestPath with negative weights seems to give correct result only occassionally.
To decrease readability of that snippet, I also used #0. :)
9:42 AM
One hint, BTW: if you're trying to convert a tree-shaped graph to a hierarchial lists-in-lists kind of data structure, don't bother with DepthFirstScan or BreadthFirstScan. It's much easier to just walk the graph recursively with your own code.
10:10 AM
@kirma This code: firstNotIn[fst_, sec_] :=FirstCase[fst, Except[Alternatives @@ sec]] will be about twice faster than First@*Complement on packed arrays, and vastly faster in general on unpacked arrays - for large enough arrays.
@LeonidShifrin Hmmm. That looks like a construct that might indeed work efficiently.
@kirma This is actually not obvious at all. I just happen to know that Cases (and apparently also FirstCase) were optimized for Alternatives @@ options pattern, if options does not contain blanks or other pattern-building placeholders
@LeonidShifrin Well, "might" in the sense it uses abstractions instead of explicit iteration, or something similar. And in this case it does that Alternatives optimization.
@kirma AFAIK, that optimization was added in M8. Apparently, it also works with Except. In general, Cases with Alternatives would have a much worse complexity. So, in general Cases(and other constructs based on pattern-matching) usually aren't the best options for efficiency.
10:41 AM
Now I'm amused by the fact that if I slice a region into two using a in RegionIntersection and HalfSpace and then BoundaryDiscretizeRegion it, vertices along the edge of that HalfSpace don't match.
Life would really be much easier if they did...
2 hours later…
1:02 PM
Note the hole on first region. It disappeared!
1:16 PM
Yes, it's a bug. Hrmmmm....
2:11 PM
Well, reported it. With luck, there'll be a fix on this decade! :)
Some Methods work better on this regard, but are absolutely not scalable enough...

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