Can anyone tell me how far back, versionwise, the undocumented Charting package works? I have a function I just made that uses AbsoluteOptions[....,Ticks] which works on the most recent version but has definitely not worked well in the past. So if I rewrite it using the charting package to make it more widely usable, will it indeed have that effect?
Here is a first try to assemble names of important technologies or products around Mathematica. I tried to give appropriate links and a clear description for each entry, so than new users have an idea what these things mean.
For some entries though, I just was not able to give an exact definiti...
Everyone, please add relevant information you have and don't hesitate to correct my writing! Often, I had to guess because the linked official web-sites are unbelievably useless. I would love to have a concrete explanation what exactly e.g. the Wolfram Universal Deployment System is.
Surely there are some incompatible changes between 10.1 and 10.3.1 but since I don't have access to the latter I cannot look for them. If you have both please try to extend this, and thanks:
There is documentation of the incompatible changes made to Mathematica with each major release:
Incompatible Changes since Mathematica Version 1
Unfortunately that documentation simply stopped with version 7. Therefore I ask:
What incompatible changes have been made since Mathematica 7?