@leonid, I know of your effort, and I know you would have prioritized tabular form if under your control, I really appreciate your rare ability to walk between development and marketing necessities. It was just an outburst of someone who uses the technology, and is troubled to see that certain things could be resolved more quickly and intelligently.
@leonid, will you be in WTC2014? Someone more from here?
@MichaelE2 and @MichaelE2 Sorry for the confusion, but did you notice that the result is not a vector of minimum from each row, but a scalar value that is the minimum of the matrix
@Nasser Sorry Nasser, have not explored the cloud yet!!
Regarding all worries on bugs in Mma 10: I'm turning towards the direction of hoping that either it's postponed, or starts to have frequent maintenance releases. Almost every corner of region processing I've tried has issues which should be fixed. It'd be major pain to wait for years for that, and to pay for it again at that point.
I think your code is not so memory hungry as you might expect. It does break and reform lists, but it tends to keep most sublists intact.
As others remarked, it might be possible to do better still using Hold wrappers and/or HoldXXX attributes, so as to emulate call-by-reference.
For a hard cor...
When using MathematicaScript on something completely trivial like 1+1 I get the error message "FrontEndObject::notavail: A front end is not available; certain operations require a front end." Why?
Or Print[1+1]. What I want is for it to output it to the command line, not any front end.
@Murta I'd like to. It is not clear yet, will depend on many factors. I'll try to be there. This depends solely on my decision, though - the company always encourages remote developers to come to WTC. And I always enjoy it, and have great time there too.
I'm trying to force Manipulate to use the parameters that I tweaked from the last run. I followed the answer here: mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/51495/…, but I'd rather not use a global variable to save my parameter values. Is there a way to just use a local variable to save my parameter values?
Module[{aSave}, Manipulate[aSave = a; Plot[Sin[a x], {x, 0, 2 Pi}], {{a, aSave}, 0, 3}]] does not work. The values would be reset after each run.
Is there a best practice for saving parameter values for Manipulate?
Thank you. After reading this post: stackoverflow.com/questions/3888915/…, I think using LocalizeVariables -> False and name the parameter to some obscure name (like aParam) is best thing right now.
Playing with the WPC and immediately running in to a problem. Trying `CloudDeploy[ Manipulate[Factor[ToExpression["x"]^n + 1], {n, 10, 100, 1}]]` from the docs and the CloudObject returned results in a webpage with the Manipulate and a black box over the object stating "Interactivity is not enabled".
@Murta One cell with a perhaps 30-line manipulate. It is a copy/paste from a Desktop notebook that seems to NOT run on the cloud atm. Perhaps WPC is trying to evaluate it and bugs out.
That must be it; a "simple" notebook opens without problems.
@Murta Yup did that - it looks like the changes in the way the curated data work (returning entities) coupled with the fact that what I want to retrieve takes too long for my free WPC account, makes it 'easier' to start from scratch.
I guess if there weren't a steep learning curve, it wouldn't be Mathematica.
@bobthechemist I do not know what is the difference, but you can also do Cell and share in the could. Where the cell is the one which has the manipulate. This way, it be interactive by default and will give you a URL to use for it. This works for one cell only. This is what I use now, instead of Depoly as it is simpler.
@Nasser I'll give that a shot - have you figured out how credits are getting charged? Looks like I'll run out of my monthly allocation if I spend the weekend learning how to play on the WPC.
@bobthechemist I have 100 credits used already. but for me, not important, as I will not use Cloud for anything, as dynamics do not really work well and it has many missing UI features, so I can't deploy any of my demos there. community.wolfram.com/groups/-/m/t/283360?p_p_auth=64zz9Sk8 may be when it works (Cloud version 2.0?) then I'll worry more about my token use :)
@Nasser I tend to agree. I don't want to be hasty, but my gut feeling is wait for version 2.0. I've got my students hooked on CDFs and will likely continue to 'Deploy' that way for the foreseeable future. That said, the ability to eventually embed MMA materials into websites is alluring.
@bobthechemist yes, that is what I do now, just use standard CDF's. I put all my demos there and can updated them anytime I want, etc... my ISP cost is only $10 per month. No tokens :) sure, having them in the cloud with no plugin would be better, but only if they work.
Let's see if I have my math correct. On the WPC, 'ElementData[#,"AtomicWeight"]&/@Range[88]` will cost me 176 credits. I can then retrieve the "AtomicRadius" and the "FirstIonizationEnergy" values for everything up to tungsten (heh, what a coincidence). Now I have to wait until next month, but I forgot to set SavedDefinitions->True so maybe by August I'll be able to create a primitive Manipulate that shows the trends in the Periodic Table....
...for no one to be able to use, since I used up my (free account) credits. If I can effectively use up my "free" account in 2-3 lines of code, is the account really worth my time?
@Nasser Looks like it. Had 470+ credits before lunch, and was sol after restarting my session after lunch.
I did get a nice automated message from the Wolfram Cloud team stating that I was out of credits and should buy some more. By my estimate, the $15/month plan might allow me to work on the Cloud until dinner.
@seismatica thanks, I am glad you liked it. I cleaned it a little and uploaded it. If you like to run it, the CDF is here goo.gl/0RLuVE
I am now worried about CDF's. With the Cloud coming, may be WRI will no longer maintain CDF plugins, and switch resources to the cloud instead? What will happen to all the CDF's one wrote in the long term? Will there still be a plugin that works say in firefox version 50? Will WRI keep maintaining support to CDF's parallel to the Cloud?
@van abel, if you see this, an MWE example of evaluating MMA code from PHP and then displaying it in the front end looks like this. You might run into problems with who's allowed to execute what, though, so it might not work right off.
@Nasser It is not obvious that browsers will support that kind of plugin in the future. Read about this for a starter.
@Pickett thanks for the link. so what will happen to the CDF's if browser will not support the plugin in the future? May be WRI will come up with a CDF->Cloud conversion tool? will see. At least one can still run the code inside Mathematica.
@Pickett yes, JUst plain Mathematica code, but can run inside the browser. But there might be something that works in the cloud and some not. Currently many things (dynamic/manipulate) related not supported in the cloud.
@acl except for health care! in EU they get free health care?, also schools are cheaper there. I looked at university fees, and for a EU citizen many are very low compared to the US.
So @Pickett can't really complain for paying little more for Wolfram credit.
@acl actually I looked into this alot. I can still go to EU as US citizen and still pay less than I pay for many schools here in the US ! at worst, it is the same.
@acl UK and others, there are web sites that shows fees for international students. They come out less than what I pay now in the US. I have not looked at many others outside UK due to language issues. I do not speak other EU languages.
Netherlands, a couple of thousand euro I think (although it might depend on some other things)
@Nasser I do remember that when I was applying to universities I had also applied to the US without paying much attention to fees. When I got the answers and looked at the fees, my eyes watered
@Nasser We have free health care & free education, and classes on a master's level are in English. You can come here :)
But it's not free for foreigner anymore though, but it used to be. They said when they made the change they would try to make it cheap through scholarships.
@Nasser Wait, the one thing you miss from the UK is the trains? Does a phase transition happend between London (were I was) and Liverpool? Because in and around London they are atrocious in all respects
@acl I think they do. I know we can finish our master's degree in France and get a French and Swedish degree. Same goes for Spain and lots of other countries.
@Pickett Yes the degrees do work in other countries (sort of, it's complicated actually). But I don't think postgraduate courses are taught in English in France. They very often are in the Netherlands, for example.
@Pickett well not really, in all the places I've been to the courses were in English (and not because of me, I've never taken a single course outside the UK)
@Pickett That's different though, I think pretty much anywhere you can submit a BSc/Masters'PhD thesis in English.
w/e level = whatever level = master's, phd and beyond. You may be right about BSC thesis. I just wrote one, and we were told that as a rule it has to be written in Swedish on principle unless there is a reason for another language. MSc on the other hand has to be written in English.
@Pickett for example I know that in Germany one can write an undergraduate thesis in English
I think also for small countries, as the level becomes higher, it makes less and less sense to write it in anything but English. If you write a PhD thesis on thermalisation in many-body quantum mechanics in Greek, you are not going to be able to pick from too many people able to read it and express an opinion.
come to think of it, I have no idea how to properly translate "thermalisation in many-body quantum mechanics" to Greek (so there goes one potential reader of the putative thesis)
Yes, this does not really surprise. I'm more surprised by my school's policy, and I imagine it's not the same in all Swedish universities. I think it's pretty good though, because many words don't exist in Swedish and you have to learn how to express those things. If you can write everything in English, you'll educate a generation of engineers/scientists who can't express what they do in their native language.
Not that one thesis is enough to be able to say anything... but you've encountered the problem at least once.
@Pickett Good point. I once tried to read a PhD thesis in Greek and half the words seemed made up to me. I guess they weren't, but I'd never heard of them. Even with Greek-speaking colleagues we more or less speak in English when we discuss work
@Pickett Well I studied in the UK, so I'm much worse than most. Even when I find out what the proper words are in Greek they sound ridiculous (sometimes they're also just wrong, and obviously randomly made up as needed)
@acl Swedish students are terrible at Swedish technical jargon by design I'm afraid because all our literature, even at undergraduate level, is in English. So already at this level we tend to sometimes use English words, we only learn about the Swedish words from the lecturer.