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12:01 AM
@Rojo if Pane s could be put in Graphics(and therefore have scrollbars and calculate the proper height) then there probably is a way to force Graphics to work. So far I haven't found a way to get Pane s to appear in Graphis.
@LiamWilliam But panes can also be resizeable
What's the real issue? The resizing, the pushing down, the fixed width?
@Rojo Currently I'm going to try and force Cells(or CellGroups) to appear inside a Pane. Thank you for the quick discussion, I initially hadn't realized Panes were resizable when a scrollbar was forced.
@LiamWilliam There's also AppearanceElements -> {"ResizeArea"}
but perhaps that makes the width variable too
12:35 AM
@xslittlegrass I think your question might be reaching the limit of my understanding. The ListPlot is of one of the horizontal sections of the WaveletScalogram. The cwd[{oct, voc}] gives the list of coefficients of the transform corresponding to {oct, voc}]. Look up ContinuousWaveletData for info.
@MichaelE2 OK, I'll, thanks a lot for the help.
8 hours later…
8:23 AM
The scale refers to the width of the wavelet. As the scale increases and the wavelet gets wider, it includes more of the time series, and the finer details get smeared out. The scale can be defined as the distance between oscillations in the wavelet (e.g. for the Morlet), or it can be some average width of the entire wavelet (e.g. for the Marr or Mexican hat).
7 hours later…
3:16 PM
Hi all!
It is possible to feed into PlotRegion3D multiple regions?
I've tried to look in the help but even with the classical grammar
it gives me an error saying that the first argooment is not a boolean function
@Yyrkoon RegionPlot3D[
x + y < 1 || x + y > 8, {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10}, {z, -10, 10}]
ah wow...so simple. Thanks a Lot!!!
5 hours later…
8:26 PM
Mathematica is stuck evaluating an NMinimize and I can't even evaluate in subsession, any trick I can use to Save a symbol?
Is it possible to increase the download speed for computable data stuff?
Or even download the stuff outside of mathematica so I don't have to lock up a kernel
9:17 PM
@ssch *Data[All,"Preload"];RebuildPacletData[]
9:42 PM
@rm-rf Sadly that doesn't seem to do anything for WeatherData (wind in particular) so currently I'm parsing data from here: ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data
1 hour later…
10:52 PM
@ssch In any case, for anything scientific/publishable, I wouldn't trust WRI's curated data in a million years. I use data from NOAA as well, for my needs.
What I typically do is to download the required years using wget and mirror NOAA's site structure. Then, for stuff that's available locally, I read from file and use an option to read from NOAA's site for stuff that I don't have (I download to disk if I realize it's something that I need). The nice thing about this is that 99% of the path/url is the same, so you only need to switch the prefix
@rm-rf wgetting now :) You wouldn't happen to have an ISD parser?
Just using:
@ssch No, sorry. I have some wave height/period/spectra parser and stuff, but not for isd
{{1, 4}, {5, 10}, {11, 15}, {16, 23}, {24, 27},
{28, 28}, {29, 34}, {35, 41}, {42, 46},
{47, 51}, {52, 56}, {57, 60},
{61, 63}, {64, 64}, {65, 65}, {66, 69}, {70, 70}}]

for now

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