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4:23 PM
@somethingSomething hi
As said before, here is my case: I ran/and run this command in my terminal(Konsole) cat .bash_history | grep ./configure and I'm 100% sure I'm in my ~/ directory, I've also tried ls -ahl to see if .bash_history is located there and it is......
If you have any input on the issue it is much apprieated.
@somethingSomething OK, your comment said you ran in on .bashrc, I assumed thta was a typo, I just wanted to make sure.
this is the method of grep'ing I've used and I didn't notice before that it didn't work.
cat file | grep foo will give the same results as grep foo file. The latter is just more elegant since it avoids the Useless Use of Cat.
Is it not a valid command...... for the expected result
4:27 PM
I asked only because you said .bashrc:
@terdon I closed one terminal( the one I ./configured in last is scanning an hdd for viruses) but since I've used this os for more than a year it is unlikely that I've not used ./configure in that time and closed the terminal afterwards. Still I opened an new one and ran the command again: cat .bashrc | grep ./configure, .... no output. I'm pretty sure I've compiled more than then the one program I compiled in the last five day's. — somethingSomething 33 mins ago
Yes I ran it for .bash_history
So, what's the situation at the moment? Does cat .bash_history | grep configure return anything?
No, when I run your command it gives 8 results, when I run my version it gives zeor/"no output"
What? Could you paste both commands here please?
also try history | grep configure
I on an other system here but the other is just besides me,.... I type exactly as it is in the open terminal.....
Your command:
grep ./configure ~/.bash_history 8 results................. : ./configure --enable-experimental --with-dbdir=/usr/local/share/clamav and ./configure --enable-experimental --with-dbdir=/usr/local/share/clamav --enable-bzip2 and 6 more
My command:
cat .bash_history | grep ./configure
no results
I'm sure I'm in right directory, because I see the directory name in the prompt and I tried to ls -ahl to see if .bash_history is there
4:35 PM
How about cat ~/.bash_history | grep ./configure ?
There is no reason why cat file | grep ... would be different from grep foo file.
Your last version works, it is similar to my command except it uses ~/.bash_history
Unless they're not the same file.
@somethingSomething In that case, you're just not in the right directory.
Run pwd
No pwd gives /home/kristjan, that's my home/"~/"
~/ == /home/kristjan
fuck sorry
I just realized
4:39 PM
I'm loggen in to root
Ah, yes, that would indeed explain it :)
No problem, I thought it would be something like that.
thanks for the attention
4:40 PM
@somethingSomething That's what we're here for :)
OK, I suggest you delete your question since it is down to a misunderstanding. Let me know if you can't delete and I'll close it.
heehehe unix linux gives me more than alot
it says I can't delete because it has an answer, I'll give an explanation as an answer
@somethingSomething Probably not worth it. Since this is a typo, I'll close as "too localized".
It is unlikely to help future visitors.
5:11 PM
Yes your right
But I'm learning a lot(maybe not so much in this case(silly mistake)) and thanks for your work here.

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