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9 hours later…
@C.Ross @ChrisW.Rea Money.se will launch as soon as we roll out the new top bar. I didn't want to launch the money.se design with the old topbar, then change it to something else. that's why the delay.
Money.se is definitely launching next! we're doing a lot of ground work for the top bar right now.
@Jin Thanks for letting us know! Glad we're next.
@JohnBensin Re: launch. See Jin's remarks immediately above. Yay!
@Jin BTW, I linked to your remarks from about five or six different meta questions on the subject of graduation, perpetual beta, etc. :) Glad the site is so close to the milestone now.
@ChrisW.Rea yes it's exciting!
we're aiming to launch the top bar this month. it's quite involved, with backend work and front end tweaks to a lot of SE sites. soon after that Money will launch

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