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4 hours later…
5 hours later…
6 hours later…
This question was previously closed as a duplicate of this question, which asserts that if $f : X \to Y$ is a homeomorphism and that if $C$ is a connected component of $X$, then $f(C)$ is a connected component of $Y$, and $C$ is homeomorphic to $f(C)$. Per that linked question, if $f : (0,1)\cup (1,2) \to \{a,b\}$, then it must be that either $f((0,1)) = \{a\}$, or $f((0,1)) = \{b\}$. In either case, the restriction of $f$ to $(0,1)$ is a homeomorphism from an uncountable set to a singleton. By a cardinality argument, this can't happen. — Xander Henderson ♦ 2 mins ago
If the problem is understanding why homeomorphisms induce homeomorphisms of connected components, then this question is a duplicate of the linked question. If the problem is understanding why an interval is not homeomorphic to a singleton set, then a straight-forward cardinality argument resolves the issue (the cardinality of a singleton is 1, which is quite a lot smaller than the cardinality of an interval, which rules out the possibility of a bijection). In either case, it is not at all clear what the actual obstruction is, and so I don't believe that this question is suitable for Math SE. — Xander Henderson ♦ 20 secs ago
This question has been closed twice (once by me, as a duplicate). I suspect that many of you have already cast votes, but I am not in a position where I can overrule the reopening. I will also note that we are at 23 edits, and counting.
/me is very frustrated by this question.
@XanderHenderson Understood.
@XanderHenderson Me too, and three!
Please note the reopeners, including @ArcticChar.
1 hour later…
Most of the D1-12 that I linked above have gathered 1 undelete vote. I wonder who will be the voter.
@ArcticChar I think all question have been deleted
@jasmine Yes, but can see that most of all have gathered 1 undelete vote, this even have 2.
okay @ArcticChar I didn't notice that
D1, D2, D3.
D4, D5, D6.
D7, D8, D9.
C1, C2, C3.
C4, C5, C6.
C7, C8, C9.
@Peter One more close-vote needed.
@Peter Gone.
@user21820 Did you realize this question has been reopened, after 21 edits, each of which sent it to the reopen queue?. Also, six additional trivial edits made. Some people don't know when to stop. And likely because the asker has been banned from asking questions. Don't be surprised if said OP changes the post/question, for every new question they want to ask.
ne more delete vote needed. @JoséCarlosSantos, we could use your help in deletion!
^^^ One more delete vote on the link above.
@amWhy It's gone now.
@JoséCarlosSantos Thanks!
1 message moved to ­Trash

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