Hello. I got in to see what this was about. Didn't know the chat kept me connected even when I closed the tab. Does it do it if I click on the leave hyperlink? haha sorry for the noobness.
@JackozeeHakkiuz Nope, when you click on leave, you actually "leave". I'm usually in the room by default (even when I'm not really in the room), because I forget to actually "leave" :-)
What I mean by "semi-invisible" is this: you see your identicon, and mine, on the right side, roughly in the middle? Compare the brightness of ours compared to the other two faded identicons.
I have noticed that there are a lot of questions that pop up with spaces before punctuation (for example, this question, before I edited it). Any ideas why this seems to happen? Do people just not know how punctuation works?
@DanielFischer Argh! So the only message one can receive is via the canned reasons, and that's only if the edit is in fact, ultimately rejected? Methinks it's time for a meta post, complaining about such trivial edits, with links to examples. Afterall, meta is largely one sided recently.
I know I commented on two of their (specific user I mentioned above), on edits that were "inappropriately" accepted. (Oh, and it would be good on meta to post links to those, to perhaps shame the accepters.) So they became, in fact, the "editor" on those two posts.
@amWhy You can comment on posts where a suggestion was approved, or on a post authored by the user in question. As long as such workarounds aren't overdone, such slight abuse of the comment system is tolerated.
I've posted three comments in all. I don't plan on doing so often. My main purpose was to inform them. But if they choose not to accept suggestions, which they have thus far ignored, then I don't plan to utter words that fall on deaf ears, and all the more reason for me to believe that a good number of their suggested edits are made, not so as to improve a question/site, but for personal gain.
@user21820 Oh no! ... No problems! We all should be forced to deal with unexpected disruptions from "connectivity" for a day or two, once in a while. Sorry if I sounded impatient. I wan't feeling impatient!
@XanderHenderson Actually, it is a good question if you don't make the oft made assumption that probability has real world meaning. (The only way I know of is rather intricate and not at all trivial.) Then the answer would be that yes if you set aside the J heart then the conditional probability of getting it would be zero.
@amWhy No worries. I am here so regularly that it makes sense to ask when I disappear for too long hahaha..
@TheoBendit I believe what happens is that when you have a tab for some chat-room then it automatically refreshes every so often, so if you are logged into SE (via a cookie or something) then all the chat-room tabs automatically see that cookie when they refresh, hence making you appear in the room even if you didn't actually navigate to that tab!
I guess I'm too tired to read more haha..
@amWhy: Going off soon after I check out the other rooms. See you! =)
@user21820 Although, when one does not leave a room, even if they may close the tab they had opened for a chat, if someone comments in that room that they haven't left, they'll be pinged, or notified in another chatroom. (At least for a period of time, the length of which, I don't know.)
Btw, have you, @user21820 noticed who is no longer in our midst? Also, @Did, you want to participate in CRUDE more actively again, given our nemesis is no longer present in our room?
@amWhy I don't mind if he wants to silently act on stuff he sees here, since there are also others who silently act contrary for a large fraction of stuff we propose to act on.
@XanderHenderson Yup, I've since remembered that fact, though I haven't seen any external interference in CRUDE. I.e., there has been no reason for them to interfere. So I don't think there's much to worry about right now.
@JohnMa Any thoughts on running for a moderator position? I think you have a lot of attributes, and dedication to the site, that I hope you'll consider running?