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5:05 AM
Please consider deleting this: math.stackexchange.com/questions/2753939/…
5 hours later…
11:18 AM
The reviews are not counted consecutively (sometimes there is a gap), but there already was a review with number 1000000. I wonder whether there is some way to find out actual count, but probably it's not going to be too far from 1 million.
4 hours later…
3 hours later…
6:00 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted username, offensive answer detected, toxic answer detected: How can we describe the graph of $x^x$ for negative values? by FUCK HOLE on math.SE
1 hour later…
8:02 PM
Interesting question, but unfortunately no effort shown at all: Hard Inequality Question with bounded domain for x and y.
8:13 PM
@MartinR closed
3 hours later…
10:59 PM
If you run short of delete votes, feel free to ping me. But: relatively clear cut stuff only (say poor questions, with not so great answer but good enough to prevent auto-deleted). Also only "closed" (not "on hold" questions).
Preferably several items in one chat-post, or post them in a string.
Let's say no more than about ten items a day for a start.
(This is the absolute max. If there is no dire need at all, just do not ping me. It is not that I am bored.) [Added: Needless to say, I will not just mechanically delete; so it might be that I do not act on some proposal.]

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