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6:53 AM
Open letter to students with homework problems and How to ask homework questions: Make a genuine attempt yourself, show the code, ask a specific question. — kaylum 16 secs ago
7:26 AM
Please take the tour to learn how Stack Overflow works and read How to Ask on how to improve the quality of your question. Then check the help center to see what questions you can ask. Please see: Why is “Is it possible to…” a poorly worded question? (don't just change your question to "How"). Please show your attempts you have tried and the problems/error messages you get from your attempts. — Progman 6 secs ago
6 hours later…
1:08 PM
Ryan Donovan on June 26, 2021
In the sixth lesson of the series we’ll discuss some methods for data transformation to improve a linear regression model. In the process, we’ll learn to simulate data with known properties, review some of the assumptions of linear regression, and continue to practice our Python skills. Here are some Stack Overflow questions related to the…
3 hours later…
3 hours later…
7:47 PM
Better means the ideal form to write a function, like seniors programmers write. — Charles Braga 46 secs ago

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