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When I see people linking to the meta posts / essays I write, it gives me a warm fuzzy. Especially when the people aren't gnat (I've gotten lots of warm fuzzies from him in the past... that just sounds wrong. Never mind). Today's warm fuzzy is brought to me by Jörg.
Fanatic. Finally.
@AshleyNunn Ugh I missed a day on MSE Fanatic (it was way behind the Progs and SO ones though)
@durron597 Arqade took me a while
I kept taking vacation and stuff in hte middle of it
@AshleyNunn Prior to this last push to Fanatic I usually missed at least one day on the weekend, most weekends.
Being a mod has really kept me in hte loop (apparently I've not missed a day since like january)
(even with brain surgery)
(Being able to check on my phone helps)
I had pretty much given up on Fanatic until STCI
I have since lost steam on STCI but I only had like 10 days to go when that happened.
I think I finally figured out why it's so difficult to understand this system.
Almost all of the business logic is embedded in SQL statements.
@RobertHarvey Which are stored as strings in other database tables.
Yes, exactly.
The vast majority of C# code and Interfaces are devoted to "engines" that interpret and execute the SQL.
And produce some result.
Which is why there are so many Interfaces that contain some sort of Execute method that return some sort of IResult.
I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry.
And all of the SQL in the strings is created via scripts of the form UPDATE someTable SET someField = SomeDecisionEnumValue, someOtherSetting = IsBlargh, and so on
It's the closest thing to an Inner Platform I've ever seen in production.
@RobertHarvey How much leeway do you have to try to refactor it into something more reasonable?
Did I mention they have scalability issues?
@durron597 Um. Well, I think some of their SQL is too complicated. There's a cache table that has a pruning SQL statement that has four joins in it.
All I'd have to do is add a DateCreated field to it, and I could get it down to zero joins.
@RobertHarvey Well, start by refactoring the sql.
That's what I think. There's some low-hanging (and some not so low-hanging) fruit there.
The architecture itself is pretty much set in stone. It might be better had they not had a cowboy working there for awhile.
Who had a rugged individualist mindset.
I suspect that some of these things were his doing.
@RobertHarvey Complete with a branding iron and spurs?
Yes, and all that.
Because the lead architect is very smart. I've seen some of his newer code (written within the last couple of weeks), and it's very sensible.
Fortunately, I report to him directly.
So there may be some room for improvement. He's said as much.
@RobertHarvey I suspect then he's as irritated as you are, then.
Yeah, you could say that. :P
I only hope there's enough will to fix some of the technical debt. There's a whole lot to do in a fairly short period of time, and I have to figure out how to get good at this system in a hurry or some of it is not going to get done.
It's a bit shocking to see a system use all of the principles like Program to an Interface, not an Implementation, SRP, and so on, properly, but then find out that most of the responsibilities that should probably be relegated to classes are actually in these convoluted SQL statements.
Anyway, welcome to my world.
@RobertHarvey Maybe the programmer knew SQL really well but was fudging his C# knowledge
or just knew enough to call SQL from C#
I think he got off on how clever it all is. Because it is really quite clever. Whether it is maintainable and scalable is another matter.
I'm just amused that came up in a review queue concurrent with this conversation.
@RobertHarvey Is this really well obfuscated spam? stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/8950902
I'm inclined to improve the edit to remove the citation.
I rejected it as "copied content."
(the reason the original reviewer gave)
Yeah, looking at his other posts, it's something he appears to do often - copy content and then link to it.
Which I suppose is better than copying content and not linking to it.
Gotta run, dinner time. Good luck with the SQL!
Gee, thanks.
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
@GlenH7 You have mentioned FGITW the other day. Curiously, there is an exact equivalent abbreviation (albeit more obscene) in Russian web slang: первонах.
1 hour later…
is anyone active here now?
3 hours later…
Questions about licenses are off-topic here, you would have better luck on Programmers, where it would probably be a duplicate. — Deduplicator 56 secs ago
Legal issues are off-topic. As it involves software licensing, Programmers might work though. — Deduplicator 39 secs ago
1 hour later…
Anybody who hasn't watched it; check out Sense8, skipped past it a grip of times on Netflix because it sounded kind of dumb in the blurb, but gave it a shot and I am seriously impressed. I can't recall the last show I found this engaging. @WorldEngineer it's got Martha Jones BTW
Speaking of Netflix, I need to finish OITNB and Between (I think it's called - the one about the disease that kills people when they turn 22 or something).
@ThomasOwens Is Between good? Seriously - you need to start Sense8 if you like the Netflix originals. Hands down the best thing Netflix has done yet.
I may go back and try Between after I finish Sense8 just because of how good it is, Between was another one I was skipping past that looked interesting but sounded a little too bla
I have a love-hate relationship with these kinds of shows ever since I watched "Lost".
@JimmyHoffa I enjoy it. But I kind of lost time to watch it.
@NickAlexeev Now I'm curious to know what the Russian translation of that is....
translate: первонах
(from Russian) pervonah
go home translate you're drunk
@enderland Yeah, I had a feeling the auto-translate wasn't going to be able to pull out a Russian acronym.
Первонах: A dismissive and derogatory name for users competing for the first comment on a blog or
forum post.
@RespectMyAuthoritah Is it an acronym / abbreviation though? For example, FGITW is "Fastest Gun in the West"
I've been on several forums where there was some "fame" (??) associated with posting a "first" response to a new post
@RespectMyAuthoritah "these kinds" ? Sense8 is nothing like Lost
I think it's an abbreviation of "Первый нах!" meaning "fuckin first!"
translate: Первый нах
(from Russian) First Nah
Oh, translate... You're so coy.
no letter in our alphabet for the russian x apparently, I'd have thought translate would have done something
It's a shame how translators drop the nuance of phrases that give them their real meaning
First nah of the morning.
@ThomasOwens Have you watched Daredevil yet? I haven't gotten to it yet but everyone I know says it's amazing
I wonder what translate does for ц
translate: ц
(from sr-Cyrl-RS) c
@durron597 it's a lot of fun, Sense8 is way better
@GlenH7 yeah, not quite right
It's definitely better than that god-awful movie.
@JimmyHoffa Well of course, it's J Michael Straczynski
@durron597 ?
@JimmyHoffa One of the creators. Also the guy who created Babylon 5
@durron597 of?
Happy Coffee Day, Progs
@JimmyHoffa Sense8
Happy coffee day
@Ampt Omg! I forgot! Happy Coffee Day!
When is five hour energy day?
@durron597 oh, whatever, it's bloody phenomenal either way.
[raises his cup]
@MichaelT the same day the country decides to put an AED on every street corner
@MichaelT Feb 30
@MichaelT - perhaps you should stop thinking about it? :-P
Jul 14 at 14:00, by Ampt
@JimmyHoffa every day is coffee day
..wow, it's like all of Whiteboard right now. Represent.
@JimmyHoffa Work + life have been extra busy lately
man, that is crazy
@GlenH7 "down vote as a warning to others and walk away?" style stop thinking?
I dropped a VTC as too broad
@durron597 I know, it's easy to forget, as it only comes once a day.
4 answers, all orthogonal to each other, is indicative of a too broad question in my book.
and now it's time for me to go make my cup... sitting here writing a simple local file DB from scratch to have a data store on clients machines for small bits of data where we won't want to make people install SQL
What are you guys talking about? The Recker question?
in other words, serializing arrays in JSON to disk
@durron597 also, isn't Babylon 5 supposed to be like the bane of Star Trek?
@JimmyHoffa What do you mean?
@durron597 I was talking about the Rekker question. MichaelT was looking at a different one.
I thought it was the terrible show everyone hated that brought about the death of the franchise
Continuing story line with multi season arc. Vs stand alone episodes with minimal development to make syndication easier?
@JimmyHoffa Babylon 5 is a totally different universe than Star Trek. The shows have nothing to do with each other.
Oh, I thought it was like...deep space nine...babylon 5...all star trek shit, meh
@MichaelT Also this. There are things in season 1 that don't payoff until season 5
(deep space 9 was star trek right?)
@JimmyHoffa So both Denver and Pittsburgh are midwestern cities right?
I never could watch any of that star trek stuff
DS9 played with some of that. But it didn't have the same cohesive artistic vision.
Yes - DS9 is trek.
@durron597 Pittsburgh wishes, they are solidly southern. Denver's not above acceptance, nothing wrong with the MidWest.
@JimmyHoffa All that midwest shit, meh.
There are little things in B5 that are nice - like physics. Spinning space station to get gravity.
@MichaelT Three dimensional space battles
The star fury fighters having to thust forward to stop. Even the high tech ships turn around to stop.
@MichaelT Villains that are inscrutable and actually scary
Bester rocks.
Vorlons. Shadows. Zathras.
@MichaelT No you won't.
> "Cannot run out of time. There is infinite time. You are finite. Zathras is finite. This....is wrong tool."
It'll haunt you until the end of your days
every time you close your eyes you'll see that one question that got away.
or not, whatever.
more thunderstorms.. I guess this is good for crops
For fun - calculate how much water falls on your house in a year.
I think we had like 3 inches yesterday? and more today?
@enderland Is that sort of like "first world problems"
(For me, it's 13.5k gallons)
@durron597 nah flyover country is the third world amirite
7 mins ago, by durron597
@JimmyHoffa All that midwest shit, meh.
@enderland Depends upon the wind levels and if there's any hail. Those tend to damage the crops.
@GlenH7 just been rain so far (some wind, but not enough to matter I don't think?)
wife said Sense8 was horrible, didn't get past the first episode.
Yeah, I wait for NOAA and their advisories before I worry too much
daredevil was excellent though.
@Telastyn O_o what?
@enderland we're having a wicked monsoon season this year
the Grantland review also said it was a highly ambitious tire fire.
@GlenH7 NWS keeps a close eye on us, because they're here. Home field advantage FTW.
@Telastyn pfleh. All wrong. Though if you're wife doesn't like it, I suppose that precludes you from watching it anywho.
Wife and I are on the 5th episode now, just keeps getting better. Reminds me of Heroes in a lot of ways, though so far no epic stupidity
enh, mostly, I am sad that it's been almost 20 years since the Wachowskis and JMS did anything good. At some point, I need to cut them off.
she also loathed Heroes.
That makes sense then. We enjoyed the first season, immediately after that though the show took a prompt detour over a cliff, like immediately. They clearly didn't plan on the possibility of getting more than one season
I liked it okay, but it seemed like a fairly blatant 4400 rip off
4400 was before Heroes? I watched it well after
worse writing, better budget.
yes, 2004 vs 2006
@Telastyn I cut off the Wachowskis ages ago... only started watching Sense8 because someone encouraged me to try it, Wachowski name means nothing anymore
@JimmyHoffa yeah we've gotten a lot of rain - not too much I don't think, but a lot
@enderland we've been breaking records for rain fall here. I suspect the climate got drunk and decided to play a trick on CA, or maybe it just finally updated itself based on population and realized half of CA moved to CO in the last 20 years and is beginning to water us instead
@JimmyHoffa It all flows back downhill to CA anyway, right?
> Officials in France have accused the Swiss army of crossing the border and stealing water from a French lake for the cows.
The Colorado River Compact is a 1922 agreement among seven U.S. states in the basin of the Colorado River in the American Southwest governing the allocation of the water rights to the river's water among the parties of the interstate compact. The agreement was signed at a meeting at Bishop's Lodge, near Santa Fe, New Mexico, by representatives of the seven states the Colorado river and its tributaries pass through on the way to Mexico. == Law of the River == The Colorado River is managed and operated under numerous compacts, federal laws, court decisions and decrees, contracts, and regula...
@GlenH7 round my parts, it's been very good for crops so far this year. Should be some massive hauls soon.
@enderland henceforth I am always going to read the word "cow" as "bull", it just makes all farm related text more interesting
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs at Computer Science Stack Exchange, however, it is too old to migrate. — Snowman Jul 10 at 16:44
why is that question off topic here?
Who linked Tom Scott? Was that you @Telastyn? That translation thing? You're a dick. There's way too many interesting videos there, had to close the tab or risk serious productivity loss.
@JimmyHoffa That was @RespectMyAuthoritah
@enderland I think broader questions about Big O are on-topic, but detailed questions are being shunted to CS
@RobertHarvey I'll take that as a "no".
For anyone curious: Supremely pleased with my nvidia shield after ~a week. Will have to look at a bunch of those videos by that Tom Scott fellow when I get home - the thing is insanely snappy.
perfect gaming console for my kid because console games are stupidly expensive, and android games being made for mobile are way more casual and easier for the lad
did you get the flip up shield?
I have the tablet
I gotta say, I love my PS Vita. Tons of indie games, and usually they aren't as involved story driven as the 3DS games
Easier to pick up for 10 minutes and then put it down between meetings.
@JimmyHoffa it might be worth it to pick up one of the last gen consoles if you want cheap entertainment for the kids.
@Ampt I kinda of wonder if Nintendo is going to break ranks / traditional release cycles and release another console as a successor to the Wii U
@durron597 Probably won't hear much from me today. I have to write SQL.
@RobertHarvey Oh, thought you had to write C# and delete SQL ;)
@JimmyHoffa I love when he explains how complicated something is and gets really worked up.
@durron597 Only if I'm contemplating rewriting the whole thing. Seriously, this is a pain in the ass.
@RobertHarvey Look at it this way, you were unemployed for awhile, now you have a job with a really craptastic commute. You're not going to be there long, but you're improving your resume.
@GlenH7 actually I hear those who have the wii u really like it
I'm not sure that theres any real benefit to EOLing it so early
@Ampt only real complaints I've heard are the comparatively underpowered hardware. I think upping what the games could do would be the potential advantage
@durron597 I will say it's a great exercise in learning SQL.
my kids love theirs
@GlenH7 true, but that's been the complaint since the N64 hah
Yeah, that's a fair observation
even their handhelds have always been underpowered. the 3DS is just barely capable of 3d, while I can play borderlands 2 on my ps vita
@Ampt no - the shield TV
ahhhhh, ok, that's neat!
@Ampt you know, I looked and looked at this, but I could never find anything reasonable - people for whatever reason always think their old shits gold and try selling it all used at the price they bought it. Also, even games for the wii we did get for my kid which flopped were $8+ each. Android Play Store has countless free games, and the ones you pay for are mostly all under $5
There's 3 options for this kind of thing already now, and nvidia's and razers both look to be great, the nexus coming in cheaper would still be an awesome media box
with Razer having just bought ouya, I'm interested to see what they do in that space
@Ampt look at the link I just posted
I did
they bought them literally a few days ago
so I imagine they will have something different coming to life
I didn't know Razer did that, I sure hope they bring the Ouya support to Android TV because then people would definitely port that over to the nvidia device - what I read about the Ouya platform was saying there's an underlying game platform framework for the controller/general gaming facilities of the system that all the Ouya games were tied into which makes them non-portable to other android devices even though they're all android
Why did the industry standardize on the acronym CRUD? I think I prefer CURD, it reminds me of yummy cheese. I'm going to use that from now on.
@JimmyHoffa Analogous with so much of what we have to deal with on a daily basis, duh.
@GlenH7 you deal with lots of CURD on a daily basis? You midwesterners are so lucky, I don't even know where to go if I want a CURD...
WI, aka the land of cheese curds, isn't so far away for me as compared to you.
Takes a little bit of searching, but you can find them at decent grocery stores too.
More like every decent grocery store haha
Yeah, that's a good baseline for that determination
speaking of local delicacies, @enderland you never answered me about selling me some of your home roasted beans. I'll toss in another $10 for a bit of curds in the package. Maybe an exchange; I could send you some proper Colorado green chile (not that New Mexico trash which is only fit to be used as a hot sauce)
I'm happy that my nearby grocery has a section dedicated to artisan type cheeses
@JimmyHoffa Are you bashing NM green chiles or hatch green chiles?
Hatch green chiles are dang tasty, but don't quite live up to the hype either
@GlenH7 neither (though I honestly am not a fan of Hatch which everyone goes bonkers for), I'm referring to Green Chile - the dish. Colorado style specifically - basically a thick spicy pork stew. New Mexico style is a thin often meanless soup which really belongs in a tobasco bottle, not a bowl.
@RobertHarvey Um, just migrated
All you now
Was migration not the intent? Considering there were 4 votes to migrate.
migrate it TO THE TRASH
@ThomasOwens If there were 4 then Robert was one of those voting to migrate
I wouldn't have migrated it, but again, I don't spend as much time on SO reviewing things there.
I love a normal anaheim, rich and fresh flavor with a little nip of spice, the Hatch strain bred all the flavor out in favor of spiciness for the gimmick.
@JimmyHoffa Now I understand what you're referring to. I was just focusing on the peppers themselves.
@GlenH7 Yeah. I wouldn't have migrated either. But @RobertHarvey called for a close vote and there were 4 votes to igrate.
My assumption, since there wasn't an indication otherwise, that he was one of the close voters and supported a migration.
Safe assumption. :-)
hmmm finding out that a prod system is connected to a dev system... ruh oh
What do you mean by "connected"?
our prod system, if uses this database, is connected to the dev version -- not the prod version
@Ampt more or less. We're meatitarians so... hell to that garbage.
@enderland yeah - network segmentation for dev vs qa vs prod is always good... The cheap mans solution is putting trash in the hosts file for the machine names so they resolve eachothers environments to junk..
that's a shit solution though. Proper segmentation in the routers to enforce inaccessibility is the way to do it.
@enderland $20 for a pound of home roasted beans?
ahhh I keep forgetting to respond to that
I should get some non-decaf ones, they have a more rich flavor (the decaf are very good relative to other decaf beans)
also @MichaelT epic keeps emailing me, I just got another email from them today asking if I was interested in learning more
@enderland you just didn't want to admit to drinking decaf, you dirty heathen! :P I should switch again, but... ehh... I have way less tiredness when I'm not drinking caffeine at all, but it's such a hard place to get to.
@JimmyHoffa I like the flavor of coffee a lot, caffiene is nice but I get too addicted too easily
and if I have it after about 1pm then I have trouble sleeping
same; I always drink decaf when I stop drinking caffeine because it's still delicious if you get something decent
@enderland I have the opposite - the more coffee I drink the less effect it has until it starts making me tired... that's usually when I cut it out and can't keep my eyes open for a week until I get over the crash..
Not a programming specific question. Belongs to programmers.stackexchange.comDipen Shah 45 secs ago
so long as I keep myself to one - two cups a day I'm fine. (granted "cup" means 20oz...)
Haha I have a 20oz thermos
> I found your LinkedIn profile and was interested in reaching out directly, and was able to find your email through some Boolean searching online.
I think the recruiter just lied to me with the answer of how she got my email address
"boolean searching online" what in the world could that mean, lol
They know how to use the word "and"? :p
@enderland it means they got your e-mail from some means they really don't want to divulge as they're either shady, contractually prohibited by the source, or they consider their technique of finding programmers email addresses some kind of recruiting trade secret
@JimmyHoffa yeah, I think it means something like that, I had applied there (years ago now) so I'm sure I'm stuck in that system forever
I suspect the middle one to be the most likely - whoever's gathering and reselling all our data really doesn't want us to know it's them because then we might avoid them (looking at you SE, linkedin, google, and everyone else who I am voluntarily sharing data with)
71,000 close reviews all time.
The 71,000th goes to @durron597
@MichaelT Sweet.
@MichaelT It's a good thing I have 71 fingers, so that number is especially meaningful.
@GlenH7 has done 16% of all close reviews. I've only done 14%.
@durron597 one interpretation of that is... You keep people's fingers?
@durron597 thanks for that, I haven't thought about those old comics in many years...
And yea, jimmy got the red meat first.
@JimmyHoffa it's still there.
apparently so :)
@MichaelT Genetic anomaly
Uh huh. I bet you're watching Dexter now.
@JimmyHoffa Wasn't Red Meat a Milwaukee based comic?
@GlenH7 don't ask me, alls I know is it was awesome. I wouldn't be surprised, curds, red meat, you guys got all the cool stuff.
I only visited, I can't really call it home.
But I want to say that fingers strip was an off-color reference back to Jeffrey Dahmer.
@GlenH7 Red Meat was an off-color reference in and of itself
That's quite true
Happy coffee day.
So, I just realized: Every single person who works in the chem lab and every single person who works in the accounting department here is female.
Every single person who works in Sales, Technology, Engineering, and Production is male.
Thoughts? (cc: @GlenH7 @enderland )
starts wondering if that's intentional
This includes department heads. e.g. the head of accounting and the chem lab are female too
That's an ... unusual ... distribution
There's one lab head and about 6 or 7 techs, all women
but given the relatively small size of the company, I'm not certain I'm too surprised.
Accounting is three women incl. department head
engineering is about 5 people, all men
production is about 55 people, but most of those jobs are minimum wage heavy labor jobs
sales is about 10 people, all men.
technology is four people, men. i'm in trading which is technically different than technology, which is 6 men.
It's an unusual distribution, but perhaps not too surprising given the gender of the department heads
what's even more bizarre is that they seem to be grouped by location
until trading moved downstairs last week, the first floor was accounting and chem lab and the partner's office, which was the CEO, his brother and his father
Though you mean to discuss this is not a place to necessarily discuss a topic like this. Stackoverflow is meant for answering programming questions related to code. You would probably be best served at the Programmers Stack Exchange. — Cayce K 32 secs ago
the second floor is an entirely male floor, to the point where we just used the ladies room like it was a second mens room.
Anyone here ever been to an orthodox jewish wedding? Now that I'm thinking about it, it feels a little like planned chaperonage
@durron597 Never been to an orthodox one, no. A few non-orthodox ones, yes
@GlenH7 Orthodox jews completely separate the genders.
It's almost like two totally different parties.
That would seem a bit weird the first time going to one
@GlenH7 Yeah, it was, and I'm a reform jew ;)
Only been to one, but I've been to other events hosted by that friend and again, it's usually separated.
But still, it's not that weird when you know it's coming as in the case of my friend. But it's really weird in a secular office.
I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt and assume your office ended up that way by coincidence and not through planning
@GlenH7 Yeah probably.
@HenriS. so maybe you could ask a moderator to move your question to Programmers, since this question is not suitable for StackOverflow. — Henrique Barcelos 47 secs ago
@durron597 ... you have a chem lab? ...and that doesn't qualify as science?
you work at what is officially the strangest trading desk I have ever heard of
@GlenH7 I'd call "100%" a coincedence, depending on the sample sizes though I wouldn't claim the bias unintentional- whether conscious or subconscious - unless the sample size is like 2-4 people
I must say, being a trading company for a single influential investor, who also happens to have a chem lab seems super suspicious
@Telastyn don't draw attention to it unless you want a one way trip to an island bunker...
all the same, could also be effect of broader societal gender biases from earlier in the career pipeline, as in: most people (training for | encouraged to train for) X job are Z gender
@durron597 That's somewhat my experience, we probably have that trend but no where near 100% / 0% breakdowns
Engineering as a whole is pretty heavily male, and I think that women leave engineering at a very high percentage compared to men, too
100% of my jet pack flight attendants are barbary apes. (100% of a 0 sample size still counts as 100% right?)
@JimmyHoffa I don't have a chem lab, it's a different department ;) I'm a commodities trader, other parts of my company are commodity producers
@JimmyHoffa How funny, 0% of my jet pack flight attendants are barbary apes. 100% of them are emus
@Telastyn The single influential investor's day job is running the commodity production part of the company.
"commodity production" - riiight.
did they used to be a former Albuquerque high school teacher?
@Telastyn nope. You have 19 questions left
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