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@YannisRizos is being a mod so bad
also how come programmers never came out of beta
@Wes Hm? What do you mean? Programmers went through beta and graduated.
whoops could have swore it was still in beta
my bad. I blame the bottle of wine for making me ask whats in my head.
Private beta: 2010/09/01 - Public beta: 2010/09/08 - Graduation: 2010/12/16
It's been almost two years now ;)
Yeah sorry I really was confused I guess its because the styling is similar to its beta
It's also a lot quieter then I imagined when I first saw it
@YannisRizos are you always here?
wine gone
@Wes He's not always on and less than he used to be
@Wes Always, no, but I do have the advantage of working (mostly) from home, so... I can take small breaks every now and then to, I don't know, close a question or two. I spend a little over two hours on SE daily, and this time used to be roughly my commute time. I have a tab open at SE chat in my third monitor almost all day...
Q: Comparing one's self to others during interviews

Crazy EddieI'm often asked at some point during the interview process to compare myself to my peers. For example, one of my first after-graduation jobs asked me to compare myself to my classmates. A job I recently interviewed for asked me to compare myself to my coworkers. I always play this down quite a...

^^^ Still not sure why this is still open.
@JimG. I think that got posted during one of the purpose wars and then probably slipped through the cracks
That, I have just learned, is unicode char U+1F4A9: PILE OF POO
10 hours later…
@Rachel This is in reference to Rachel's deleted comment on my question in Meta. I actually did find her comment useful and was the most useful response to my question.
@haziz Nice to hear that :) I wasn't sure, but I find many users confused by the site's name and sometimes by old questions that are left around from back when the site was about programmers, and not conceptual software development
2 hours later…
Kickstarter game proposal - "Where in the world is John McAfee?"

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