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Well we've got a (counting only upvotes) a +13, 2 +10, a +9, a +7, a +6, and a +5. So my guess is that the correlation will probably be reasonably strong, but no more than 60% or so.
I had no idea I was the most polarizing of the candidates lol
putting on my nate silver hat briefly, from some experience with this, predict vote totals will go roughly by candidate rep. lets see how that prediction plays out.
also suspect that meta profile/ activity of candidates may not influence election results all that much. possibly not that many voters even visit meta. note these are se-general pattern conjectures, individual sites may vary significantly. (?)
R its great to see at least one candidate "actively campaigning" :)
@vzn - That's interesting. I wasn't expecting that to be the case. I was thinking it would be more a question of visibility and personal influence. Given that just under 50% of the votes have been cast by people who didn't even read the questionnaires, clearly there's a doorstep-effect with people voting for the names they know.
@Richard - visibility is likely closely tied to rep
I expected @vzn's hypothesis to be roughly accurate
@SSumner - Ah, but you can have plenty of rep without much visibility.
exactly SS. the conjecture is that "visibility" is roughly proportional to rep & voting is roughly in line with "visibility". (but that meta is not really very "visible" in general...)
In my opinion visibility doesn't just include posting strong questions and answers but also responsiveness to comments, meta involvement, chat involvement, etc.
R dont know what you mean. every time someone clicks +1, that is based on "visibility".
I'm sure you could quantify it if you were very very bored.
@vzn - Yes, but there are plenty of high-rep users who're almost invisible on the site
ok see what you are saying. some users get a lot of rep on not that many questions maybe. saw others talking about that in the other chat room.
agreed that is a factor in "visibility".
another idea observed elsewhere/ other election, ppl who are "visible" in a lot of comments may be perceived as too talkative/ chatty/ annoying. observed a case of an upset in an se election last yr wrt this possibly. also, blogs & non-se profile can also help with "visibility".
@Richard - to you and me maybe. To the average voter who just sees a lot of upvoted Q&As, I'd say there's not many
The number of high-rep users who have only a couple really good posts is very small
7 hours later…
Doom doom DOOM. Election ends in 10 hours.
How soon do the results get published?
@Richard Why do you keep changing your Buffy pic? Are you trying to attract all different branches of the electorate? ;-)
1 hour later…
@randal'thor - Instantly.
@randal'thor - I like changing my avatar. They're all variations on a theme (Buffy) so it shouldn't be that confusing.
Hows tricks guys/gals/others?
@Pureferret - Tricks is good. Just playing the waiting game.
The waiting game is boring, lets play hungry hungry hippos
Now they have horses and cows.
7 hours later…
1 hour to go... Squeeeeeee
Isn't there a good chance it will go into a 2nd round?
@Richard hungry hungry... farm animals + hippos?
@JackBNimble - 2nd round?
@Richard Of voting, if there aren't 2 stand out winners the top x will go into a another round of voting.
@JackBNimble - Not as far as I'm aware. The primary was skipped which means that the votes are binding and valid. If there's no clear winner, the system will automatically delete the lowest voted candidates (those that can't win) and re-apportion their second preference votes to the remaining candidates.
There isn't another round of voting.
In the event that it still doesn't create a clear winner, they delete the next tier of candidates and apportion their third preference votes to the remaining candidates. Eventually you end up with two winners.
The single transferable vote (STV) is a voting system based on proportional representation and ranked voting. Under STV, an elector's vote is initially allocated to his or her most-preferred candidate. After candidates have been either elected (winners) by reaching quota or eliminated (losers), surplus votes are transferred from winners to remaining candidates (hopefuls) according to the surplus ballots' ordered preferences. The system minimizes "wasted" votes and allows for approximately proportional representation without the use of party lists. A variety of algorithms (methods) carry out these...
everyone should change their votes so that @arvin wins a spot, you know like a joke....lol JK that's not even funny
I could actually run now, I have > 300 rep
@Malachi - Next time around, maybe.
@Richard I will be watching Star Trek until then, Non-Stop.
@Malachi - The big votes are in trek, LOTR and Star Wars.
@Richard I like Trek and Wars. I just need to start reading the books too! I think I could get into the Hobbit books as well though
I have been doing work on CommunityBuilding today, I need to get back to work though...lol
I could get back into the Matrix though. I love that topic! lol
@Malachi - I'd say there was a lot of mileage in becoming an expert on the new Disney Star Wars canon (post-April) by reading the comics and books as they come out.
@Richard I don't even know where to start. I think I have a better chance at Star Trek
Huh. So if my first two choices are popular sorts, then including a less-likely candidate for the third one is pretty futile, huh?
@Richard Except if people didn't list a 2nd and 3rd choice, or if the numbers are all tied up, what then.
Now I am half-tempted to reverse the order of my votes...
@SeanDuggan - Yes, pretty much. Assuming the plan is to tactically vote then the best thing to do (to optimise your chances of receiving preference votes) is to either vote for the three most likely candidates or to vote your first preference for a complete no-hoper and your next two votes for the favorites
Not that I expect it to make much of a difference. ^_^
I guess it's time to lock in my final vote for real.
This time, it's for real!
Well, time to download the results and see if I can generate them faster than the page gets updated.
So unless I messed up (and I totally don't know what I'm doing here), Richard and Thaddeus won.
Tentative congrats to you two!
3 hours later…
yep congrats R!
Q: 2015 Community Moderator Election Results

Shog9Science Fiction & Fantasy's 3rd moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the 2 new moderators are: They'll be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for volunteering, and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes! For d...

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