Once more I wonder under what criteria our moderators remove questions from the hot network queue. Is this a lazy question? A click-bait title? Does this title require MathJax? I don't think so. — Martin R3 mins ago
(I noticed it because I wrote an answer to that question.)
I have an unrelated question. In the close-vote queue, what is the operational difference between skipping a question and marking it as “keep open”? Is the distinction only philosophical or does “keep open” have an effect?
@MJD "Skip" doesn't cast a vote. "Leave open" casts a "leave open" vote. Items are removed from the queue once they accrue enough "close" or "leave open" votes. So there is a difference - in general, I "skip" on questions I'm not sure about or don't know enough about to judge, and "leave open" for questions I believe should not be closed.
@MJD If a question receives three "Leave Open" votes, it will be removed from the queue, will remain open, but any accumulated "Close" votes will remain until they expire. If a question receives sufficient "Close" or "Recommend Closure" votes, it will be closed, and removed from the queue (a question needs a total of five close votes for closure; I believe that a combination of six close / recommend closure votes will also cause closure).
As @KReiser said, "Skipping" a review task will neither increment the "Leave Open" tally, nor the "Close" tally.
Thanks, I didn't know about the "leave open tally". Is that documented somewhere? I tried to read the pertinent help sections yesterday, but I didn't see anything about three leave open votes.
I see a "review" link on the top of the page, which takes me to a few "review queues".
What is a "review queue"?
What are the various queues for?
What can I do in each queue?
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I see now that says “If enough users choose this [Leave open], the question will be dismissed from the review queue.” If I read that article yesterday, I missed that sentence. Thanks.
I've noticed and used the new (at least for me) button Leave Open, but I can't find any explanation as to the implication of clicking it.
I've found a highly voted status-declined question:
How about a “Vote not to close” option to counter the “Vote to close”?
...How about, as soon as there...