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4:35 PM
Marking 5 days with no mod appearance, at a point where users start deleting the posts, because they feel it's pointless to wait until someone strolls in.
3 hours later…
7:31 PM
Whoops, I tried submitting a proposal for a sidebar ad pointing to our FAQ on how to ask a good question, but my answer was automagically converted into a comment. Not sure what I'm supposed to do now... — The Amplitwist 4 mins ago
I'm not sure, perhaps the automatic conversion of "trivial" answers to comments does not happen for users with sufficiently high reputation. I was trying to make a proposal for displaying a right-sidebar ad on our own site for the FAQ How to ask a good question. using the title "Need help asking a question?".
Just to clarify, this is a new type of allowed ad, whose format is described in point 2.2 under the heading "How does it work?" in the Community Ads for 2021 meta post.
@TheAmplitwist That's a great idea. It would be so useful in the sidebar: like "featured meta posts" , or as a community ad, which one can click and link to all on the same page of a question! I would simply hope it is dependably available on the side bar, for all questions, similar to how "EoQS" is now featured.
7:53 PM
@amWhy Note it was handled (1-year suspension), I deleted as the comments would no longer be of use.
@TheSimpliFire What was handled? The comments you deleted? That is great, but I was talking about five days with no mod appearance in this chat. I'm glad they chose to handle your comments; I'm glad, but they are largely avoiding actually being in chat rooms, and don't want us to expect them in any chatrooms. They want us to not expect anything at all from them, as @quid, and @Xander will readily affirm.
@TheSimpliFire Seriously, that is great news. But other users come here in hopes of catching a mod at least every 3rd day, but if they choose to swoop in to handle only their "chosen ones" then, this room is only helpful for whoever their current "chosen ones' are.

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