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@AsafKaragila I think you're way off the mark claiming that discussion of closure of a question is off-topic for the comments of that question. I'd like the comments reinstated on the question please. I think you disagree with the arguments presented and you think others will find them compelling so you've removed them to prevent the question being reopened.
@RobertFrost The discussion moved to a policy discussion about RH and about Atiyah's paper.
If I had wanted this to not be reopened I would have locked it or deleted it.
@AsafKaragila On a question having competing close and open votes, site members will want to see the competing arguments and the obvious place for those to be available is in the comments directly below the question.
@AsafKaragila That would have been overtly heavy-handed but killing off the debate has basically the same effect, with the added strength of giving you deniability.
Please. Why would I need to deny my position that this sort of debate is outside the scope of the site?
@AsafKaragila because it puts your actions beyond reproach
@AsafKaragila Refusing to get into a debate about the flaws in the paper does NOTHING to spare Atiyah's blushes - it actually makes it embarrassing for him when there's no reason why it should be. We're all human. People should come straight out and say, "you know what, at the moment $T$ doesn't look well-defined and on a prima facie basis, it looks like he's relying upon a flow of weights in a finite Von Neumann algebra* and this is likely to setting alarm bells ringing."
...or whatever they think
This site is not for debates. That's the point you seem to be missing.
This site is not for verifying papers. I don't post my papers and ask if they are correct.
Then Atiyah can either come right back and say, "you know what, perhaps it was naive of me to think it was so simple" or "no, I've got that covered"
@AsafKaragila This site is a place to come to get maths questions answered. Period.
Atiyah, to my knowledge, is not part of this debate.
@RobertFrost If you have a specific question, about a specific part of the proof, then it is a mathematical question. That's fine. Asking about the paper as a whole is not in the context of the questions expected on this site. Period. Comma, semicolon; colon: exclamation mark!
@AsafKaragila You seem to want to impose the characterisation "debate" on the question, but the only debate was whether or not the question should be closed. You re-closed it and shut down the counterargument which is undemocratic and I believe an abuse of your powers.
@RobertFrost There is no point in this discussion anymore. Really. You're not here to discuss, you're here to make statements. If you want to make a complaint, the meta site is your friend.
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
Can somebody do me a favour and give me a penalty for the comment I made in he comments here math.stackexchange.com/questions/2934132 to Asaf which has since been deleted? I shouldn't have said it but I don't like how his overlooking it is now being used against me. I'd rather just have whatever penalty is due and be done with it.
7 hours later…
Thanks, @MichaelGreinecker for the deletion of this
@amWhy You're welcome.
Also, Happy Friday, everyone!!
Please know I flagged a comment on meta from Robert Frost, in which he was only trying to communicate with me about a comment left in his deleted meta post, but the comment he left was under an entirely different meta post that was not at all related to his deleted post. I flagged as "unfriendly, unkind", but I wrote a comment below his to explain to him that it was out of line for him to contact me by hijacking a comment below an unrelated post.
@amWhy I was in the first place drawing your attention to your unfriiendly, unkind claim that I am somehow a "conspiracy theorist" simply because I had a simple grumble about what I perceived to be overly heavy-handed moderation.
@RobertFrost That doesn't justify your off topic comment on a meta post entirely unrelated to "your issues". I will speak no more to you, here, @RobertFrost. There are better, appropriate channels you could have used to communicate with me, rather than usurping another's meta post and comments, to do so.
@amWhy putting derogatory labels on people is unacceptable so I came and found you and told you I wasn't going stand for it. That can be the end of the matter as far as I'm concerned provided it doesn't happen again.

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