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@DanielFischer: You know why I'm here. Don't you?
@AsafKaragila I can make an educated guess.
@DanielFischer Well, you are educated... :D
I haven't had the time to really look yet, though.
Sure. Just saying, WM is back. And unlike Angus and Malcolm Young and Brian Johnson, he's not Back in Black.
With all due respect to Mr. Johnson, he ain't no Bon Scott, no.
Well, unfortunately by that point Mr. Scott was on a Highway to Hell. :\
Yes, a sad, sad year. Bon Scott and Ian Curtis are much missed.
Some time ago, I was taking the bus to Jerusalem on my way to the university, and I realized that the Hebrew word for "Hell" is derived from a place called Valley of Hinnom, or Gehenna. And that the highway that takes you there is literally the highway to Jerusalem. And therefore I was on the literal Highway to Hell.
On a different note, Augsburg doesn't have a university, it's a "Technische Hochschule".
@DanielFischer Technical college?
I think that's at least very close. Don't know the exact definition of a technical college.
Me neither. I also don't know the exact meaning of Hochschule, though.
Thanks, Daniel (I guess).
That took care of the minor issue. Now remains the major issue... :)
6 hours later…
Since it already exists, perhaps a reasonable thing to do would be make it a synonym of . (So that the situation is similar as for and .)
If the mods agree that it is a reasonable suggestion, perhaps they could create a synonym. (I do not have sufficient reputation in (least-common-multiple) tag to suggest a synonym with this tag as the master tag.)
5 hours later…
@MartinSleziak Synonymed and merged.
Hmmm, Coined a new term, Daniel" "Synonymed" brought to mind "cinnamon" (perhaps you can tell I'm hungry). I wonder if there is a verb for "making $a$ a synonym for $b$". I like "synonymized", personally :-)
oops, I forgot the " @DanielFischer "
@amWhy Reminds me of an old joke. Do you know why no American's home is ever burgled?
Hmmm. Why not?
Because it's burglarized.
Very cute! Three weeks from now, may determine whether I stay an American!
wonders light bulb the election!
Let's just hope for the least bad outcome.
How'd you guess? And yes, precisely, hoping for the best to win! But I'll accept the least bad outcome. (In fact, they match.)

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