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12:05 PM
It's a terrible shame that people upvote WM's posts. Each upvote takes us one step further away from his account getting into postban territory. :(
6 hours later…
6:15 PM
Sigh. Now he leaked into MathOverflow again...
3 hours later…
8:53 PM
@AsafKaragila Seems to have been deleted, though.
9:09 PM
@DanielFischer Yes, and the account suspended for a week.
10:02 PM
Nice touch in meta, @Asaf: $$\Huge\underline{\odot\ \odot}$$
@amWhy Yeah, it's not often that you can use LaTeX for a selfie. I totally had that face when I read that answer.
It's perfect!
You're saying that my face is perfect? I know a few people who might disagree. :D
@AsafKaragila Actually, the following might be more becoming: $$\Huge\underbrace{\odot\;\;\odot}$$
@amWhy That looks like the villain from the childhood show, Bumpety Boo.
10:14 PM
@AsafKaragila hahahahahaha!
How can I get a mouth that cups upwards (smooth) and a nice nose?
$$\stackrel{\odot\ \odot}{\overbrace{\phantom{\qquad}}}$$
So sad....How about $$\Huge\underbrace{\odot\;\;\odot}_{\Huge\smile}$$ Does this remind you of Bumpety Boo, too?
Best I good do to make him happy!
@AsafKaragila And equip him with a nose: $$\Huge\underbrace{\odot\;_{>}\;\odot}_{\Huge\smile}$$
...I think I made Bumpety Boo even scarier!!
10:29 PM
Well. The noses were round back then.

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