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Hey, you guys might want to keep an eye out for questions like this one: http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1133471/find-kth-term-of-this-sequence
I have the feeling that this is a contest problem, but I couldn't find the problem myself.
4 hours later…
Dear Mods,

As you have seen in the recent comments that I have flagged (and @Pedro and @Alexander have seen in the math chat room), a [particular user](http://math.stackexchange.com/users/200808/julian-rachman) has been saying some very unfavorable [things about me](http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/36?m=19884954#19884954) (see the link above and related deleted comments). This user is making me not want to come to chat, because everytime I come there, he keeps ignoring my comments and saying rude things to me. I would appreciate it if you could take some action against this user .
The links don't seem to be working above ^^. Sorry.

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