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Hello. This sounds to be a nice room. If we have some relief here, we can be more reasonable persons in the normal flow of the life.
I can't find a topic for now to troll. I'll try again later.
3 hours later…
Q: What program can I use to convert a text file to binary (with gui)?

Roland TaylorI need an application that can convert from text to binary with a gui. I have one for windows, but it's been acting strange, so I want something linux native to replace it. Any suggestions? Here is an example, http://software.ellerton.net/txt2bin/ of the kind of program I mean. It was in a comme...

A perfect example of humans being human.
vote me down for nothing, and only 1 answer....
@RolandTaylor how do i fix the paritial upgrade problem?
:28594 Its -5 now (1 more downvote after you wrote that message). Interesting. I can't get the reason to downvote that question. Do you experience similar things for your other questions or answers?
:28594 In my opinion its not because "humans being human". There should be a reason for this. Something irritating with that question or some reason else.
it is -5
:28604 What is your comment? What might be the reason for that much downvote for that question?
The only thing I don't get, is what he means by converting the text to binary...
does he want the text to be 1's and 0's?
:28606 This is something else. That's what that Win program do or its what the adviced program as an answer do.
:28607 Yes. As I can get he wants that. The accepted answer is something like that.
I think that is where the down votes are coming from, it is not a very clear question, but just my opinion
:28610 Hmmm. I got your point.
but then again I do not know how he would make it any more clear without providing an example...
other then the fact that he is a known unicorn and people are racist against unicorns for some reason
:28613 Hi. We were talking on your question.
the question is pretty straight forward to any programer in my opinion
@RolandTaylor most people are not programmers :P
:28615 I'm going to add one example, just to see if that changes anything, but I have had similar situations with my questions and answers. Downvotes without cause.
At one point thought it was racial so I changed my avatar to a non-human kitten.
people still hate the cat
poor kitten :(
:28618 No need to add example. Nothing will change for that particular question.
I am surprised I don't get more down votes because of the huge cross
@RolandTaylor I will write that program for you tomorrow
cross or cat avatars are not the reason, in my opinion.
I'm so bloody tired....
well I am going to bed
:28624 you mean the program we discussed a while ago?
I don't know, its a little bit starnge for me.
good night, and be good
:28627 cya later ^^
captian you are in charge of the bridge
Q: What program can I use to convert a text file to binary (with gui)?

Roland TaylorI need an application that can convert from text to binary with a gui. I have one for windows, but it's been acting strange, so I want something linux native to replace it. Any suggestions? Here is an example, http://software.ellerton.net/txt2bin/ of the kind of program I mean. It was in a comme...

:28630 See you later.
bye thex
:28635 ahhh
I was planning to take a stab at myself :P
I wanted to do it today, but i had a lot of stuff going on
that would be really nice of you man :D I'm touched
I will check to see if you're there along the hours of the day, to discuss what you'd like it to be like; but i think it's a good idea to try and do this properly. Having someone who can actually use it will be a great motivator :-)
all it needs to do is turn "input text" into the corresponding 1's and 0's
Yeah, it'll also need to do that for different encodings i think :-)
if you put it on launchpad I'd even extend it ^^
I wasn't thinking about that part :P, good thinking!
It'll be a little bit complicated; Encoding text as utf-8 requires you think about things like padding and so on, but I' think, I do hope rightly, that I'm going to be able to pull it off
honestly just giving me back the binary codes for ASCII is fine with me ^^
the python code that guy posted would do the trick, so all you/I would have to do is add a gui
I'd want to do it "properly"
lol no problem ^^
← hates to say that, but the code he posted isn't really up to the job
It'll choke, for example, on ŧħ€ſ€ characters :)
I haven't tested it to be honest, I had to do other things
well you woudln't know, there are a few different methods of encoding non-ascii glyphs in eight bits
that's kinda cool
>>> ord("€")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: ord() expected a character, but string of length 3 found
>>> for i in "€":
...     print ord(i)
ah ha
hey, I gtg :S
I'll be back on some time during the day tomorrow
me too ;)
hopefully I won't lose 1000 rep overnight :D
well see you tomorrow
@RolandTaylor That question seems to be the only one of your many questions with - vote(s). My rep enables me to see the cumulative only. I dont know upvotes and downvotes seperately.
@RolandTaylor Maybe plainly people didn't understand and downvoted. This is weird as well. I don't understand half of the questions but I don't downvote them because of that reason. Anyway. Don't be upset.
11 hours later…
I am a tree.
Hello @RolandTaylor
@Roland: It's a cold, cold world out there!
AttributeError: 'TextEditor' object has no attribute 'get_text'
:28779 is that in python?
:28777 hehe yep
@RolandTaylor yeah, thats the quickly.widgets.text_editor.TextEditor
:28782 oooh
it uses a property instead
I haven't used quickly much, only played with it once :P
and I always get confused, because all of the other gtk.Widgets use getters and setters
@Stefano: All the best, mate. How did the meeting go?
@iamsid hasn't happend yet, it's in four and quarter hours
getters and setters are the most straight forward method to me :)
I just started with that, seems to work okay
The border atop the textviews looks odd
Actually the border looks better to me (in my head) than if it didn't have one
are you going to host it on launchpad?
making progress
@RolandTaylor yes sure, it's just two commands to put it on lauchpad
It's my favourite poem about getting wasted :P
that is exactly what I was looking for :D
@Roland I'm a bit stuck on this issue:
unicode characters are 8 bytes, so ideally, I'd have to pad them to 64 binary digits
but this looks aweful
what you see there is the ascii representation, in one byte
Should i break up the individual binary character representations with tabs or line-breaks?
:28811 tabs
something's going on, I'm gaining rep like mad
ah nice, it's the filesystem answer
A: Where in the filesystem should I store shared data?

Stefano PalazzoThis question does seem to have a clear answer in the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, which specifies /srv as "contain[ing] site-specific data which is served by this system ". (3.16.1) This main purpose of specifying this is so that users may find the location of the data files for particular...

I voted
wait a second...
if I voted for you, does that mean you will become president?
Hell yeah, it does!
I wanna be vice
Haha :) With all that down-votes! Mate, you are a prime assassination target!
I'm an immortal :D
@RolandTaylor here's a very early testing version for you to check out
It doesn't do much, but I'd like you to tell me if it's the way you want it - i can change things very easily at this stage
roger ^^
applications like that are the kind of thing that makes me love linux :D
1001101 1111001 100000 1101110 1100001 1101101 1100101 100000 1101001 1110011 100000 1101010 1101111 1101000 1101110 101110
I thought your name was roland?
00000000000000000000000011100001 00000000000000000001111000000011 00000000000000000000000011100111 00000000000000000000000100010001 00000000000000000000000011101001
it is Roland
my name is john is a test that I use a lot :D
at this point, my suggestions would be: add labels to the input and output areas,
remove the menus, and use toolbars instead (I like menus btw, but most of these do nothing :D) and possibly remove the status area
the menu items will do something eventually :-)
Maybe you could have the label on the output tell the user whether it is unicode or not lol
:28863 cool :D
I plan on making this into something of a Hex-editor as well
It would be cool that way
Yes, it would.
I have used a number of hex editors before, but all have a limitation in that you have to copy individual characters, and you can't get binary output :/
they all use custom widgets as well
when I get around to it I will give this a fancy icon :P
which aren't as easy to use as the ones you use every day
well these apps don't come about over night; but I will probably get a usable prototype working by the end of today
UTC +0100 :P
^^ you're awesome :D
do you think there is a way to reverse it as well?
I mean like if I enter binary - I get the text?
yes of course
that should be doable
My ruby book just arrived! \\o o// \o/
gotta love amazon, it's two days early
seven votes in two hours on my filesystem answer, a new project, a new book,
today's a good day
now if I'm just going to become an ubuntu member at the end of it, that'll be a big tick in my life-accomplishment box on the calendar
^^ sweet
your day in the sun
a millie a millie a millie a millie
a/lkhnfs;jfks jfs kjdf lfsfjsbf;s jf; sff;sfb fs;b :D!
welcome by fellow unicorn
we had about 4 people in here this morning ^^
I was doing some "job related research" and forgot to log in...
man you work hard
they really need to give you a raise
it's good for your back if you sit in a higher chair
they are giving me a ipad...
that's er... great
I will take whatever 500 dollar computing unit they will give me... even if it is made by Apple :P
it isn't like "I" am buying it
true true
I wonder when someone will come up with Orange
I mean if your job told you that they were buying you an iPad I am sure yo uwould take it too
I would
now, that doesn't mean I would use it :D
I bet you would :=P
LOL in all honesty I probably would till the novelty wears off
actually knowing you, you would hack it to run ubuntu
and sadly that happens quickly with me :/
exactly :D
when I got my laptop, I played with HP quickplay for a day...
in a week I had ubuntu 9.10 on it
in a couple months I had 10.04
no wait, I started with 9.04 I think..
yeah the only reason I keep windows 7 around on my desktop is so I can play Civ V and watch Netflix streaming
or even earlier
I used windows 7 when I was working with an internet cafe
it was...
win 7 for my laptop for Adobe CS5
and a few other programs I need for work
I just thought about something :D!
animated svgs in inkscape!
I saw a demo of making flash style svgs using javascript
if that can be implemented in inkscape... adobe would be in serious trouble >:)
I don't know what you are talking about
I would like to see HTML 5 take the market share for videos...
so they can kill flash/silverlight
flash = flail
silverlight... -_
it was good for about the first 6 weeks it was around....
I have incorporated silverlight into some of my webpage designs... but the fact that you have to hack your computer to use it on a linux machine makes it a real turn off...
but then again according to google analytics, only about 1% of the users that come to my web pages use linux... and I think that is probably me....
well, I never tried to use it :P
or flash
Silverlight is tons easier to use then flash...
but then... I've never had to do too many sites for other people ^^
but - it's less well supported than flash...
This is true...
but if it is only 1% of thousands of users that you are worried about, and that one percent is you being boneheaded.....
actually it is probably <1%
for now ;)
actually it is 2.52% but I still think it is all me...
be back in a moment, have to go fix a printer....
I have to write some more so I'll brb too ;)
I am back I think
5 hours later…
I am front

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