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@Zanna remember me I am the person who did meta post about not able to ask question on ask ubuntu, Can I still ask my ubuntu related questions on unix and linux without fear ? Is their some other community for ubuntu users ? Will i get banned from linux and unix also ? Is their some other community to ask ubuntu realated questions other than stack overflow ?
1 hour later…
@AkshajSingla yes I remember you :) you can ask Ubuntu questions on Unix & Linux, but do try to make sure they are well received by researching first, looking for similar questions, reading the guidelines in the Help Center, etc.
You can still ask your questions here. You are not banned
There are many Linux and Ubuntu communities around. Ubuntu Forums is a nice place.
10 hours later…
Not sure if this is the right room. Is Linux Mint considered an Ubuntu derivative?
@Scratte yes, I believe so (but questions about it are off topic on Ask Ubuntu, if that's your next question ;)
Yes, that was the next step. I messed up a command and it did something unexpected :D I didn't understand what was going on, so I came to ask about it.
Unix & Linux is probably the place
if you want to talk about it here in the chat - do go ahead! we might at least be able to give you some tips on how to ask the question, if you're interested
The "/dev/chat" chat room is scary. It explicitly has a topic that says to use the "Ask Question" button :D
But I think my question is not going to go down well in either of the sites, so I think I'll pass on that :)
do you want to say what happened?
Oh! I typed in cat <> filename and it created an empty file. Since I joined the room I've come to realize that the first < is a redirect from stdin, so nothing goes into cat and hence nothing goes into the file :)
But I've also come to know that this is probably not the best way to create an empty file :D
Can I ask a moderator related question? Not asking for any action.
I know that a moderator on any on the sites where I have a profile can see a link to my network profile and my other profiles (I assume that last bit). Can a moderator on a site where I do not have a profile also see that?
(I was just thinking it sounds like you know more than me already)
@Scratte can't anyone see those links?
unless you have hidden profiles
I'm not sure about this hahaha
Well, I am a curious kind of person, so when I want to know something I tend to keep at it until I get an answer :)
@Zanna Yes, I meant hidden ones :) I have 3 of those on my Stack Overflow profile, if that's the right term. None of my profiles will show the network link to regular users and I've never asked for my other profiles to be hidden on those. But it hides them by default, if I've chosen to hide them from the "main" profile, I suppose.
I was curious to know if that is also the case for moderators. But I suppose a moderator on a site where I do not have a profile, is just a regular user on the sites where I do have a profile.
that seems right
interesting question...
I must admit that I am not curious enough to nominate as a moderator. I think that will just put a lot of other kind of work on my plate ;)
I can only see your Stack Overflow profile...
@Scratte lol
@Zanna I find that very interesting. It was the site where I initially created my account, but in order to use the chat features of chat.stackexchange, I log into the chat directly. (This is something I picked up because I didn't want to create a meta.stackexchange profile). I've since created such profile, and when I've logged into chat, I don't need to use my credential for meta.stackexchange after having logged in here.
The most obvious thing though is if it would show the meta.stackexchange profile instead of the Stack Overflow one.
chat works in mysterious ways
Ha! :) I think that's true for the network :)
I might need to play around with it. Maybe next time I'll log into meta before logging into Stack Overflow. See if that makes a difference :)
@Zanna Could you please tell me if it is possible for a flag to be reviewed and declined by the person the flag was applied against. Thanks
or maybe @terdon knows
@David only if they are a mod
ok thanks on the same issue the flag is gone from the question comment that I flagged but I can not find a trace of it in my flags reviewd them all is that possible?
I don't think so... the flag has to be there
ok i looked twice but will look again tomorrow
many thanks
no worries :)
Q: Add the [featured] tag to the "Updates to Privacy Policy (September 2021)" post

Random PersonThe featured tag was added to Updates to Privacy Policy (September 2021) on 24/09/2021 at 21:44:45Z. The tag was removed from the post on 07/10/2021 at 19:35:12Z. So the post had the tag for 12 days, 21 hours, 50 minutes and 27 seconds. Since no email was sent to Stack Exchange users regarding th...

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