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@BeastOfCaerbannog it did not have the votes when I commented nor do I think I implied anything
the fact that it did not have those votes when you commented suggests that they might have been cast in response to your comment, no? You may not have intended it as such, but people might conclude from your comment that the question is off topic
2 hours later…
@David You can take that as a reminder then! I had no intention to insult you, let alone bully you. :)
10 hours later…
@BeastOfCaerbannog 😂
@RandomPerson got the status-completed tag. Yay!
but I lost my 50 rep. because of my lack of patience..
and the mods of MSE are not inclined towards cancelling the bounty..
so I guess I will give the rep to Rosie 😅
@terdon You recently edited my answer to make the variable name lowercase, because you said uppercase ones can cause problems with envoirnment variables. I believe you, but I also haven't heard of that before. Can you elaborate a bit on the rules for case in variables names in Bash? Like, are camelCase ones ok? Or do they have to be all-lowercase?

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