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Working with Ubuntu 18.04 liveCD trying to fix a seagate backup+ with issues. New to Linux. I see the GUI tool "Disks" and for the drive I am working on, if I click the double gear icon, there's an option to "Create Partition Image". What does that do?
Does it use ddrescue to copy the partition to another drive?
6 hours later…
Hey guys, I am trying to get the output from echo 'something' to /dev/partition
And I see it works by this way but it's not really give me the output like if I use cat /dev/parition on another terminal and execute the echo from another terminal,
I have try this for example:
echo 123 > /dev/partition >&2
I can see only the command 123 but it's not really the results
Because if echo 123 to partition yield an OK message, I would not see this OK message.
Q: What is sesudo and how i can install it on linux or unix (.deb, .rpm)?

radwan salahI need to know What is sesudo and how i can install it on linux or unix (.deb, .rpm) ? and also Is there a company that can support sesudo if there is a vulnerability show up ? Thanks In Advance For An Answer That Could Help.

Quick question, who's got the regular 18.04 desktop here ? Does qdbus command work on 18.04 ? Because it fails on server with GUI.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Lubuntu 18.04 here – how can I test?
but yes, I can’t get it to work – I assume it should print something useful about a qt program like qpdfview?
$ qdbus qpdfview
dbus[7814]: arguments to dbus_message_new_method_call() were incorrect, assertion "destination == NULL || _dbus_check_is_valid_bus_name (destination)" failed in file ../../../dbus/dbus-message.c line 1365.
This is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.

  D-Bus not built with -rdynamic so unable to print a backtrace
it prints this and crashes
it just says "endpoint there returns an invalid bus name"
forgot the last line :P
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
1 hour later…
user image
I've always wanted to say this but wasn't able until now: Please welcome the great tit into the AU room!
hooray for great tits!
The poor little thing (it's a young one) accidentally flew into the house, and was frantically trying to bang its head into the window and fell exhausted to the floor.
Luckily I was able to save it from both the cat and the dog trying to play with it too...
... gave it a breather on my laptop showing Ubuntu background, took a pic...
...and then threw it out of the window...
... and it flew to the nearest tree.
0:-) 0:-) 0:-)
Our cat recently caught a woodpecker – it was still young, but its beak looked already dangerous… It wasn’t hurt and flew away vividly as well when we set it free. :)
Even when badly hurt animals often don't show that to not expose their vulnerability. Just like humans always responding "I'm fine" when asked ;-)
@Fabby Is that the 17 inch predator xD
@AmithKK Yup.
Ah cool
I was wondering, do the fans work fine without PredatorSense?
Or do they not spin up to max when you're on ubuntu
I just wrote a post dealing with special keyboard keys like "Volume Up" etc. I used <kbd>Volume Up</kbd> to render them but would actually prefer to use UTF8 symbols, like <kbd>🔉</kbd> and <kbd>🔊</kbd>. Would that be OK or would half of the people simply see garbage instead?
@PerlDuck well it didn’t lose any blood and was able to fly quite well, I take that as a good sign :)
@PerlDuck make it clear for everybody, e.g. with “press the Volume Down key (<kbd>🔉</kbd>)”
@dessert Yes, that's the purpose of their behaviour: under no circumstance show any inability.
@PerlDuck they can’t magically keep their blood in when bitten though
@dessert Sounds reasonable. But I'll leave it as it is because the VolDn symbol doesn't render the way it does in my editor or terminal (it's too light and almost indistiguishable from the VolUp symbol.
Dunno why they made it light-gray instead of black.
Emoji (Japanese: 絵文字(えもじ), English: ; Japanese: [emodʑi]; singular emoji, plural emoji or emojis) are ideograms and smileys used in electronic messages and web pages. Emoji exist in various genres, including facial expressions, common objects, places and types of weather, and animals. They are much like emoticons, but emoji are actual pictures instead of typographics. Originally meaning pictograph, the word emoji comes from Japanese e (絵, "picture") + moji (文字, "character"). The resemblance to the English words emotion and emoticon is purely coincidental. The ISO 15924 script code for emoji is...
I don’t think many fonts have a symbol for U+1F509
neither “Ubuntu” nor “Linux Libertine” seems to have it
nor DejaVu
stupid Russian SO
always so offended
the problem isn't that messages are being flagged
they're never messages that are actually offensive
its that no one else can read them
I've translated some of them
and some folks know this
a lot of the time they're just people asking something that should be asked on the main site
@TheWanderer under there's some other context ;)
Even that's dependant on room culture
it's never a valid reason to flag
I personally discourage it cause a few folks kinda take it too far
I mean, whether its ok, or "eh, knock it off please"
asking something in chat that would be better suited for main isn't spam or offensive
not flagging
and best handled in the room
because none of them know how to do it
are the language SOs on main SE or SO chat servers?
SE I think
either way, SE rooms get the flag popup
new reason to push git commits, people pouring fluid on your laptop keyboard. pics to prove it of a fluid flower where I took my laptop and laid it on end, so it could drain. Still not booting (although it has survived this sort of thing before)
@dessert TIL: emoticon doesn't mean emotion + icon but picture + character because it stems from Japan. Else we would probably call it pigshark which doesn't make sense.
emoticon just means unicode smileys for me, but oh well
Same here. I was just – once again – kidding. The heat, you know, the heat...
not the same user it seems :X
Is there a way to port software from Windows to Ubuntu? I don't want to download all installation files from the internet again
@GaurangTandon What do you mean by port? Do you want to re-write it?
@GaurangTandon sure. but it will take a lot less time to download the Ubuntu version of a software :P
Q: Why does an answer appear in "faded" text?

DK Bosehttps://askubuntu.com/a/1062602/248158 is currently an accepted answer with three downvotes. It appears "faded" but when my mouse pointer is over the answer, the text appears normal. What does the faded text signify?

@Zanna I picked up your suggestion and answered the above question. Thank you.
let me guess, the suggestion was:
> if you see a question, answer it!
Almost. I made a comment that was basically an answer (or an educated guess, to be honest). And Zanna asked me to make it a real answer.
@PerlDuck awesome, thank you
You're welcome.
@dessert "rendered faded"? I'd say "render faded" or "get rendered faded". However. Someone will fix it if it's wrong.
@PerlDuck sorry!
@dessert Nah, I'm always happy when my English gets corrected.
it's fine as it is now "they render faded" or "they get/are rendered faded" are equally good
… and the latter is what I read in a hurry, exactly
What’s “verschlimmbessern” in English? “To disimprove sth.”?
@dessert I do that all the time. Another thing that causes me to make mistakes is where I write half of a sentence, then decide to start this clause in a different way, change the beginning, forget to complete the end, or leave part of the end there that now needs to be removed, and go blithely on the the next clause leaving complete nonsense in my wake
@dessert degrade would be a good word
@RobotHumans does “degrade” have the meaning of making it worse while trying to improve something?
there isn't really a word to hand that isn't too strong
degrade is a tricky word... we were talking about that in the other room in relation to an answer
which called GNOME "degrading"
it took me a while to realise this meant GNOME was regressing, getting worse
because the other meaning of degrading was way too loud for me
@dessert it doesn't have the while trying to improve connotation. there are colloquial expressions for it. like trip over your dick (trying to do something but failing badly)
in Raiders of the Lost Downboat, Apr 25 at 21:22, by Eliah Kagan
In this context, and drawing from the linked post, it's pretty clear to me that they mean it in the sense of software operating without providing desired functionality, as in the software-development phrase "degrade gracefully" (meaning to lose functionality in a way that preserves other functionality and avoids hurting the user unnecessarily). But perhaps some readers will interpret it to say that using Nautilus is a personally degrading experience.
I'm going to go out on a non-present limb here and say tripping over your er dick is an... Americanism
It certainly is an american colloquialism.
it wasn't about GNOME (sorry, GNOME) it was about Nautilus
haha there is a cliche here for when you try to fix something after messing it up and make it worse "digging (a hole)"
same here
but digging is also what you do when looking for bad gossip
but I don't know an expression for trying to improve something and actually ruining it
could come up with one. "He really added too much salt to that" would intuitively mean overdid it and messed it up
oh sure, we can also improvise expressively on the theme XD
@Zanna That's called an Anacoluthon. And I usually enjoy it.
hahaha thanks!
:-) I stumbled upon that term by accident and remembered it because a colleague of mine very often uses that figure (not on purpose, I guess) and when I read that definition I thought "Yes, this exactly describes his way of talking". Sometimes hard to follow if you don't know him but I take it as an expression of authenticity, which I like.
@Zanna tbh I think GNOME is kinda degrading. or at least the attitude of the devs
it's a lot of "oh you don't need this" and then "we know better" when people complain
but maybe that's just me.
I has always been like that with gnome. Unity masked us from it for a couple of years
and now they are throwing it all on extenstions. Remove from base, someone else will make an extension.
@TheWanderer no it is EXTERMINATE
see ^
there's a new machine coming
the JavaBots
@Seth that's how I feel about Apple and why I won't use anything they make
well, one of the reasons XD
Overinflated pricing is my reason :=)
that's definitely a good reason
even if I was a millionaire ... no apple products :=)
@Zanna That's fair. I agree. Although they're also the most privacy conscious tech company so far, which has made me consider switching some day.
@Rinzwind When I first gave my mom a computer (some 10-15 yrs ago) a friend of mine (who did the same to his father a few yrs before) said, the problem challenge isn't the computer. It's the after sales support.
@PerlDuck I am the after sales support for my mother :+)
Today, my collegues tell me they gave an Apple to their parents and don't get called for support because everything simply works.
iPads are done well
iPhones are meh
macOS is just a mess
And then there is the design by Apple. They remove the standard USB not by removing it but by covering the exit with plastic cover.
@Rinzwind Same for me, but sometimes it's annoying. When I talk about a context menu and she talks about a gray box randomly appearing.
@PerlDuck LOL Been there. Done that.
I had an annoying issue 2weeks ago. Wireless got removed from the kernel. Still don't know why but had re-add the module
Mum can't live w/o internet anymore :D
who can?
she did 2 years ago :P
I think that's what sons (and daughters) must go through. Other people I would yell at and say "You wanted a computer, so live with it!" but hey, it's my mom.
when you sit there suppressing impulses to say "why are you... why don't you... you know, you can..." so you can stay focussed on the real issue :)
I had a 1 year profitable period: 100 euro for a complete windows re-install or Ubuntu for free with a 1 time 50 euro introduction course
@Rinzwind Same for mine. She even orders online without my assictance. I'm so proud :-)
only 1 person paid me 200 euro in 1 year seriously messing up his windows
@Rinzwind lol
there are 9 households in this flat using Ubuntu >:=D
and I hardly hear them complain about issues. Most are on 16.04 so soon I am going to upgrade them. I have a mail ready for them to upgrade D:
I now all the passwords of all their wireless networks :-X
all of them are 64 letters with the last 2 changed _O-
My mom still has Vista. I'd love to move her to Ubuntu but she keeps asking "And what about my games? Will they still work?"
My mom told me she did not want to deal with virusses as her friends always complain about
what games run on Vista?
ha my mom does not play games :D
Simple 3-match or card games. She once bought a CD with "The 100 greatest Vista Games".
haha I used to play Minesweeper
only at work :=D
There used to be a cheat in Minesweeper. Some pixel in one of the corners changed its colour to indicate a bomb.
Damn. Almost 8 PM. The current temperature (31.5 centigrades degrees) suggests otherwise. Need to prepare food.
@PerlDuck programs as simple as that run smoothly in Wine in my experience, you could try that on your machine or (better) with a LiveCD
Wine FTW!
everybody’s always whining about it (lol), but I think it’s great
nah. wine should be erased from humanity :=)
if you want to use windows software install windows I say >:)
Q: Can't disable Alt+Grave in 16.04

Jamie HutberI have two situations: One - where I have alt-grave set. If alt-grave is in use on my keyboard settings, it will set 2 rules according to CompizConfig. If I disable Rotate Cube rules. Nothing changes. I still can't use the rule for my own desires. Two - where I remove the rule that I do not ...

Q: How can I disable the Alt+` (backtick) key combination

NeschastI was wondering if there was anyway to disable the Alt+` key combination that switches the windows of a program. I've tried going through CompizConfig and disabling the Switcher there with no luck. I've even disabled every single key combination in dconf-editor in the keybinding category to no ...

same question, no answers...
anyone know of an answered one? or a solution?
found this one
Q: Apache phpinfo missing cURL and XDebug after upgrade

sleeperI just upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS and went to check on my local apache2 installation by adding phpinfo() to an index file. I do not see an entry for cURL or for XDebug. Here's what I did: Again, I checked phpinfo() and no curl or xdebug options are shown. I went to /etc/php/7.1/apache2/...

2 hours later…
@AmithKK They work normally with .pm-utils
(sorry, was out)
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Screw them. I want to enable scripts but no cookies.
@dessert Eh, just run qdbus in terminal and see if it returns any error. But LXDE isn't quite what I need, though
for ubuntu;s document viewer for pdfs, is there a way to change the default dual page view?
1 hour later…
easiest review audit ever
I think I need to reinstall Ubuntu...
but I really don't want to

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