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Canny edge detection :D
What are the diffrences between amdgpu and radeon drivers?
amdgpu are newer
@Corgs life and death
2 hours later…
Q: Repair windows boot after installing ubuntu - dual boot

Guilherme OrioliI have an old notebook that had Windows Vista running, and decided to install Ubuntu 16.04 on it, with dual boot. I resized vista partition and installed Ubuntu. After installing Ubuntu, I realized I couldn't access windows files, because it was hibernated. So, I booted up and deactivated hibern...

> I hate ubuntu why don't they just get there butt up and actually add itunes to the Ubuntu software?/
6 hours later…
@Seth lol
@Seth link?
3 hours later…
Q: Open a port on a google cloud instance without ssh access

The-null-Pointer-After enabling ufw on my google cloud instance running ubuntu, I can't ssh into the instance anymore. I didn't open nor close any port, I only ran: ufw enable and restarted the machine (ufw requires restart when enabled). I have verified that the instance is running by pinging it. Is there a wa...

I just told him about the Question above to do `sudo ufw allow ssh`
Is this right?
@Benny they can't access the machine
ok thanks, I removed my suggestion, the question was unclear to me
Q: How do I run my shell script from anywhere

beegee AssemI have an Ubuntu Studio 16.10 64 bit. I created a shell script xyz.sh the path to the file is home/somefolder/test/xyz.sh I have already added `chmod u+x xyz.sh` and I ran the script ./xyz.sh It was successfull. However, when I did a cd to go to my home directory and executed xyz.sh...

Q: How to disable Gnome ctrl+alt+down and ctrl+alt+up shortcut?

JohnystarThere's a shortcut on Discord that enables you to switch between servers easily. It's ctrl+alt+up and ctrl+alt+down. The problem is that Gnome uses this shortcut for changing workspaces. Now, I have two monitors so I don't use additional workspaces very often so I opened settings and looked for t...

I have just been reviewing suggested edits and rejected a batch of around 10 suggestions by these two users here F.meh (rejected most but improved one of his edits) and Sina (rejected all). Reason is always "no improvement" because the edit only consisted of formatting some more or less random words bold or inline-code.
Maybe a mod could message and educate them?
In case of F.meh I couldn't even comment below any of their posts to initiate contact because that guy doesn't have any.
Q: How do I execute without a sudo?

beegee AssemI have an Ubuntu Studio 16.10 64 bit. I created a shell script xyz.sh the path to the file is home/somefolder/test/xyz.sh I have already added chmod u+x xyz.sh and I ran the script ./xyz.sh It was successful. I added my shell script PATH=$PATH:/home/somefolder/test/ I renamed the xyz.sh...

@terdon May I bug you to quickly check the mod flag queue? I flagged a comment containing server credentials that needs a quick nuke before somebody uses them.
Don't want to link it here for obvious reasons.
Oh damn... it's already indexed by google/duckduckgo
@ByteCommander I'm pretty sure most of the mods support even small edits like that
they just suggest you improve them
unless the formatting makes no sense
they were useless. Did you see them?
@TheWanderer Random application of bold and code formatting where it makes no sense? That is not considered correct and should always be rejected unless it's a tiny part of an otherwise good edit (then it can be improved out of the post).
I haven't reviewed in forever lol
shame on you
I'm such a hypocrite :D
You don't deserve to be in these holy halls. Get out.
@ByteCommander I've reviewed and rejected a number of these as well. If enough are rejected it should fix the problem--either they'll realize random bold and code formatting is not considered helpful, or they'll be automatically banned from editing for a short time. The real problem is that some of these are getting multiple accept reviews. It's the reviewers who may benefit from advice from mods, I think, more than the editors themselves.
@ByteCommander pls
In all seriousness though, the right to choose not to review is actually the cornerstone of all good reviewing -- the Skip button, after all, is a great light to us all. Compared to reviewing badly, it is far preferable not to review. But yes I would encourage you to review, if you're willing to do so. :)
@ByteCommander No pending flags. I guess someone already dealt with it
@terdon Yes, it got removed by now.
It is still indexed by search engines and can be found easily by entering the server's domain though.
But hey, we can't fix the whole internet, not even with diamonds.
well you could sell the diamonds and invest in infrastructure..
or bribe people.
Hmm... I wonder how much a blue SE diamond is worth on the black market... :thinking-emoji:
I've tried
they're pretty worthless
nobody wants to be targetted by the angry user that got suspended for being rude
hah. Just suspend them again
off a building.
Above bubbling lava
I don't have any bubbling lava nearby
closest thing i have is a lake
I mean, lake Erie in the winter is almost as effective. You just have to hold 'em down a little longer.
Lake Eerie is the name of a horror movie I watched lol.
hadn't thought of that
@Jasper Eerie or Erie? Two different things :P
@Seth Oh, really? I think the movie is Eerie lol.
@Jasper hehe. Yeah, lake Erie is a lake in the US
(and maybe Canada? Can't remember if that one touches Canada or not)
It's the southern shore of canada and the northern shore of the US
aha, right.
OOOOH. PERFECT BLOG NAME: north shore nomad
oooh, noice.
I currently use Ubuntu MATE on my old computers.
it's available. really tempting.
except you're on the south shore..
i'm in the US
so the north shore of the US
It seems that Unity is available in Ubuntu MATE as one of the panel options!
@jrg I mean, I guess you could look at it that way
I think Ubuntu MATE will rise in popularity soon...
@Jasper don't they call that Mutiny?
@Seth Yes, that's what I was referring to.
I can imagine a whole bunch of Unity users flocking to Ubuntu MATE...
@Jasper What many people don't seem to realize is that Unity is more than just a panel configuration..
@Seth in the time honored tradition I started 2 weeks ago, I have put it to the twitterverse.
The only environment I've seen come close is, ironically, GNOME. With a ridiculous amount of extensions mind you.
@jrg Hah! Awesome xD
I miss the days of GNOME 2.
Maybe GNOME 4 will be like GNOME 2...
I'm still trying to find the right twitter filter combination to drown out most of the politics so I can use twitter in peace.
I never had twitter or facebook, lol.
So @Seth I started taking meds again.
wait. you are Jasper Loy?
Yes. Hi @seth lol.
There are some imposters, but I am the real one now.
I thought was a different Jasper lol. No solid color, no Loy. Had me confused for a couple minutes there :P
@Jasper xD
@Seth i was corrected
Yeah, the only way to tell an imposter from the real one is to know some things and test him on that.
Well I hope the meds help you at least.
it's north coast, south shore
@Jasper true enough!
I remember the old pictures of both @Seth and @jrg, lol.
That was a long time ago..
Yeah, I deleted only one Ubuntu account. But I deleted more of others.
indeed it was
I mean SE accounts.
Right now, I only have ELL account.
What nice movies are there to watch recently?
Wonder Woman was pretty good.
I totally hate superhero movies lol.
ah ok then hate away
that's about all i've watched recently
Maybe because I am in a bad mood, so every movie seems bad to me.
as far as TV goes, if you're into scifi and comedy The Orville is pretty good so far
I did finish watching 10 episodes of Hindsight (2015), lol.
Too bad Season 2 was cancelled.
And I also watched all 24 Eon Productions James Bond movies.
I did all that this year, lol.
@Jasper The dark tower
@jrg I should watch the pilot to that.
@Jasper The new star trek airs today.
It's sad when a comedy like The Orville looks better than a new Star Trek show..
@Seth yes and it looks VERY good
THe Orville is pretty good when it stops trying to be funny
Q: I know "This suggested edit to your post has already been handled" -- I handled it!

Eliah KaganI rejected this edit suggestion on one of my own posts. But when I view it, it tells me: This suggested edit to your post has already been handled and your action is no longer required. Although that's true--it was handled (by me) and my action is no longer required (because I already took ...

@Seth It's... weird.
@Rinzwind no, no it doesn't.
so much blue.
blue names or blue profile pictures
I'm blue, daba dee daba da...
No, you're not.
How can you know?
Might just be caching.
because there was no election
site list disagrees
site list isnt cached
or it updates quickly enough
See? Blue.
Search indexing on Stack Overflow will return in a few hours. We’re currently re-indexing for an Elastic 5.6.1 upgr… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/912033510784946177
oh thank god
I don't know how else I'd search for questions
It can only get better, can't it?
Q: Booting Linux on Mac with internal GPU

Alexander SchochI own a early 2011 MacBook Pro 15" (macOS Sierra). Some weeks ago, my discrete GPU (AMD Radeon) kinda broke (as soon as the Mac had to calculate something, the screen got distorted). Because of that, I downloaded gfxCardStatus, which let me manually switch to the internal grpahics card (wich work...

just took apart my phone \o/
and put it back together lol
that was unexpected
plot twist
I reapplied the thermal paste because LG is dumb
that was what they had on there
That is a weird shape for a phone...
1 hour later…
Folk, do we have a canonical question for "I've got a Win 10 laptop. How do I set up dual boot with Ubuntu?"
what's that
@edwinksl HELL
sick hue
happy chickens.
@TheWanderer did you invert the colors/
that's not my photo
@KazWolfe I can't help but wonder if that knife they use for the oranges will later be reused for the chickens...
@ByteCommander the knife i use for oranges is not suited for chickens.
(also, these chickens aren't any good for meat)
@edwinksl Thank you. Do you think that information is still largely applicable? It's a 5-year old thread. New Ubuntu version have come out, as did Windows.
no idea tbh. i don't dual-boot
By the way, what version would you recommend for somebody who's just starting: 16 or 17 ?
I don't have particular requirements. I simply want to watch cat videos on an Ubuntu machine.
@NickAlexeev 16.04. Multiple people have said that 17.04 is very unstable
@AndroidDev that's every in-between-LTS release
@AndroidDev I'm sorry, I haven't actually reported it as unstable
I've reported certain packages as unstable
but otherwise 17.04 runs pretty decently in the matching setup for fifteen other VMs I have :P
@ThomasWard well nvm then, it was a while ago, I guess my memory was incorrect
@AndroidDev 15.* and 14.10 were all horrid unstable
16.10 was unstable for me
hmm someone needs to invent ECC for the human brain :D
17.04 works, but I prefer to point people to LTS.
Anyone with experience using TestDisk have a second to give me a hand?

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