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what's a sleep
when you can have freebsd instead
I didn't have any coffee yesterday
Slept earlyish
Why do we want freebsd?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix because I've been challenged to it
@Avery I tend to perk up to challenging situations too :)
plus arch isn't edgy enough anymore
I need something with more brag value /s
whats a remote desktop client thats work default on ubuntu 16.04
@Avery I run haiku on a spare PC
For future, please post complete commands to get proper answers. There is very big difference between your original post and what was edited later. We can only deal with questions that are clear and complete, and partial posts only lead to partially valid answers — Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy 24 secs ago
Without cursing at OP too much . . .
Plus it can make your answer look bad when the question is substantially changed from original context.
Exactly, I've got downvote for it because there was discrepancy between what I answered before edit, vs what someone saw after question was edited
OK, now that I've vented my anger, back to coding
I should write an app that tells me when question was edited after an answer I posted.
It could run in cron daily.. I've got about 500 answers in AU.
Every question has timeline and RSS feed, so no real need for that
I don't subscribe to RSS feed :(
Never in my life actually... never even checked out how to set it up or what it does....
After bad experience with 3,000 bash array taking 1/2 hour to sort I'm now looking at Pearl or Python as next learning experience.
ie need a remote desktop
I haven't used a remote desktop since PC Anywhere in the 1990's... Sorry can't help.
vnc over ssh @craftxbox
I answered a question here on it too somewhere
Anybody wanna help me write elevator state machine ?
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Easy... go up or go down. Don't allow sideways.
lel , I see you're new around here @craftxbox
Those who know me well, usually know that I don't ask for help with writing code. But I need a way to channeling my complaining somewhere
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Sideways elevators should be the next best things
They have them in airports. called something or other.
um . . . escalators ?
moving walkways?
You mean like the parking garages in minority report? Those were sideways elevators
yeah, something like that
@NathanOsman how did you make the NS icon?
sigh . . . I need to hire a professional smacker so that I repeatedly get smacked and reminded to start my projects early and not doing them basically 1 hour before actual class
@TheWanderer ever wanted to move to Denver and become professional smacker ?
3:30 AM the morning before a team meeting a flurry of git commits. been there... @SergiyKolodyazhnyy
65 Watt @TheWanderer
@RobotHumans I wonder if it's just common psychology for people who work in IT and technology in general
in all honesty, it's not that i do it all at once. it's that i commit a couple of files at a time with the task i'm accomplishing, but when i move forward, i keep moving and don't stop for commits
I wanna sign up in github but.... I have a problem committing
you're so punny
That's such a robotic response!
@WinEunuuchs2Unix you're pulling my leg . . . should be puling my repository instead
I think I had around 40 commits in the last 30 days
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy The punny answer would be "Fork Off" but there might be kids in the room so I won't say it.
2 of them were for merges though. so it's a little lower
hehe , that answer is a bit outdated . . . or should I say, still at version 0.1 @WinEunuuchs2Unix
New York is beating Ottawa (capital of Canada) 2-0 in the second period... I'm thinking game over and I should watch a movie instead.
@TheWanderer Which one?
The flat one or the 3D one?
but I actually found basically the perfect maker for me
@RobotHumans My commits in the last two months are basically homework . . . I abandoned all projects for now to focus on school
Even stopped answering on AU
@TheWanderer I imported the SVG into Blender, extruded it, and rendered it.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy What is it with Linux people and version numbering: Why can't they comprehend version 1, 2, 3?
@NathanOsman but hao maek svg
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy 30 or so of mine were for work on a private repo. 2 were on my own project. one was to fix a feature for pandas-datareader and put in a PR, but I only fixed it on py3k, so until someone steps in and forks my repo to touch it up for py2x, the PR won't get approved.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix has nothing to do with Linux people, but with developers in general. We are never sure that project is complete
@TheWanderer yus.
If you want to know the secret...
Look closely at the logo. It's two arrows pointing to the left and right.
^--- slightly more fancy render
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Even Ubuntu can't figure out it should be version 16 (not 16.04) then 16.1, then 16.2 (not 17.04) then 16.3 (not 17.10) and then version 17 (not 18.04).
@NathanOsman very cool logo :)
what about feature graphics?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix major release (version post beta).minor release (features). bugfix patch (making broken stuff not broken bump)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix The original design was @Mateo's.
Haven't seen @Mateo here in ages, if ever????
@TheWanderer I can't stand those. Just throw some random colors together, write a fancy catchphrase, maybe a screenshot, call it good enough.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Now we've both pinged him :P
I've been using Norio
@WinEunuuchs2Unix he's still alive. i talked to him out of band the other day
He was here a couple weeks ago.
Apr 22 at 1:54, by Mateo
I like this idea symbolically
That's even less than two weeks ago.
Yeah I kind of dropped out of room last couple of weeks thinking I was failing at bash bubble sort when half the problem was bash array speed and other half was how tree command sorted directory names.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix the reason why Ubuntu uses that type of version is because it's easy to signify when release occurs. 04 means April and 10 means October. So 13.10 was released in October 2013, which is the version from which I started my journey into Ubuntu world
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Thank you for explaining April vs October. I honestly never knew that.
Want me to post question on main board so you can make 1,000 points in upvotes?
there already exists such post
Q: What's the meaning of version numbering of Ubuntu?

Mohit JainWhat's the meaning of the numbering for different versions? Do they signify something?

damn... still can't reinvent the wheel today :p
Also, if you haven't noticed yet, even numbers typically mean LTS release
12.04, 14.04, 16.04, 18.04 . . . all LTS
Well that begs another question.... What's the point in releasing a new version just because the calendar says you have to but you really don't have anything substantially new to offer?
yeah the LTS even numbering I noticed. Thanks though.
The point is really about having schedule. Follow the schedule, try to develop something new and add to it
Me,for instance, I develop . . . whenever . . .no schedule. Other devs like to have schedule and in fact in organizations that's how it is
In reality they are ditching Unity so the should freeze the "let's release based on calendar philosophy" until they've got some juicy working stuff with Gnome DE ready to roll out.
Also . . . spoopy . . ."Other devs" . . . talking as if I am some big shot, professional dev dude
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy "We are all big shots in a small room"...LOL
Unity had one really major nuisance: its name.
It was always difficult to search for things due to a certain game development framework of the same name.
Yeah they should have called it Ubuntu DE
DARN IT! Nooooooo....
There's another point to releasing new versions even if you don't have major features to add in a major linux distro. Since it's not "get everything latest" the version freeze updates so you can use newer libraries even if core didn't move at all.
(My Nexus 7 just fell off my desk and landed on the USB cable which was plugged into it...)
Hopefully the port is okay
Same thing with YAD (Yet Another Dialog) a fork of Zenity which is a fork of Dialog which is a fork of Whiptail (or something like that). Every time I google "yad" it comes up with jewish religion links.
@NathanOsman agreed
The cable is a bit bent
But we could always use google and search for "Ubuntu" AND "Unity"
@AndroidDev I always find that the port is stronger than the cable.
So if anything's gonna break...
Also, FYI, google uses logic operators
Is that the same as searching for:
+ubuntu +unity
Not so. I had ports corrode faster than cables, but I was in a high humidity environment
@NathanOsman The Nexus 7 2013s are known to have weak USB ports though
speaking of which shower time...brb
@RobotHumans Fair enough, but we're talking shock damage in this case.
That's true
Well the good news is it still works
Well, hopefully it's okay.
Although it's a bit looser now
Worst case scenario, you may even be able to fix it with some hand-soldering.
Yeah, although I'd prefer not to :)
> Does the app contain any Nazi symbols, references, or propaganda?
I never had a Nexus 7 but if it was anything like the 6, yeah, I can totally see how it'd slide off.
that's such a weirdly specific content rating question
@TheWanderer Probably for distribution in Germany.
They take a very dim view of that sort of thing.
Crap. Why did my iphone magically lose my gamecenter login? fscking apple
@NathanOsman Well me knee pulled the cable...
that makes sense
> Is your app primarily directed towards children under the age of 13 as defined by COPPA ?
that's new
COPPA isn't new.
that Google question is new to me
@NathanOsman COP 。 。 。COP 。 。 。COPPA gannam style
Well now.
Oh, I see. Someone was trying to get my appleid login.
@RobotHumans "Dear Valued Customer , "
why doesn't iCloud Mail have any spam filter whatsoever?
Nah, someone was trying to brute it, so my account froze, and now none of my apps work until i reset my apple id. It's not an email or one app or one device
@NathanOsman Nitro Share now has a dark theme! I'll link you to the APK in a sec
@AndroidDev Oh that's neat.
@AndroidDev it better not be Holo >_>
If you like it then I'll send you the code too
@NathanOsman when you're ready for release, you should make a thread on XDA
@TheWanderer Nope, unfortunately :/
thank gourd
@AndroidDev I can always add an option for that.
@NathanOsman It is an option :)
Oh, super!
@NathanOsman Okay, here ya go. Let me know what you think! The toggle is in Settings.
@AndroidDev terrible
it's just a request access screen
not even dark themed
It's only shared with Nathan. I could share it with you too if you want
oh yeah, I may have broken my big toe
isn't that fun?
@AndroidDev is this closed open source code?
@TheWanderer Lol! If Nathan likes it then I'll give him the source to put on Github
@TheWanderer rip
@AndroidDev That is awesome!
I'll need a "light" version of the icons.
But that's easy enough to fix.
Yeah, that's the only thing
I could even do that for you with Photoshop
also who wants to try my DPI changer forum.xda-developers.com/android/apps-games/…
@AndroidDev Android Studio will do that though.
Although... I think there's even a way you can use a single icon for both.
But I can't remember how exactly that works again.
I know
but I'd need the code :3
it's a ColorStateList thingy
@TheWanderer On a VM? Sure. Don't want to mess up my OP3.
@NathanOsman I'm super distracted rn. Could you tell me what needs light icons?
@TheWanderer I have an app. The app now has a dark theme.
I have a bunch of drawables that are designed for the light theme.
oh OK
well there are two things you can do
I think
@NathanOsman - I'm also working on the material settings on pre-lollipop. It requires an external library, so it's taking a bit longer.
In the relevant Java files, define the drawable elements and set their tints appropriately
I did that with something else already (I can't remember what it was).
But yeah, I'm familiar with the tint trick.
Oh yeah, my custom tint-able button.
It let me invert the color of the icon on a button.
u wot
sounds fun
The purpose?
41 secs ago, by Nathan Osman
It let me invert the color of the icon on a button.
^--- see here
@NathanOsman One other thing. You'll notice how it respawns immediately when you toggle the switch?
@AndroidDev The theme setting?
@NathanOsman ................................................................................‌​.................................................................................‌​.................................................................................‌​.................................................................................‌​.................................................................................‌​..........................................................
@AndroidDev this.finish() FTW!
@AndroidDev I didn't notice that, actually.
It's instantaneous for me.
@TheWanderer @NathanOsman - Yeah, sooooo anyways... because it's being called from a static context, I had to do a hacky workaround to get it to do that, and Android Studio is warning me that doing it that way will cause a memory leak and also break instant run. So at your discretion, I could also make it so that you have to manually restart the activity before it changes themes. (As in you have to manually back out of settings and then go back in before it takes effect)
tsk tsk tsk
And it could show a toast telling you to restart it before it will take effect.
@AndroidDev Yeah, I'd prefer to do it the "correct" way.
how are you doing it?
@NathanOsman is your settings page its own activity?
@TheWanderer It is
@TheWanderer Lemme check.
Okay then :D
@AndroidDev I think there's a getParentActivity() function you could use
then cast it to the class name
@TheWanderer Creating a static instance of Activity
that should let you do it better
@AndroidDev actually, it's just getParent()
so you could do something like MainActivity activity = (MainActivity) getParent(); in the Settings onCreate() function
and then use activity.finish()
and also this.finish();
@TheWanderer Yeah but you don't understand. I can't do it that way because it's being called from a static context
can I see codez pls
relevant codes
Sure. One moment
Why even getParent()? Can't we do getActivity()?
(From within the PreferenceFragment?)
@NathanOsman that will get the current activity
so it is a fragment???
@TheWanderer Is that not what we want?
@TheWanderer Which is what we want
@AndroidDev you said Settings was its own activity!
It's an activity with a static fragment.
@TheWanderer It IS
but why
Because that's how you do it?
Notice line 56
And also 20
And the onCreate() method
Why not use something like
                            currentActivity.startActivity(new Intent(currentActivity, currentActivity.getClass()));
Also, in the abyss that is my life, a coworker wrote all his xpath identifiers against emberjs as "text=" and now they joined first name and last name in to one span element, so we have to go change ALL his identifiers to contains(., "something") :'(
The parent activity could just run a fragment transaction to replace the current one.
But we'd need a way to signal that to the activity.
why are you making the activity static though?
@TheWanderer You aren't understanding. You can't call finish() from a static context!
Don't ask me why, ask Google.
Don't fragments have to be static?
I think so
why is installing neofetch on freebsd taking longer than installing the OS itself?
Q: Fragment inner class should be static

user2176737I have a FragmentActivity class with inner class that should display Dialog. But I am required to make it static. Eclipse offers me to suppress error with @SuppressLint("ValidFragment"). Is it bad style if I do it and what are the possible consequences? public class CarActivity extends FragmentA...

^--- see?
> "Non static inner classes do hold a reference to their parent classes. The problem with making a Fragment inner class non-static is that you always hold a reference to the Activity. The GarbageCollector cannot collect your Activity. So you can 'leak' the Activity if for example the orientation changes. Because the Fragment might still live and gets inserted in a new Activity."
@Avery you think neofetch is taking a while, try updating world.
But shouldn't getActivity() work in the fragment? It should never be null after initialization, right?
@NathanOsman - It gets set in onCreate(). Well, I need to disappear for 15-20 minutes. We'll continue this when I return :)
I think you can work around static like this:
MainActivity activity;
if (getActivity() instanceof MainActivity) {
    activity = (MainActivity) getActivity();
in the fragment
that's how I'm doing it from my fragments which are working fine
@TheWanderer Or you could just use it and catch a bad cast.
@NathanOsman ..
@Avery You only get 10 points - you need to run Gentoo for 20 points :D
Also, why not just make the Fragment its own class file?
(I'm kidding. Congrats, BTW.)
@TheWanderer Convenience.
oh yeah
Why have a separate file?
it seems to be really convenient right about now
@NathanOsman so it doesn't need to be static?
Moving it to a separate file won't solve the problem.
@NathanOsman It was literally simpler than Arch.
@TheWanderer How does that help at all?
@Avery How does it feel to use?
@NathanOsman so you can recreate the activity without memory leaks?
We can do that the way it is now.
@NathanOsman like linux.
With a slightly different package manager and weird boot sequence. And as someone who praises demon, the BSD Daemon is better than Tux IMO.
How does it feel to be free from systemd?
terrible. i need my systemd fix, man....
oh @AndroidDev I don't think there's any reason you can't use this actually:
@NathanOsman UNIX-y.
                            currentActivity.startActivity(new Intent(currentActivity, currentActivity.getClass()));
gotta have those units....
I thought "Tux" was a penguin? Not a software package. I just ordered another Tux hat last week
hey @NathanOsman, you got any more of them targets?
I get the memory leak with .recreate() too
@TheWanderer I'm not sure I like that so much - won't recreating the activity reset the scroll position for the fragment?
At that point, might as well just get the user to restart the activity.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix He is.
@NathanOsman I think it will
@KazWolfe Nope, just a bunch of sockets...
but it's definitely faster than making them restart the app
Not the app, the activity.
They just push back.
how are they going to do that?
With their finger!
oh that's what you're planning
@AndroidDev what's the stacktrace error?
@TheWanderer He disappeared for a few minutes.
oh cool
I'm now typing this message inside FreeBSD
free stands for systemd-free
@TheWanderer what the hell are you trying to do that is causing memory leaks
@KazWolfe forgot to unregister my broadcast receivers
i have to be the only one in this chatroom that likes systemd.
@NathanOsman do you use any broadcast receivers?
> Memory: 960MiB / 991MiB
lol let's see when that breaks
@TheWanderer Yes.
@NathanOsman use this in your activities:
protected void onStop()
that should stop the leak I think
(obviously change the names of the receivers)
Wait what.
What leak?
And I'm already unregistering broadcast receivers:
@AndroidDev says there's a mem leak with recreate()
I'd like to know what's leaking.
that's why he didn't like it
well that's why I want the stacktrace lol
so all in all it took 7.7gigs but if I hadn't installed xfce before this it'd probably be smaller
Am confused
@Avery Of storage?
That's about what I'd expect from a typical XFCE install.
Although your screenshot looks like Gnome...
(I have both xfce and gnome3 installed)
xfce broke down. hard.
That's pretty good then.
They share a lot of code.
Now to bloat the OS with sublime text, unity3d and discord.
but first I need to download some ram
I want to call an Imacros macro from the command line. Its been forever since I have done this, and I forgot exactly how. I tried google-chrome-stable imacros://run/?m=i.iim but the macro doesnt execute

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