For future, please post complete commands to get proper answers. There is very big difference between your original post and what was edited later. We can only deal with questions that are clear and complete, and partial posts only lead to partially valid answers — Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy24 secs ago
sigh . . . I need to hire a professional smacker so that I repeatedly get smacked and reminded to start my projects early and not doing them basically 1 hour before actual class
@TheWanderer ever wanted to move to Denver and become professional smacker ?
in all honesty, it's not that i do it all at once. it's that i commit a couple of files at a time with the task i'm accomplishing, but when i move forward, i keep moving and don't stop for commits
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy 30 or so of mine were for work on a private repo. 2 were on my own project. one was to fix a feature for pandas-datareader and put in a PR, but I only fixed it on py3k, so until someone steps in and forks my repo to touch it up for py2x, the PR won't get approved.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Even Ubuntu can't figure out it should be version 16 (not 16.04) then 16.1, then 16.2 (not 17.04) then 16.3 (not 17.10) and then version 17 (not 18.04).
Yeah I kind of dropped out of room last couple of weeks thinking I was failing at bash bubble sort when half the problem was bash array speed and other half was how tree command sorted directory names.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix the reason why Ubuntu uses that type of version is because it's easy to signify when release occurs. 04 means April and 10 means October. So 13.10 was released in October 2013, which is the version from which I started my journey into Ubuntu world
Well that begs another question.... What's the point in releasing a new version just because the calendar says you have to but you really don't have anything substantially new to offer?
yeah the LTS even numbering I noticed. Thanks though.
In reality they are ditching Unity so the should freeze the "let's release based on calendar philosophy" until they've got some juicy working stuff with Gnome DE ready to roll out.
There's another point to releasing new versions even if you don't have major features to add in a major linux distro. Since it's not "get everything latest" the version freeze updates so you can use newer libraries even if core didn't move at all.
Same thing with YAD (Yet Another Dialog) a fork of Zenity which is a fork of Dialog which is a fork of Whiptail (or something like that). Every time I google "yad" it comes up with jewish religion links.
Nah, someone was trying to brute it, so my account froze, and now none of my apps work until i reset my apple id. It's not an email or one app or one device
@TheWanderer @NathanOsman - Yeah, sooooo anyways... because it's being called from a static context, I had to do a hacky workaround to get it to do that, and Android Studio is warning me that doing it that way will cause a memory leak and also break instant run. So at your discretion, I could also make it so that you have to manually restart the activity before it changes themes. (As in you have to manually back out of settings and then go back in before it takes effect)
Also, in the abyss that is my life, a coworker wrote all his xpath identifiers against emberjs as "text=" and now they joined first name and last name in to one span element, so we have to go change ALL his identifiers to contains(., "something") :'(
I have a FragmentActivity class with inner class that should display Dialog. But I am required to make it static. Eclipse offers me to suppress error with @SuppressLint("ValidFragment"). Is it bad style if I do it and what are the possible consequences?
public class CarActivity extends FragmentA...
> "Non static inner classes do hold a reference to their parent classes. The problem with making a Fragment inner class non-static is that you always hold a reference to the Activity. The GarbageCollector cannot collect your Activity. So you can 'leak' the Activity if for example the orientation changes. Because the Fragment might still live and gets inserted in a new Activity."
I want to call an Imacros macro from the command line. Its been forever since I have done this, and I forgot exactly how. I tried google-chrome-stable imacros://run/?m=i.iim but the macro doesnt execute