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facebook is starting to get annoying
mainly due to general display of human stupidity
This USB cable might be a tad too long...
some serious nostalgia there.
@NathanOsman There's no such thing as USB cable being too long. They're always not long enough
I had the cable connected to a USB extension cable and it must have been too long. The device kept getting power resets.
what about the connector itself ? Poor contact could cause it
I removed the extension cable, so we'll see if that helps.
Odd behavior. When I try to move cursor to left monitor, it causes dash to show up
good god that was a bad movie
Don't watch The Lazarus Effect
what's it about?
look up a plot summary
I'm terrible at them
Anybody ever worked on Elementary OS here ?
I'm considering making a move of installing and developing on Elementary
Nope, but you can be sure NitroShare runs on it.
I test it on everything :P
Lol, OK. That's all that matters then
@Serg You are more likely to find those people here, instead of Ask Ubuntu.
but you should already know this.
I already know this, but I wanted to ask amongst my kin
your kin?
you traitor?
you're no kin of ours
leave this place and never return
OK . . . leaves for Elementary, develops indicators there
Good job guys.
We just lost one of our best users.
"best" is arguable , but I'll say pretty OK
Considering Roland is also a mod on elementary.se..
He is ?
desperately trying to find a GTFO ASCII emote
why is my VPN on???
Hue, I turned it on
damn Russian hackerz...
I'm actually Ukrainian, but I use Russian proxy
@Serg the plot thickens...
like those letters ^
oh,do you now?
Didn't you say I like bold letters just now ?
Fine, I admit it.
@Serg is my sockpuppet :D
The plot thinnens . . . .or whatever the appropriate word is
i believe it
@Serg thins
cause, english
OK, 谢谢
@NathanOsman can i run nitroshare on my printer?
As funny as it sounds, probably yes if it's running Debian.
Heck, NitroShare runs on RedHat-based distros too.
And what about my OS/2 install?
For example, I could run NitroShare on my external WD hard drive, assuming Qt 5.x is available since the drive runs Debian.
It's a PPC processor, but that shouldn't affect anything.
@KazWolfe Clarification: the platform must support Qt.
i rate nitroshare: 4/10 - not like Doom
So you could run an older version of NitroShare on OS/2.
@NathanOsman say what now
@Zacharee1 I said the drive runs Debian.
Verified through SSH by yours truly.
@Zacharee1 It has to run something - it's a network device.
Can I run nitroshare on my SNES?
@NathanOsman why not some weird embedded Linux?
I think we've come to the point where we shouldn't be asking "Can I..." but rather "Should I...?"
@KazWolfe does Nintendo use Linux?
@Zacharee1 that's what debian is.
@Zacharee1 Because WD knows what they are doing.
@KazWolfe lol
@NathanOsman seems so...
Once you get in via SSH, you quickly realize they care about organizing things.
Instead of a bunch of shell scripts hacked together, there are properly set up init daemons, etc.
what kernel version
Lemme check...
I wonder... where can I buy an ATM?
I need one for... reasons.
@Zacharee1 ----v
WD2TB:~# uname -a
Linux WD2TB #1 Thu May 17 13:32:51 PDT 2012 ppc GNU/Linux
I tried un-installing tracker-miner and it worked
@KazWolfe uhhhh
@Zacharee1 + Shampoo = Clean CoW
@NathanOsman NOOOOO
Dirty CoW has been patched.
@KazWolfe not in 2.6
I'm not about to brick this drive by trying to update the kernel.
do it
i daer u
@Zacharee1 If you install fluffycow, it will be.
@Zacharee1 i swear it's legitimate
it is...
i wonder if dirty cow was in the CIA leaks...
supposedly they were all pretty outdated
this existed since 2008
Apparently the kernel is provided by the apm-zermatt package.
i think my company's servers are still affected by dirty cow.
brb checking
what's your IP again?
you can also try
brb installing kali and haxxing
@KazWolfe lol
u so troll
@Seth dw my second ip is even bettah
Isn't also private?
yeah is private, so everything inside of that has to be
Oh right, it's class A.
Well, there you go then.
@KazWolfe CGN?
@Seth better
I recently had to redo all the DHCP assignments on our local network. Using a VPN from a network with subnet overlap is a real pain.
Of course, there's also IPv6 but I don't have measures in place yet to make remote IPv6 access secure, so it's disabled.
@KazWolfe I give up
└──> ~ % ping fbi.gov
PING fbi.gov ( 56(84) bytes of data.
hah. nice.
@KazWolfe Now you're on fifteen new watchlists.
Yeah I realized it's outside the CGN space.
and the no fly list
Quick question, guys. Any idea why would one host on network take like 30 hops to a site, while others take only 8-9 hops ?
Carrier Grade NAT
Global Cycling Network?
@Serg inefficient routing?
Graphics Core Next?
@KazWolfe it's handled by same router. Wouldn't inefficient routing be issue at that point ?
Global Copper Network
@Serg it could have been a temporary inefficiency outside of the network.
It's repeated though. Websites keep timing out for this computer only
@Serg traceroute?
also, imagine if all computers in the world were on a single token ring
@KazWolfe did that on this chromebook host, my Ubuntu host, and win10 host. Only chromebook takes more than 30
@Serg oh, it's a chromebook?
are you sure it's not routing through google's monitoring/health servers?
How do i check that ?
i'm just making stuff up
Also , it was on opendns , but kept dropping. Changed to google's servers, it keeps dropping again
nothing anomalous in the traceroute?
define anomalous
something appearing in one route that doesnt appear in another, etc.
or the point where the traces diverge
Well , first 5 entries are about the same. At 6th entry it hangs, mine shows 6th entry as * * * , which is the same, but takes long time. 7th entry on my ubuntu is the cloudflare, then IP of the site. Chromebook, on the other hand, shows no reply for like 30 hops.
pmtu 1480
There appears to be two duplicate entries for the modem AND wifi router
@Serg that's not always weird.
The only discrepancy that i see is MTU value. On my Ubuntu it is 1500, on chromebook - 1480
there was setting for port forwarding to localhost:8080
removed it just in case
1 hour later…
@NathanOsman I'm going to try an experiment and put my email in my profile. I'm wondering how much spam you've gotten with yours in your profile though? By spam I mean actual spam not random emails from users..
(anyone else that has their email public is welcome to answer as well)
I'm curious to see if I actually do get any emails from actual people but I'm not really looking to pickup more spammers, if possible.
Oh, I wish I had good news.
But I get upwards of 50-60 junk emails a day.
Granted, SpamAssassin catches the majority of them.
See, right now my gmail gets more false positives than it does actual spam.
I'd prefer to keep it that way.
Oh, Gmail, well that might work even better. Their filters are more advanced apparently.
That gives me another idea. I'll try making it a little difficult to capture for spam bots (assuming that's even still possible) then after a month or two edit it to the full form and see if the amount of spam I get changes.
I can run two tests at once.
I don't really get a lot of profile views so it'll be interesting to see what happens.
@Seth I tried that. No spam, but a few odd help vampires.
@JourneymanGeek I'm fine with the odd help vampire.
I've only ever once had someone contact me for help.
At least, without a legitimate reason (support for a program I wrote, etc.).
Oh this guy wanted free forensics ._.
I've had my twitter up for a while now but I've only ever gotten 2 messages about AU. One was someone thanking me and the other was someone asking for help. Unfortunately they saw I edited something and assumed me to be the author of the answer.. in a topic I know nothing about :/
@NathanOsman see, that's the best, isn't it?
Unless one is hiring me, what happens in vegas SE stays in SE vegas
Having people use your software must give you a warm, fuzzy, feeling inside.
There ought to be a way to mark a message as spam and have SpamAssassin try to watch for similar messages in the future...
Well I'm off to bed now. Night guys! Thanks for the input :)
tried to wait until after I left eh?
Reuploaded my gravatar. See if that fixes the scaling issues.
Seems to have worked.
Then again, maybe I'll be staying up after all:
~60 minutes until 1:34am EDT launch window for @EchoStar XXIII opens. Continuing to watch winds.
@Seth "SpaceX will not attempt to land Falcon 9’s first stage after launch due to mission requirements."
I wonder why.
@NathanOsman huh, no idea. That's interesting.
So apparently they need the extra fuel to put the satellite in geostationary orbit.
@terdon of course I've upvoted it, I left the tab open before going to sleep especially to do that
(Both of them)
Thanks for fixing it :D
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body: Tips Regarding How To Build Muscle Mass by snnaqwm on askubuntu.com
Livestream in two minutes.
Oh since you're here @Zanna, what do you think of Shog mass editing all the remaining bit.ly links?
Because of the new images rules he can't do it silently so it'd take over the homepage for a bit but then it'd be done for good.
Countdown ended. No video. ಠ_ಠ
Come on SpaceX, you can do better :P
Video is live
Not for me...
Still waiting for content..
Do I have the right link?
All I see is "Live stream is starting soon".
Come on.. the launch window is soon!
Anything yet Nathan?
Standing down due to high winds; working toward next available launch opportunity.
@NathanOsman --^
@Seth I thought he was too busy... it is up to you and him, but I am fine doing it slowly (I notice jokerdino is helping); I'm also trying to fix all the issues around it too, any other problems anywhere on the page. It's actually easier than it looked because many of the instances are on answers to the same question. Because of that, we already did more than 100 even at a slow pace
@Zanna he has a script :p
@Seth darn.
@NathanOsman next launch window is Thursday
Or, no. Wednesday our time, I think.
@Seth yeah I assumed that, but I thought he had to fix it or something...
I guess if he fixed it for us we better let him use it XD
@Zanna oh. Two different scripts.
One makes community edit and not bump. That requires the links show up in a URL: search (not possible now that the images arent displayed anymore) and another that uses his account to manually edit things.
The broken part was searhx. The URL index was out of date. m0sa fixed that but now the non https images don't show as URLs anymore so it doesn't matter :/
So... the search still does not find them? (Sorry I'm so dense)
Going to get breakfast...
Maybe I will be less stupid after that
My API package is almost ready for the first test.

same answers
Not quite.
The /a URLs are just redirects to the appropriate question page.
It takes the first part of the URL (the answer ID) and feeds it into /questions/{id}.
Since that ID is for an answer, it then loads the question that actually contains the answer and displays it.
> "Note that the equation above is valid and above board, since the current version of mathematics (v42.1 at the time of writing) supports simultaneous assignment."
> "Authors are listed according to the degree to which their home nation underperformed at the 2016 European football championships"
> "To evaluate this cost, we first compute α with a melancholy search of Twitter, uniquely determining the cost of violence globally as $1876 for every person in the world (Twitter, 2016)."
> "Kernel machines are popular because they work well and have fancy math, pleasing practitioners and theoreticians alike. The Kardashians are popular because (TODO). Why not combine them?"
@Hizqeel both copies of 2nd answer as well :/ protected the question
and voted to delete those answers
thanks for spotting them
Gone, both
awesome thanks
I spent 5 precious minutes of my life transcribing their picture only to find it's Kali (see comment on answer) askubuntu.com/questions/892759/…
That saves me the time haha
haha at least something :)
Hello :) Good morning ! :)
morning everyone ^_^
Hi ^^
Hey I uuuh... When I insert my Wlan-USB-stick, my OS freezes completely. I think the Linux kernel is the problem, since not even REISUB works anymore. So I thought I should enter a bug report to the Linux kernel... but I know almost nothing related to that topic. Does someone know how I can track down the cause of it? It should be the device driver, right?
indexing had a blip over the weekend, the migrated post are now back in the index -> askubuntu.com/search?q=url%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fhostmar.co
Thank you m0sa.
@Zanna did they update data.SE or something?
oh... it has been updated I think
yeah, I think it has been updated yesterday UTC evening
Thank you.
askubuntu.com/a/282555/25798 This one confuses me.
iostat or gigolo or sysstat?
I think I would not have paid enough attention to catch that
in 16.10 I cannot find iostat
Try if you can find the command in sysstat package.
$ dpkg -S iostat
sysstat: /usr/share/man/man1/iostat.1.gz
sysstat: /usr/bin/cifsiostat
sysstat: /usr/bin/iostat
yep ^
Can you fix it please? I am still confused.
yes, I can fix it
the command works too
Thank you.
done... I wonder if iostat could take the drive as argument somehow instead of grepping
yes it can...
ah, I didn't read the name. con-f-use. Yep, totally.
thank you for spotting that
jeez, let me flag it.
I know, I can never flag anything since smokey got wheels
Good morning @Thijser ! :) It makes not much sense to fill up your question with more or less not useful comments, all I can say is that there's a pretty good chance to solve your problem ... maybe you find something here -> freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio Also check whether you can change audio settings in BIOS. As a little motivation from my side, I can tell you that I once got a weird printer problem solved simply by choosing a driver for a completely different model. :)
Good morning @jokerdino @Zanna ! :)
morning @cl-netbox :)
@Zanna Everything fine today ? FYI : I flagged / VTCed two questions today ! :) Good ? :)
I don't know, it depends if they needed it haha
@Zanna you voted as well ... so it can't be wrong - right ? hahaha :)
@cl-netbox haha no that is definitely not a reliable test
We are flagging questions today?
And good morning everybody
@Thijser it happens everyday
Yhea but some days we flag more then others
@Zanna Anyway ... I try my best ... though solving problems and answering questions is what I'm doing better I guess ... hahaha :)
Hmm maybe if I install the latest pulseaudio version (10 vs 9), would that cause problems?
Anybody has experience with the following problem:
> Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in Unknown on line 0
@Thijser Do you remember what I said about audio issues ... sometimes it's a pain ... you need much patience - so don't give up ! :)
Everything works fine, just with some projects, it outputs that error
yes just checking if install pulseaudio 10 is a bad idea or not
@Thijser why not giving it a try ? make a system backup with clonezilla before ... that's what I always do when testing hardware related things ! :)
@Thijser the packages are in zesty -> packages.ubuntu.com/… expect to receive dependency warnings. :)
@cl-netbox thanks, that also happened to be the exact page I just opened
hmm software centres isn't willing to install just yet
Time fod command line
@Thijser you can use gdebi to install deb files manually
Hmm the sound sounds a lot better with version 10.0 but the right speaker is still not working
btw if we can resolve this I have found several other people with similar problems with acer laptops
@Thijser yes ... I have no idea why Acer machines have so many "special" issues ... once some users had to downgrade the BIOS to solve them ... :(
@Thijser This is what I have installed on my fedora workstation :
[cl@cl-fw-1 ~]$ sudo dnf list installed | grep pulseaudio
[sudo] password for cl:
alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.x86_64 1.1.1-1.fc25 @anaconda
pulseaudio.x86_64 10.0-2.fc25 @updates
pulseaudio-gdm-hooks.x86_64 10.0-2.fc25 @updates
pulseaudio-libs.x86_64 10.0-2.fc25 @updates
pulseaudio-libs-glib2.x86_64 10.0-2.fc25 @updates
By the way me vanishing a few minutes ago was unity deciding to commit sepeku
Perhaps I should try and see how well ubuntu 17.04 is comming allong
Also I think acer has this many "special" issues because they seemingly really don't like to support linux (I tried to see what would happen if I asked them for support and got the reply that they do not support any operating system other then the one that came preinstalled (windows 10) and that they adviced me to return to the default operating system)
Q: Ubuntu 16.04 - DNS problem when waking laptop up from suspend-mode

user197675I am on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Dell XPS 15 9550. Since one week ago (which probably matches last kernel update), every time I wake up my Laptop from suspend-mode, it correctly connects to the WiFi, but then it can't resolve any hostname (Google Chrome raises "DNS FINISHED BAD_CONFIG" and even ssh can...

Let' s hope installing ubuntu 17.04 will work better..
(now downloading from windows)
@Thijser That's what most vendors do ... I bought my machine without any OS preinstalled for exactly this reason ... also I was able to configure most hardware components myself ... and the support from SCHENKER is gorgeous ! :)
not a single reaction. kek. have a great day.
@Nearoo reaction on what ? Hello to you ! :)
@Nearoo I think most people kinda missed what you said
uh yhea I forgot how much windows strugles with my wifi
@Thijser good idea ... I cross my fingers for you that zesty works better ... did you download this ISO -> cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/zesty-desktop-amd64.iso ? :)
No a different one but I will try that one
@Thijser yes that one is the latest tested ... :)
Hmm windows can only pull 760 kb/s where ubuntu managed 3mb/s ...
@Thijser Don't ask me ... I dropped Windows completely some longer time ago ... hahaha ... I have a dual boot setup fedora / ubuntu ! :)
It' s not really a question and more of a "ugh windows" moment
OK we got ourself 1 brand new .iso file and 1 brand new usb stick
@Thijser hope it works better ... I'm quite sure it will once the final version is released ... when the installation is finished, please tell me if kernel 4.10 already is implemented ans in use. :)
OK let' s hope this will work in one go, will hopefully see you on ubuntu 17.04
@Thijser format the ubuntu partition with gparted (included in install media) before you start the installation ... choose "something else" from installer ! :)
Installer is working fine but I have to go to a lecture now, will report back in a few hours
Thanks @cl-netbox
@Thijser You're welcome ! :) See you later ! :)
When I woke up I thought it was foggy and rainy out
it's just that the snowfall is so heavy
stay warm...
the Galaxy S6 got Nougat?
@edwinksl lol
now it's either hailing or raining...
i see the winter storm has finally reached me
blizzard hype
how is it in PA
snow and hail
how much snowfall expected?
Ubuntu One - please close askubuntu.com/questions/21897/…
ninja mod
i didn't get to use my close vote
I saw this, and thought about all y'all lifehacker.com/…
@jokerdino <3 <3

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