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"window-ubuntu dull boot"; "how I can lunch my pc"; "choose witch os to launch"
^ Sorry, but those typos were predestined to be craved in stone... Too funny! ^.^
@NathanOsman Nothing against a dull-booting pc to lunch with witch-OS...
I'm copying 23,457 files (11.6 GB) off my phone so that I can unlock and root it.
Nice. I had desktops a few years ago with smaller HDDs...
I've only had the phone for a little over two months.
How did I manage to put so much data on it :P
What do you use your phone for?
Another reason why I still have one with buttons...
@ByteCommander i usually use mine for most everything actually calling people is probally the smallest use case for it ;P
@Mateo Other way round. No, I think I write more SMS...
Or minor checking of wikipedia from outside...
@ByteCommander All manner of things. Downloads, social media, photography, video recording, browsing (I have four browsers installed) email (three accounts), maps, documents, fitness, SSH, Google Music, wake-on-LAN, Kodi remote, SMS, piano practice, phone calls, reading (Kindle), games, remote access (RDP, VNC), and banking. And YouTube.
hm, i do a bit of that
So not much, really.
Is it a shame that the manufacturer of my mobile is not existing any more for years now?
Hmm... that's a problem.
who made your phone?
Guys! I found my laptop that I use to use at work!
Does it run DOS?
Or did it not meet the system requirements?
no it is a HP Probook 4510's...
@Mateo Look and see: google.de/…
Lol.. that should be good for at least Windows 95.
@ByteCommander Benq is still around.
...aren't they?
aw, benq is gone? I used to buy their monitors
It was on the bottom of a pile of broken laptops.
We used to have a Benq monitor.
But not as "BenQ Siemens".
because the keyboard stopped working at some point I guess...
still had Ubuntu 12.10 installed on it...
@TheX Both the mouse and keyboard are busted on my work laptop.
They fused to produce mobiles for a year or so and then gave up and splitted again.
So I found another laptop that was the same model and robbed it lol
be back in a few
I'm off to dream of unicorns now guys... See you around! :)
later, I'm out too. the work week hasn't ended yet this week. so not up late for me.
Have a great weekend, guys.
You too Nathan :)
@NathanOsman your work needs to hire a real IT person...
it took me 10 mins lol
Lol... that happened when three of us were trying to install an SSD in the laptop.
We got the SSD installed but the mouse and keyboard stopped working.
Wow... you guys suck...lol
Excuse me?
We basically stripped it down to the chasis.
morning guys
@Lucio Hello.
ouch, that ping hurt
and half of it didn't work when you put it back together!
good reminder to put down headphones
@TheX It's not my fault they make keyboard ribbon connectors so flimsy.
@NathanOsman lol...
You know know what I did to a keyboard cable once?
speaking of sucking at laptops...
I tore it all apart... got the new keyboard... put it in, put everything back together...
plugged it in, fired it up...
saw smoke coming from the middle of the keyboard area, and smelled plastic melting..
It exploded, right?
Ah, close enough. Lol.
@Mateo what the hell happened with that 42?
took it back apart... the cable was melted to the palm rest...
and some how I didn't get the cable in exactly just right...
so then I had to find a new cable, and hope and pray I didn't cause any permanent damage to the keyboard or logic board...
That's worse.
Yeah...I didn't want to tell anyone...but the other tech could smell it...
Only once have I ever seen smoke coming out of a piece of hardware. And that was when one of the capacitors on a monitor went rogue.
Thankfully it was still under warranty.
...by like a month.
Oh...I have seen lots of smoke come from hardware...
@blade19899 that looks like a communist paper but I like the news anyway.
and +1 for @Rinzwind ;)
one time on our OLD (its been recycled) Voice mail server the power supply went bad on it...
So I found another power supply... put it in, and somehow didn't get it lined up right somehow (didn't know it was possible) and saw lots of sparks and smoke...
one time I plugged a computer in at the school after it not being on all summer, and I saw flames shooting out of the PSU...
one time I melted a video cable to my finger on a a laptop...
(not sure how I actually did that) by the way...
but it hurt like hell
Oh well...all in the day of a IT person/Network admin...
it was nice to see the site with a new face
they are doing great, the less system will worth it
hey is there any such thing as a "smart" toaster, or a network enabled toaster?
I saw one of those in YT
I need to upgrade my toaster, but I really want something that I can monitor the status of my toast from my pc...
have a good night fellows!
@Lucio just missed you
@TheX Yes, there is.
Q: Why does Windows think that my wireless keyboard is a toaster?

ydaetskcoRI've inherited an old PC from my girlfriend's dad and when setting up the printer I got a bit of a surprise: Two questions spring to mind here: Why does Windows think my wireless keyboard is a toaster? Why does Windows even have an icon for a toaster in the devices menu?

@NathanOsman sweet!
1 hour later…
@jrg: So it looks like you can get an app to stream from Google Music on Android to an AirPlay-compatible device.
My reaction when someone tells me they just wrote a "killer" #PHP website: http://t.co/ZvNCAeEX8D
@NathanOsman Clearly PHP should be made Federally illegal :P
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: http://stowapp.com/renew-anti-aging-cream/ by kitasud Rioe on askubuntu.com
^--- taken with Nexus 6 and a magnifying glass lens.
Nice. Physical lens or software sharpen and zoom?
Nope - an honest-to-goodness magnifying glass and manual focus.
Though I did touch it up a bit in the Gimp afterward.
Awww. Disappointed all around... sorry. Here I was thinking someone came up with a magnifier attachment or an auto-software-enhance Ubu-Touch app.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website: Herbal facts With Weight Loos Supplement by Lynn Allen on askubuntu.com
@hbdgaf Sorry, but the camera lens is far too small for taking macro shots like that on its own.
Oh, it's fine. It's just one of those "Oooohhh, I'm really impressed. Ooops" womp womp moments.
@NathanOsman Still playing with the Sudoku solver at all?
I really want to... but have been busy. (Raspberry Pi 2 arrived this week, etc.)
Ahhhh. I haven't touched it either, but I did do a little sketch of solving that "fails on this block" one.
Argh... Digital Ocean won't let me spin up a droplet from the snapshot I created.
Q: Missing taskbar icons in ElementaryOS

Mr_LinDowsMacFor some reason, some of my taskbar* icons are missing. Dropbox, Network (Wi-fi) and Mega icons are gone. I don't know how it happened, perhaps an apt-get update or something. Those icons should be placed besides that volume icon. What I have to do to get them back? I have Elementary OS Luna ve...

@NathanOsman Modern Sherlock@Work... ;)
o/ @Fabby
It's been separated from the website now. It's a simple Jekyll-based blog.
I'll be migrating some of my old articles over in due time. Meanwhile, time for me to head to bed :)
@hbdgaf \o
(sorry for late reply: feeding the dogs...)
@Rinzwind: went over a few of your answers (as you might have noticed) ;-) How long till the legendary badge?
@Fabby one sec
earned at least 200 reputation on 76 days :=)
oli will be 1st he is far ahead of me
I think it's because of the green avatar... Oli's answers stand out whatever he types...
(but he's also very, very good!)
@muru: done! http://askubuntu.com/a/607903/344926
Though I disagree with you putting it in bash directly (and that's why this answer is in the chatroom).
As readline gets used everywhere, the readline settings will also be available while you do ftp, ssh, ...)
@Fabby he also answers questions I would VTC ;)
Me too! ;-)
Remember the KKK and the FBI and ... rant???
I got a gold badge for that one!
Q: Ubuntu 14.04 - Force using home and end as keyboard shortcuts

user110031I'd like to be able to use the home and end keys as shortcuts, but Ubuntu's settings absolutely refuse to let you do so by normal means because it'll become "impossible to type using this key." - That's just silly. I personally never use those keys; I'm sure some people do, but I am not one of th...

1 hour later…
@Fabby The first reversal badge on AU! Party time!
@Lucio inside joke
daydr3am3r, Bucharest, Romania
@Rinzwind You got a twin! ^
I recorder Tox, and our messages to ech other shows up there for a sec.
You care, or
Morning Ya'all
Probably best to start with that XD
Huh, what? You want me to write to you so that you can record it?
@ByteCommander Tox saves chat history,
WHen i was recording Tox, and features, i also clicked on you, and our messages to eachother shows up for a sec.
I don't know if you care about such things?
Hmm... I would have preferred to be informed about that BEFORE you uploaded it...
@ByteCommander I recorder it last night, this morning, i uploaded it before i drank my coffee :(
What date was it, so that I can check what I wrote then?
@ByteCommander The exact wine i clicked on your profile: youtu.be/jg8R2DLM8-k?t=35s
Were just talking about Tox.
I don't mind deleting it!
Just let me know!
Literal 3 sec on screen
@blade19899 Well, the content is nothing private, but I would love if you could pixelize my username/image
@ByteCommander Sure. Lets see what YouTube can do.
Okay. :)
Well, YouTube is useless
@muru Oh? I didn't even notice I received the first one! :)
Where did you see this?
@ByteCommander Thanks!
Np! Awesome that you're the first who got that badge! :)
You wrote AU history!
@blade19899 Is tox compatible with Skype?
@Fabby No, Tox is different, I think. Searching for reference...
Too bad... Keep me posted when they make a PPA available...
@muru Found it! Indeed: I'm the only one! :D
<-- Can't believe that this crappy /dev/null file size answer already got +20 votes...
@ByteCommander :D :D :D
Look at this crappy answer then: askubuntu.com/questions/586442/…
Seems like the easier and less useful the questions, the higher voted are the answers... :)
:D Indeed!
+540 rep in the last 5 days... Wowzers...
@Fabby Nope. But, Gotta Go!
Bye! Ya'all
@ByteCommander who? You?
@ByteCommander that is 460 away from max :=)
Yep. Basically out of two answers.
[permissions](http://askubuntu.com/a/606564/367990) has +16 and accepted
[/dev/null](http://askubuntu.com/a/607729/367990) has +20 and is not accepted yet.
Huh? Why doesn't it rename the link?
@Fabby And they have a PPA.
@ByteCommander You're higher ranked then me!
@ByteCommander reading...
@Fabby Only in the weekly rank. You beat me in month(=quarter) and year.
It was just a good week. ;)
@ByteCommander That's how it starts!
Maybe. But next week starts school too... :P
qTox is not for me yet: no desktop sharing...
Q: Why not moderate questions from new users before making them visible on site?

FaizanI had suggested before also that questions from new users should not be posted directly on the site rather they should be moderated first and they should be visible to only users with high reputation (say 600 rep) so that duplicate posts, rants and spam like posts could be controlled. And once th...

If I approve someone's edit suggestion, does it immediately get approved and show, or does it have to be approved by a few people, if so, how many?
@Toroidal 2
Meaning you and one more
> In addition, users with this privilege level can also begin reviewing suggested edits (which previously you would have had to suggest). These edits remain in a pending state until they get enough votes to either approve them and make the edits take effect or reject them and discard the edit. Two votes in either direction will finalize the action, except on Stack Overflow where three votes are required.
@Toroidal If it's your own post: You and someone else.
If it's another post from the review queue: I believe the number is 4... Right, @terdon?
@Fabby no, that's for close/reopen votes. suggested edits need 2, see above
If it's your own post, it only takes you, no one else.
Ah??? Thanks!
@terdon Ok, thanks! :)
Well, I look forward to getting 3k, then I will be able to do close and open votes!
Although I did just get up to 2.5k, and that unlocked some features.
hey guys like arch linux has a good wiki website which shows what all services and packages are installed and how things work, do we have similar website for ubuntu ?
@edwardtorvalds There's the Ubuntu wiki but Arch has the best documentation of any distro. The Arch wiki is a great resource.
Gentoo is not bad also.
can you pls give me the link to it?
this one? wiki.ubuntu.com
@Fabby: When I get rid of these modules or whatever they are with a fresh install sometime soon, how should I run applications which require those latest Intel modules to run properly? Or do I just not use that software which requires the latest?
@Toroidal (thinking)
I have:
1/ A system back-up
because I also have:
2/ The xorg-edgers PPA installed...
#2 is what gives me the latest and greatest video drivers for my Intel and nVidia...
I've also seen people that have had huge troubles with installing the latest and greeatest drivers (particularly on older hardware)
Good enough???
@Fabby: Yep! Thanks! :)
HP offers "That cloud thing everyone is talking about" - The Onion youtube.com/watch?v=9ntPxdWAWq8
@Toroidal Could you convert that into a Q then?
(and ping me when done?)
I'll provide the A... >:)
@Fabby: I could do, but for some reason it's not allowing me to post any questions at the moment... :( But I will do when it starts working again.
It's very strange, when I try to post a question it does absolutely nothing... Not even complain!
@0xF2 I like the Apple without a keyboard better
@Fabby: But I will write the question and save it as a draft and let you know when it has allowed me to post it. :)
@Toroidal You're like the proverbial madman that poses so many questions that even 7 wise men cannot answer them! :D
RTFM first! :P
If God is all powerful, can He make a rock so big that He, Himself cannot move it?
@chili555: Probably, but what would be the fun in that? ;D :P
@chili555 if God is all powerful he probably killed himself to see if he could
or she :D
And to see if He could then arise from the dead!
and he then failed >:D
hence no god >:)
@Rinzwind Would you kill yourself just to see if you can do it? o.O"
@Fabby "everything is a few hundred clicks away"
@ByteCommander yes! ultimate proof!
I have been playing Bloodborne so I KNOW how to die >:D
A lot. And then some.
Hrmm... I'm not really very spiritual or religious, but those jokes seem to go a bit too far for my taste...
@0xF2 I'm sorry: what are you referring to?
I envoke the right to freedom of speech! :=D
Freedom of one ends, where it inflicts with other's freedom!
@Fabby he is referring to a pointer named 0xF2
The 'rock' question actually comes from a George Carlin bit.
looks like it is a nvsram region that 0xF2 >:D
@chili555 it is a pretty well known question ;)
@chili555 If He is all-powerful, he can and cannot! That's why there's Schrödinger's cat!
@fabby: the apple (onion) ad you linked
and just to make it clear: I have ZERO confidence in there every having been a god or ever for a god to emerge.
@Fabby Yay, back to quantum physics! ;) :P
my favorite apple spoof is the "tallest thing to happen to iPhone" youtube.com/watch?v=XNBP18nrRdw
@0xF2 Ah, yes!
@chili555 I've heard something similar in B5 ;p
@Rinzwind No! It's dead and alive at the same time, until the quantum probability wave collapses!
The only god I accept is Oli! >:)
Not Linus?
@Fabby NO after all those years in the box with NO food that cat is most definatly dead
@Rinzwind :D :D :D
Or even Clapton?
house duties. brb... :P
Or bloody furious.
That's like the chicken-and-egg dilemma:
@Fabby he's been in that bloody box since what 1920s?
The dinosaurs laid eggs long before there were any chickens!
you need a chicken to lay a egg but you do not need a chicken to have something lay an egg
@Rinzwind So you were right about the cat and wrong about the chicken!
naaa I wanted to be wrong >:)
I'm going to remember the one about the cat though!
very simpel: a chicken once came out of an egg but it was not a chicken egg.
@Fabby :D
The chicken evolved more then the egg...
@ByteCommander Your profile pic and name has been blurred out with the help of OpenShot, Gimp and this YouTube Tutorial: How to blur or pixelize an area in your videos with OpenShot - Dashcam Steven - YouTube
;-) >:)
@blade19899 But WE still know it is him
Now, i just need to export it, and upload it to YouTube. So, my system is gonna lag like crazy. Bye, Ya'all
@Rinzwind YEp, but others wont ;)
ooh boat race on the BEEB
@blade19899 I am so gonna twitter it >:D
@Fabby: Ok, I have written out the draft of the question so when it finally allows me to post it I will give you a ping! :)
@0xF2 Never seen it! Fantastic!
@Toroidal :*:*:* >:)
I dont like the new frontpage :( it is harder to spot the 0 answered questions from the frontpage
there must be a reason they are both 3 letters and have an o :=)
@Rinzwind I invoke Oli's answer!
You don't have freedom of speech here ;)
@Seth yes I do. Until Oli says otherwise >:D
(Funny I would pull out an Oli answer after you claim him as your god lol)
refers to the starred comment
@Rinzwind He just did -.-
@Seth I dont trust you >:D
Read the answer! :p
People with names with 4 letters are dubious people
now people with 3 letters names OWN!
renames self
Btw ... it is a conicidence by my real name is Wim >:D
so I own by my own definition >:D
howdy Mitch!
he wont see that without an @ in front of the name :=)
Howdy @mitch!
@0xF2 Hello :D
heya Mitch! :=D
@Rinzwind How are you :)
still got the flue
4th week now
I'll take the flu any day, since I've been diagnosed with Diabetes :(
dang. what type?
Type 2
So you need to excersise and eat healthy stuff more ;-)
@Mitch I'm sorry to hear that Mitch :(
@Seth Thanks, I know, but life has to go on, and I'm keeping it under control.
That's good!
@Rinzwind I've been doing so since I found out. I actually dropped about 15lbs.
Unity broke again. I have to do the Ctrl+Alt+F1 trick every time I boot now :(
It's more a hack than a trick, isn't it?

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