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hello @Roland :)
Q: Why are you using Ubuntu and what for?

Chethan S.When I gave the above title I was warned The question you're asking appears subjective and is likely to be closed. Still I believe this is very much relevant and have posted this. For example a discussion, How many of you have completely switched to Linux ??? and why ? is up and running for over ...

Ah I bet I sound like one of those "moderators", always with the rules and regulations.
Well.. Nobody cares about my latest question either, so fair enough ;)
and, my cat is awesome
nice :)
this looks weird:
that's how it's supposed to be :D
the original picture was a ninja cat that I turned upside down
linkedin is confusing and annoying D:
(especially with https everywhere installed)
@RolandTaylor glade does support custom widgets
I found a guide somewhere, but unfortunately, somewhere in the middle it says "then just add the widget as you normally would", so it's completely useless
hi @StefanoPalazzo
hi @Jorge
man dude
the new view looks awesome
I found a bug though, I filed it though
don't they just :-) I still have to thank the person who implemented them (it was Neil, right?)
oh, okay
@JorgeCastro "We need to dynamically support SE's as they are added, so that we don't have to update the lens for @scifi or whatever new stack is around" → this works already, the list is updated automatically
It just has every single one of them; downloads the list on startup
oh man
Also, I think you have missed an update. The current version should display votes and tags in the second line.
I'm not sure whether I should display this, or the start of the question's body.
let me update
I've also added a ★ star for question that have at least one user mark them as a favorite or have five or more up-votes :-)
oh cool!
I am behind
not 100% sure about that either :-)
hello @KenVanDine
hey @StefanoPalazzo
I don't get any of the new stuff
I am up to date on the ppa
but I don't see the new @ stuff or the other stuff you said
Oh right, before I forget this again:
@KenVanDine if I want to add files to the lens, is it enough to add them to the MANIFEST and setup.py, or do you have to change the packaging branch?
did you push?
R30 is what is on launchpad
Oh lord I hope so :)
I'm not in natty atm, so I'm not sure, let me check the diffs
@JorgeCastro I think something might be wrong on your end, the R30 diff contains this:
 108                    if i['favorite_count'] or i['up_vote_count'] > 5:
 109                        title = u"\u2605 " + unicode(title)
don't see that
the recipe page says 0.1-0~30~natty1 was the last build. so you might need to re-login?
all I have is the horizontal one
ok let me restart unity
I'll try to boot natty, hope this works - or I'm going to be incapacitated for half an hour or so
it worked :-) Somehow, the live image has gone from annoying to awesome in about two days
what happened is the archive froze for beta for about 2 weeks
so right after beta is out you got 2 weeks' worth of nothing but pure bug fixes
@StefanoPalazzo: Still interested in integrating the Lense with StackApplet?
Right! I wasn't thinking about the freeze
I'm thinking of adding a small HTTP server to StackApplet that answers to requests for recent data.
So calling something like /users_recent_comments would return the recent comments directed to the user.
what sort of data?
Kind of like an API...
Oh wow, that would be brilliant
I could put those right in the users face
The extra advantage to that would be that I could replace the /recent page with something local that just uses JavaScript.
...I'm thinking that this means the implementation of something I've planned for quite some time:
Multiple threads.
[Winces at the sound of that...]
That'll probably require rewriting a significant chunk.
will that be easier on system resources than something like cherrypy?
I don't really know what kind of strain CherryPy puts on a PC...
...but what I write will hopefully be very light.
Why don't I quickly create a small demo...
I've just written this little server thing as an exercise, the idea was to build a web-server that serves PNG images from base64 encoded LaTex in the url, and it works so that you can add another server when ever you want, with automatic load balancing. I.e. Buy a box, copy a script, run it and add it's IP address to the load balancers config. I could get 50 of them running before noticing any sort of slow-down, on this rather old laptop
how can I install fonts on ubuntu?
@StefanoPalazzo Wow... that's amazing. Actually, that's kind of the idea behind JetServer.
@cyberrog I think you can install them just by right-clicking them and clicking "Install."
@cyberrog either that ↑, or double clicking them and hitting the "install" button in the lower right corner of the font-preview thing
@GeorgeEdison I'll show you, it was pretty easy
If you could do that with a mouse, jetserver will take over the world (:
@StefanoPalazzo I'm hoping...
this is the load balancer: paste.ubuntu.com/588802
@GeorgeEdison thanks, it worked!
args[:1] == ("math", ) means the url is host/math/something
and this is the node: paste.ubuntu.com/588803
run as many as you want of those, and add their IP to the list at the top of the load balancer module
@StefanoPalazzo Pretty simple!
I'm having trouble with the docs for BaseHTTPServer...
> "You should never need to override it; instead, implement appropriate do_*() methods."
But... where are the 'do_*' methods?
I've used that before, let me find it
this is what I came up with from reading the docs, no idea if it's correct
hang on....
I've implemented a web-server from TCPServer(), not at all what you want. Sorry :-)
@GeorgeEdison I think this is the relevant part:

> For example, for the request method SPAM, the do_SPAM() method will be called with no arguments. All of the relevant information is stored in instance variables of the handler.
@StefanoPalazzo Hmmm... it seems that way.
that sounds like you're supposed to have the class provide do_GET and do_POST and so on
Which class?
yeah, BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler
^---- Tried that... but it's not working.
Aha! Here's a good example.
@JorgeCastro now, I'm confused. The PPA shouldn't be affected by any freeze, yet I also have the old version after an upgrade
@StefanoPalazzo Here is a working example: pastebin.ubuntu.com/588813
Now I can get on to adding it to StackApplet..
I completely forgot about that :-)
    class Server (ThreadingMixIn, TCPServer):

        allow_reuse_address = True
@StefanoPalazzo What does that do?
I've no idea why I did this, but you might want to check if the BaseHTTPServer is already a threaded server or not
@GeorgeEdison it's how you make a threaded TCP server
(that's the whole class)
> "HTTPServer is a simple subclass of SocketServer.TCPServer, and does not use multiple threads or processes to handle requests."
@GeorgeEdison this works: pastebin.ubuntu.com/588817
allow_reuse_address is optional, but makes debugging so much nicer
@StefanoPalazzo What exactly does it do though?
By the way, that code works.
it overrides something in the server class to make it threaded. It's black magic as far as I'm concerned ;-)
@RolandTaylor What happened to your Gravatar this time?
it fell upwards :P
@StefanoPalazzo Does the server itself run in a separate thread?
I don't think so, not sure
Q: Need for Speed Shift 1-2

FilipS1Is there any way to install either Shift 1 or Shift 2 on Ubuntu 10.10? Thanks in advance

but it should be quite safe to put it in one
lol the guy tagged it "nfs"
@GeorgeEdison You know about python limitations re threads, right?
you can use the ForkingMixIn to avoid them, but then you can't have any shared state used by requests
just like Thread and Process
@StefanoPalazzo Limitations... like race conditions, etc.?
@GeorgeEdison python has a global interpreter lock, so, when a thread starts to execute, it locks the interpreter until it's finished
except when it doesn't
sometimes, the GIL is released for network socket I/O or disk I/O
When doesn't it?
If you have a thread that reads gigabytes of data from the hard disk, it will probably release the GIL and work in the background like it should, but if you have two threads calculating primes, only one at a time will execute
You can get round this by using a multiprocessing.Process instead of a threading.Thread, they even have the same API. Or in this case, the ForkingMixIn rather than ThreadingMixIn
You can also use Jython instead of CPython. Jython gives you 'real' threads
Which one guarantees that reads / writes will not overlap?
For example... if one thread is reading data - am I guaranteed that no other thread can write to that data?
you are if you're using Threads (I think...?)
Well, hopefully.
I'm not so sure now
Yes, I'm wrong. open() is not thread safe
I've got a blueprint on LP I'm working on for this.
but you can use a temporary file and re-name it, this is an atomic operation, so it's inherently thread safe. Or you can just use a very simple lock
@StefanoPalazzo Is there a class that makes that easier?
If your threads are computationally intensive, you can get something called thrashing, this is when the interpreter starts context-switching so much that barely any work gets done. It happens rather quickly. But on the other hand, processes are heavy and take a few milliseconds to create. So use them only when you have no choice.
I found a glitch in Launchpad I think.... when you click the link to the blueprint, do you see HTML in the title?
@GeorgeEdison you have a bunch of choices, you can use threading.Lock or threading.RLock, you can use Linux's locks with fcntl.lockf(), or you can write your own
@StefanoPalazzo Also... do you think the HTTP server should run in thread 2... or use a separate thread?
I don't think it matters, Threads don't have much overhead, go nuts
@StefanoPalazzo Ya, but the API requests could end up blocking the server.
But note that Ctrl+C doesn't work of you run the server in a thread, that can be annoying
@GeorgeEdison they will do that in any case, except when you run the server in a Process
@StefanoPalazzo Why is that...? Doesn't Ctrl+C send the SIGINT signal?
@StefanoPalazzo It would still block in a separate thread?
(the last comment is the interesting one)
@GeorgeEdison Assuming the request takes some amount of calculation to return something, yes. The whole interpreter is locked when ever you do anything on the CPU (pretty much)
@StefanoPalazzo Oh, well there's almost no processing.
I was worried about the request itself taking a while.
What happens now is the GUI blocks for up to 5 seconds sometimes while the API requests are made.
@GeorgeEdison looks fine here
the gui is in Qt, right?
No... it's GTK... using Glade.
oh, that's easy then
let me hack up an example
@StefanoPalazzo that explains a lot (sorry to butt in) - very useful :)
@GeorgeEdison this is one way to avoid the gui locking up, (removed - srsly)
and this is the correct way: pastebin.ubuntu.com/588823 ;-)
@RolandTaylor Still, I wouldn't want to write threaded code in any other language ;-)
it's about as straightforward as threading ever gets
good enough for me to write a full 3D game in it?
python you mean? sure
lots of games use python, some are written entirely in python too
(I'm considering moving to python for Colonial as opposed to C++)
C++ is just too tiring after a while :P
I think the Source engine uses Python for a scripting environment
I think unigine does too (I can't remember for sure though)
and Crystalspace's CELStart uses it too (I considered that - but not good for an RTS)
I'm the wrong person to ask about all things 3D. Check out PyGame and PyOpenGL. If you already know OpenGL, it should be very easy to get started
I have to admit in terms of OpenGL programming I've been more lazy than anything else
Also, python plays very nicely with C and C++. When you encounter something that's better done in C++, you can do that as well. Just import your C++ module like you would any other module.
I should have stuck with Python years ago when I started programming as a hobby :P
I started with Python, then went to C, then C++ - studied C++ at college (was bored) - and now I'm back to considering Python and I feel like a noob :P
Well, if you take some time, it shouldn't be too difficult for you to learn python. Python is very very similar to C, so you know most of it already. Just have to learn the syntax and stdlib
I remember a little bit of it
uses ruby book as a coaster :P
I'm planning to help out the guys working on emesene2 a bit to get my self into it again
I gtg... grumbles
hate living with people
i have this really weird long decimal for my flag weight now :P
it makes me lol
@StefanoPalazzo that's typically what happens after one gets a flag weight of 500+ right?
@EvilPhoenix yes that's right
well the insanely long decimal doesnt seem to round off, it goes out to like 8 decimal places on my screen (a glitch perhaps?)
this is what the flag-weight function looks like (conceptually)
the kink in the curve is at 500
what's that, a logarithmic curve after 500?
because it looks it :/
I used the arctan to make this graph, no idea what it actually is
well to whomever got me hooked on the /review page...
they're the ones that got me to 500+ and got me the deputy badge :P
now for 749.99999999998 ;-D
tis a really useful page for people who want to help moderate askubuntu from the community standpoint (as a non-moderator, so to speak)
@Roland: Nooo! Don't move away from C++ for your game... you'll lose a significant amount of flexibility and performance.
You were using Ogre3D, right?
I love Python... it's a great language and all - but I cannot imagine writing a game in anything but C++.
5 hours later…
@KaustubhP nobody's here
mornin @KaustubhP @htorque
ah, they wake up :D
hi @lazyPower
@htorque haha. @lazyPower hey \m/
Hows the sunday going?
just woke up mate, eating some breakfast cereal
me too. having some tea and toast.
i'll have some motogp for breakfast :P
@htorque haha! whats going on in motogp?
they drive in circles!
@htorque hah, very funny :P
i meant who won. where is the race going on. which class?
all calsses, just started in jerez, spain
@KaustubhP it's actually great, cause during practice and qualifying the weather was great and now it's rainy
i'm sure there will be a couple of crashes :D
Nice. I switched to MGP from F1 2 years ago. great for adrenaline rushes.
yeah, more overtakes in one race than in a whole F1 season :D
lmao. And not those many rules. Plus you get to see overtaking on the outside, which is hmm, freaking awesome!
oh wow, this has b-rated all over it... Alien vs Ninja - When a strange fireball crashes near their village, a mighty ninja clan goes to investigate and winds up in serious danger. Flanked by lightning-quick alien creatures, the ninjas struggle to find their enemies' weakness before they're all killed.
sounds like awesome trash
sigh nothing good on netflix
ouch, inkscape is complicated.
How so @KaustubhP
well, it's a mighty tool, but it's easy to learn IMO
good morning @JamesGifford -- didnt see you sneak in
Well, taking my time learning it. Want to make a small logo for Mom's school. Can make a square, just cant make a square at 45* to the Hz.
what's "a square at 45* to the Hz"? :D
@htorque lol, A diamond, if you will.
@KaustubhP ah! click the square with the selection tool (f1), click it a second time and the corner handles should enable you to rotate it
holding ctrl during rotation will rotate in 15° steps
(which you can configure in the preferences under "Steps")
Lol, i found it in the menu. Shift + Ctrl + M
yeah, that would be the complete toolbox for transformation
nice. I guess I should use it a lot. No other way to get to know the nitty gritties. Pretty cool inkscape is!
@htorque yup, once you get the hang of it. Its cool
searches for the Inkscape pan page on FB
and it's all free :)
warm-up lap, ready go go go :-)
Haha, thanks to GIMP, iStock watermark, what is that?
oh no, it's raining at 15°C... :( yesterday we had sunshine and 23°C!
i hate april weather
@KaustubhP are you watching the motogp race? it's already awesome after a couple of laps
thats insane, raiden playing trance on an acoustic
@htorque I cant :( I have to do some work for Mom's school.
@lazyPower Oh morning. (as you probably guessed) I'm not really here. How're you?
i'm ok, slacking as per usual ;)
Good. :)
Also, if you get a chance
look up Ewan Dobson - this guy is pretty cool. He looks like raiden and plays a mean guitar
Oh cool.
I'll watch it after I get back from church, ok? :)
oh what a race
@lazyPower nice find :)
do you like trance?
If you do, listen to the trance is life podcast.
I listen to trance on occasion, more of a underground hiphop and metal fan myself.
i have messed up taste in music :P
@lazyPower i know what you mean. Only the best songs that click, from a wide assortment of genres. Thats me.
3 hours later…
Allo @OctavianDamiean
@JorgeCastro we were working on the same question :D
loves all the hypothetical questions and feature requests lately
finally got mint working on my usb stick :p
but not on mac
now running firefox 4 :9
thanks for everyone's help
@JoshuaRobison good to hear happy
@JoshuaRobison you're welcome :)
yep. things run smoothly when you are using a pc. on a mac not so smooth.
already got emerald themes going and installing nautilus as we speak :9
@lazyPower Ewan Dobson is absolutely amazing!
Hi @OctavianDamiean, @JoshuaRobison, @lazyPower and whoever's around
waves at @Takkat
talking about trance huh? I used to really be into that.
That guy is wicked on a guitar.
well, trance on a solo guitar only: brilliant
wow this guys amazing
dang ... he indeed is amazing!
:776675: just downloaded Time 2 :) is very happy
hugs @lazyPower for this
jesus! Time 2 is just ... wow is speechless
has stereo 100%
i cant figure out where to see tcp/ip settings ... isn't there a gui utility for that somewhere
having a hard time connecting to my wireless network
@JoshuaRobison right click on network manager
ifconfig in a terminal
oh that's Mint 10 btw
yea i just found that thanks
that was what i was looking for
great. got the wireless up :9
more tcp settings can be made at /proc/sys/net/ipv4 :P
how come linux mint and ubuntu's panel looks so different?
ubuntu's panel is so nice
@JoshuaRobison that's only settings. You could make Ubuntu look the same as Mint and vice versa :P
really? where can I find those settings?
you can make Ubuntu even look like XP but nobody wants this - haha
ahh. I see. hmm. I have already installed a theme and got it working with emerald
but just can't figure out where the settings are for my doc panel
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