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@JorgeCastro you asked me if I'm in pittsburgh, didnt you :P
1 hour later…
Did you check this guy out?
@FMCNL, Hilversum, the Nederlands
Frequency Monitor Centre the Netherlands | Radiocommunications Guru | Mil Aviation | Spy Technics | Radioscanner 3.0 | Icom fan | Global ears
2.9k tweets, 8.1k followers, following 361 users
He listens to US radio chatter regarding air-strikes on Libya, and tweets them!
i'm assuming he's listening ot US military raido chatter
in which case his government might hear from the US State Department about him
since US military chatter is secure
2 hours later…
Good morning/night/whatever
@Takkat good 396.Beats
I flunked my Exam :(
@KaustubhP Bummer which one
@Allan Principles of Compiler Design.
Hi @Allan Hi @KaustubhP
@Takkat hey..
@KaustubhP Wow that sounds........ Interesting
@Allan depends on how much interest you take :p
@KaustubhP Only kidding I actually found database design interesting 0.o
A: Isn't Ask Ubuntu targeted towards end-users (GUI) rather than "advanced" command-line users?

TakkatSome tasks could easily be done in a terminal whereas GUI solutions don't work. In this cases GUI-only users or beginners may be led to unneccesarily complicated procedures. This question is a good example for this. We should take care to make CLI solutions acceptable for beginners in explainin...

@KaustubhP All depends on the teacher
@Allan I hate the parsing part in PCD. LALR and LLR and what not.
I feel this had to be said. What do you think?
@Takkat Out load as opposed to Unwritten rule
Out? Load?
@Takkat or even loud
@Takkat I agree with Jorge. An answer has to present both the methods, where applicable.
@KaustubhP point is where applicable ;)
the Q i linked to made the OP boot a live CD
whereas he could have simply done a sudo umount
Yeah. So is there a way where only either is applicable? Yes. Is there a GUI tool to update-alternatives ?
I usually look at the OP's rep as a rough measure of expertise, and answer the question for CLI or GUI. I dont try for GUI answers, because honestly it is a lot of work.
Rep is not alwasy a good measure :P
I have a lot, but still consider myself more a beginner than an expert
@Takkat I know. So I also look at how he has framed his question.
@KaustubhP that's a good point
And somebody always presents another method. Not always are the answers recommending a same method. There are usually more than one method to do things.
So If there was an edit in question, instead of overwriting it, Editer could have appended it.
No harm in more knowledge.
@KaustubhP +1 for that - that's why i love Ubuntu
I just hope there isnt too much friction that creates bad-blood.
Although that is a far fetched imagination.
@KaustubhP love that. I just imagine the look of bad-blood
hmm, cant. Can only see people down-vote and bitch about answers in comments and flame about it.
i rarely downvote - maybe should do that more often?
@Takkat I think even on Mac you can use command line if you want. So its not because it "linux" so you have to be a script fu to use it. But if a Bash script will save you a whole day or robotic clicking around a gui then you would have to be insanely stubborn to not use it
There is a girl in our forums :D
@KaustubhP ?
@Allan A girl was seen answering questions :D
yaya, ubuntu is gender balanced :D
I mean, one girl for 1000 geeks/nerds is balance alright.
@Allan good point!
"Robot clicking" lol
@KaustubhP I heard of boys pretending to be girls to get better answers :P
@Takkat ugh.
wink wink
Girls never pretend to be boys!
@Takkat Isnt that what you call a tomboy?
@KaustubhP tomboy but still female
@Takkat better at Navigation ;)
@Allan lol: turn left at bridge - will result in right turn after the bridge
@Takkat BTW thats why I have a copy of Sikuli handy
nice tool :)
*needs to do some work - still lurking*
Sikilu seems to be quite like Sahi, and SWTBot.
The great thing about SWTBot is that my brother wrote it :D
@KaustubhP ..................0.0
1 hour later…
hello hello
hi @OctavianDamiean
can someone give me some advice on wireless networks?
I changed the SSID of my router, and ever since, ubuntu has been trying to connect to the old name by default (Which doesn't exist)
I have to "disconnect" the old name, then click the new name, which connects fine
@Greg delete the old profile
and make sure the new one is on auto-connect
oh yea indeed
@Takkat you were discussing the command line meta question eh? :)
yeah a bit - found it weird, that umount was not accepted whereas booting a life CD was found to be the best way in a Q i referenced there.
Today, while chatting with the boss on empathy, I saw a damming spelling mistake. I thought I would correct it after typing it. Later I realized that its not AU chat. Now I am still waiting for a reply. FML.
@OctavianDamiean some people seem to hate the command line :P
@OctavianDamiean sorry I can't figure out where the profile is
@Takkat yup ... it is their right to do so just as it is mine to hate them for it
@Greg right-click that network manager indicator and select edit connections
@Takkat posted an answer as well
thank you, got it!
@Octavian surely you could have given him command line instructions to fix his network
@OctavianDamiean we always do our best :P
@trampster true that
@OctavianDamiean but in this case the GUI is faster.
@Takkat yea
unless you c&p an answer someone gave
wow shutter is damn awesome ... every time I use it I find a new nice feature
@OctavianDamiean what'd you find today?
@Takkat the plugins :D
I definitely have to donate more than I already did
@OctavianDamiean I love plugins - but always forget they are ;)
hello @MarcoCeppi
in askubuntu.com/q/31289/448 should the fdisk output have a * in the boot column for the windows disk, or is it OK without it.
@trampster AFAIK you don't need it for GRUB
@trampster he boots with Grub from /sda1
if he boots at all at the moment :P
I know him and have been trying to help
he boots but just into ubuntu
os-prober returns nothing which means it does not recognize the windows install
we added a custom menu entry to grub, it appears but does not work
@trampster IMO this FlexNet thing overwrites his boot sector - that's annoying but it's from windows :/
an explanation might be that the computer figured out that since Ubuntu is being used Windows is useless and thus forgot about it (j/k)
Grub uses space on the boot sector that is unused in Windows MBR.
Some Windows "tools" use this space for putting garbage in.
Grub won't boot anymore
FlexNet might be such a candidate
I read FlexNet was an adobe product, he as Photoshop etc on his windows box. I can't remove it because we cant boot into windows
In this case you'd need a Windows multi-boot loader to boot Ubuntu
Restore Windows first perhaps?
I don't know anything on Windows multi-boot loaders :/
@trampster Do you have a BOOTMGR file on the NTFS partition?
@trampster you can't remove FexNet because the software licence may be attached to it.
don't know he has gone offline now, owing to it being past midnight here
@trampster too bad. I deliberately did not comment to the Q as this feels like leading into an endless disaster. Hope you can sort it out somehow!
error with the custom grub menu entry was Invalid Signiture
@Takkat the disaster is already there, haven't you noticed Windows? :p
I'm thinking of getting him to give up and start from scratch
reformat and reinstall
in general are you better with both installs on the same drive
@OctavianDamiean lol - I have and that's one (main) reason I did not comment there
@trampster well that normally doesn't matter
@trampster don't give up too fast. IMO this can be rescued. Maybe you need a Windows rescue CD to do that. Make backups from data!
Will try a windows rescue CD tomorrow
this is funny, when I think about the name Windows rescue CD the only thing which comes into my mind is an Ubuntu CD. It is the only way I know to rescue your computer.
Can I install aptana studio nightly via the software centre?
@Greg you can install any .deb with Software Center
really annoying bug in aptana studio on debian - the code completion window is set to display with a background colour of [Window] and a foreground colour of [Tooltip] - both of which are white by default on ubuntu
apparently the nightly fixes this
I have a big OT statment ot make...
@OctavianDamiean Hello
@Greg oh that's annoying indeed: white on white
Sitting out in the sun here in Sweden and drinking coffee! It's awersome!!! :D
yeah I tried changing the white text of the tooltip to grey - looks bad in everything else then
17 C and sun! :D
@Alvar awesome!
I'll go for a nice inline skating tour this evening :)
Last summer I put up the hammock and laid there with my laptop, and I had wifi there! :D
that's sweet...
Hi all by the way :D
hellos :D
@Alvar Hi
waht were u all talking about?
@Alvar we were talking on the benefits of windows :P
ha! good joke :D
benefits, it's easy to remove. the end.
needs to go work a bit again
I need to find a job LOL
f**k an ant crawled into my laptop! :(
@MarcoCeppi I still have no invitation :(
is there a orderFood.stackoverflow.com aswell?
@Alvar where do you live?
ah, I'm currently looking for a job too. In UK though
@MarcoCeppi it was a joke..
@Alvar I know :P
@Greg I'm 19 and hoping of getting into datateknik.hbg.lth.se
@MarcoCeppi ;)
ah cool
I have quite good chanses, but still...
When I was 17 I was opening Mail in the mail room of a shared accounting center. I fixed one of the PCs on floor during lunch and the manager was like "Do you know how to write code?" then I got my first non-freelance job
@MarcoCeppi coooooooooooooooooooool
@MarcoCeppi nice
I love the Amplman (sp?) crosswalk signs!
@MarcoCeppi It's like a dream come true! :d
sometimes I'd like to take my phone and make it a frisbee ...
well got to go to the store later!
They are not the same
I wonder how the hell you are able to always find a spot on video or image
Too much time on the internet
god looking at code you've written eons ago is no fun ... it makes me feel ashame of myself :p
@OctavianDamiean When I look at code from 6 months ago I feel the same way! It's crazy how fast coding standards for developers improve.
I'm mostly like What in the .... made you do that? :D
Q: php server web user setup

sadmicrowaveI'm needing to setup a basic web user account on my ubuntu 10.10 server to host web pages. This account should be limited to access only the necessary directories on the machine. I setup the following account but nothing happens when I try to log into it: :~$ groupadd -g 1005 webgroup //I then c...

It's also neat to see how you approached issues that long ago
Please guys, shed some light on my confusion
@sadmicrowave Okay, take a deep breath
I'm going to type for a while - then when it makes sense to you I'll post it as an answer
@sadmicrowave don't forget to breath tho!
You can exhale and resume breathing! :P
while (true) breath();
@OctavianDamiean OOM Kill
are you going to explain?
@MarcoCeppi yea it is not the best way to achieve a constant breath but meh
@sadmicrowave in the meantime you should keep breathing!
yes yes
Okay, you don't need to have anyone "log in" to the server for the webserver to run. The web server (Apache?) Will run as either nobody, apache, http, or whatever user that service is designed to run as. It'll serve up content to whatever valid requests are made to it.
If you want users to be able to upload and place new content on the webserver without actually giving them access to the machine they don't need SSH access (though you could give them that) They really need FTP access to a secured location on the box which the web server is configured to read from.
Typically most web servers read from /var/www - though you can configure it to read from any directory in the system. They don't constantly need to be logged in for it to run either. Just log in via FTP - upload files - refresh
@sadmicrowave Is that what you're confused about or am I heading down the wrong path?
how the hell are you typing that fast? :D
I see, you must have a unicorn somewhere
no you are on the right path, in fact you may have cleared it up for me
background fail
but nice try! :P
oh yea thats way better :D
I don't know why but ever since I know that smiley and I look at it, it makes me grin :D
I just can't stop
@sadmicrowave So you can give them SSH - but most hosts don't. They just give FTP access to a folder like /home/ftp/<user>/www and that users domains vhost documentroot should point to that directory
@OctavianDamiean Do you have stairs in your house?
@MarcoCeppi yes?
Okay, just wondering
@MarcoCeppi care to elaborate? hehe
@OctavianDamiean Naw :)
is afraid now
I'll have to double check every stair for hiding marcos from now on :/
Always a good idea :P
you know what? I just realized that I want an unicorn cuddly toy
It's so cute :)
hahah that one is awesome :D
blood or ketchup?
neither of them, any liquid that comes into contact with an unicorn turns into raspberry juice
@MarcoCeppi, care to post your answer for my question?
I'd love to!
A: php server web user setup

Marco CeppiYou don't need to have anyone "log in" to the server for the webserver to run. The web server (Apache?) Will run as either nobody, apache, http, or whatever user that service is designed to run as. It'll serve up content to whatever valid requests are made to it as long as it's on. Since it runs ...

Bonus link to how to setup an FTP server
My configurations look like this:
Each account has their own user which is disabled. So if your username is mceppi all your content is in /home/mceppi then there are a few directories in there like all the mail for that account, etc and a domains directory which has all the domain names associated with that account. like marcoceppi.com, ourfriendsinjapan.com, hour45.com, in side of there is an html folder inside of which is the actual content for the domain.
ehlo everyone :)
So I setup FTP accounts for people to access hour45.com by making the that FTP users "home" folder /home/mceppi/domains/hour45.com That way they can upload everything to that domain but won't have access to anything else. (as a basic example)
I don't know if you want extra points but I posted the same question on ServerFault and StackOverflow too if you want to answer those
@MarcoCeppi, so (this maybe a php question, but;) if my php code has a file_put_contents() function to another server which is mounted at /home/lv_admin/uslonsapp002. Then I'm going to suddenly have issues with this code if the lv_admin user is not logged in, right?
@sadmicrowave No, the home folder exists even if they're not logged in - so long as the user running the file_put_contents has write permissions to that folder it will work.
which is the apache user? correct?
What if the mounted folder is mounted via /etc/fstab and cifs and has a path to the credentials used to login to that file server?
that will still work, right? - the credentials used to login to the file server are admin credentials to ensure read/write access to all folders
@MarcoCeppi I feel like I am going to rob this firefox4 answer guy of some rep due to my overediting, you guys can like un CW a post right?
The reason why I ask is because that command is currently not writing anything to the path specified, meaning the user must not have access to write. So I'm trying to trace this down to figure out where I'm going wrong and which user it really is that is trying to use the command
@JorgeCastro we can't do that
@JorgeCastro afaik it is not possible to un-CW stuff but I might be wrong
oh @StefanoPalazzo ninja'd me, hello there :)
oh well, at least he'll have badges
@JorgeCastro Nope
I gave him a bounty earlier, so I don't feel so bad. :p
(FF4 will be ready in about an hour btw)
@sadmicrowave No it will still work - since the log in creds are stored on the machine. This is likely a permissions issue. When a script is executed it is highly likely that it will be executed as the webserver user (apache2 I think on Ubuntu servers) unless you've changed the config
@MarcoCeppi, I haven't changed anything however in my /etc/passwd there is no Apache2, Apache, or anything like that in there
is it www-data?
@sadmicrowave nobody? It's usually userid 99
that's it www-data
that is 33
gid 33 uid 33
33, 99, 66 it's all good
ok, so what needs to be done for the www-data user to be able to write to my mount point?
Have you tried just doing a test and making it 777?
doing a chmod 777 on my php file?
@StefanoPalazzo ok, for some reason the icon is broken for me now on the lens
@JorgeCastro what does it look like?
a question mark
@sadmicrowave No, on the directory you're trying to write the file to
@MarcoCeppi, mind you, this is a windows directory. and 777 changes it to what exactly?
@sadmicrowave Can you write files to it as your user - like cd into that directory and run touch test
@JorgeCastro huh! I'm going to switch computers and have a look. just finishing up some homework
@sadmicrowave so it is on a NTFS partition?
@Octavian - yes
@OctavianDamiean I'm thinking maybe he doesn't have the right connection parameters in fstab
@MarcoCeppi, my fstab is as follows:
//128.251.xxx.xx/common /home/lv_admin/uslonsapp002 cifs cred=/etc/.na02passwd 0 0
Yeah, you need a few more things in there for the connection parameters - it's been a while since I've mounted anything windows, but I'm sure you atleast need exec and a few others
the file writes correctly if I run it on the server from command line using :~$ php [path to file] command
@MarcoCeppi he'll most likely have to define permissions using umask parameter
@OctavianDamiean Ah, that too
so basically unix 777 would be umask=0000
@OctavianDamiean, @MarcoCeppi, so what is needed now? and how do I do it?
can't I just add the following options to my fstab line?
//128.251.xxx.xx/common /home/lv_admin/uslonsapp002 cifs cred=/etc/.na02passwd, exec,rw 0 0
more like this //128.251.xxx.xx/common /home/lv_admin/uslonsapp002 cifs cred=/etc/.na02passwd, rw,umask=0000 0 0
but that is pretty dangerous stuff
so Unix 777 is full access right?
setting full access rights to something is not that smart in general
and umask=0000 is also full access right?
Right, it's read (r) write (w) execute (x) for all users
@sadmicrowave That's the UMASK version of RWX or 777
ok, well I don't need execute, just the ability to read and write - and those only need to be for the www-data user
It's a bad idea and typically only to help rule out permissions issues
so if I only wanted the www-data user to have read/write access to the mounted drive, what would that look like?
@StefanoPalazzo Hmmm, I still think that it was much faster when it was just searching the questions
@StefanoPalazzo is there a way to search, return questions, and then finish searching users, tags, etc. after?
@MarcoCeppi, @OctavianDamiean, and f.y.i to debug my permissions issue I added rw,umask=0000 to my options and the program still will not write to the directory
that is pretty interesting
ls -l on that directory says what exactly?
@JorgeCastro that is what the code looks like at the moment; the way to add icons is to call model.append(), I'm doing that the second I have a result. Perhaps it works better If I do it in a couple of threads; not sure. I have a bunch of ideas, only the last of which is to talk to the API folks.
/me nods
@StefanoPalazzo the benefit of being first is you get to influence how it improves. :D
yeah :)
@JorgeCastro by the way, any word on the daily ppa? can I help with that?
oh crap, forgot. :)
I'll have someone look
@StefanoPalazzo ken's going to fix it for me and we'll be all set.
@JorgeCastro awesome!
@JorgeCastro I was in the netherlands yesterday, talking to a scientist who applies research into emotional reactions to user experience design (: Now I'm obsessed with some of the ideas I picked up.
he's also a mate, if the above sounds weird
One of the things that came out of that is that I basically have 50 milliseconds until I need to show something, and not just anything but something that provides positive feedback regarding the users query (like "world of warcraft" -> 'games' tag). I'll be working on some of that today
I was just reading this thing on larry page
the google guy
and I guess when people showed him demos
he would count outloud if something took too long
very obsessed with speed
yeah, makes sense. I have all the papers on it; let's see if I can't do a good job with speed.
do you know that when you write an answer and you just can't stop? Initially you didn't even what to write too much and then you end up with a damn long answer. I somehow love that.
God I'd so love to do some user-testing, preferably using EEG and EMG :P
right; all done for the day. Now to unitize unity
@MarcoCeppi, @OctavianDamiean so am I just screwed or do you guys have some more input that may help?
17 mins ago, by Octavian Damiean
ls -l on that directory says what exactly?
righto, leaving the office. Catch ya later guys
@OctavianDamiean, :
lv_admin@USLONSWEB003:~/uslonsapp002$ ls -l
total 77
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 2011-03-21 09:45 Agilent AOI
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 2011-03-21 10:59 AOI Reports
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 75264 2011-02-24 12:30 Doc1.doc
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 2011-03-10 14:14 Fuji_Flexa
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 2011-03-10 14:01 Input
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 135 2011-03-11 09:50 ITF Administration System.url
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 2011-03-10 14:01 Macros
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 2011-03-10 14:01 repair
oh no I meant the directory itself
that means cd one step back
and then ls -l uslonsapp002
I get the same thing
oh because I'm an idiot sorry
lv_admin@USLONSWEB003:~$ ls -l uslonsapp002
total 77
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 2011-03-21 09:45 Agilent AOI
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 2011-03-21 10:59 AOI Reports
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 75264 2011-02-24 12:30 Doc1.doc
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 2011-03-10 14:14 Fuji_Flexa
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 2011-03-10 14:01 Input
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 135 2011-03-11 09:50 ITF Administration System.url
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 2011-03-10 14:01 Macros
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 2011-03-10 14:01 repair
one more time please, now only ls -l where you are right now
of course ls on a directory will list its contents hehe
lv_admin@USLONSWEB003:~$ ls -l
total 324
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 333 2011-03-04 10:30 backuplog
---------- 1 root root 755 2011-03-18 20:00 mysqlbackup.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 209821 2011-03-04 13:03 mysql.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2453 2011-02-28 08:48 sshd_config
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 2011-03-18 19:56 uslons001
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 2011-03-21 10:48 uslonsapp002
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 102897 2011-03-04 13:03 www.tar.gz
@OctavianDamiean what else?
@JorgeCastro do you have the latest revision? I messed around with the Launcher API and left a piece of code in there that didn't do anything at the time, to do with the launcher icon.
@StefanoPalazzo yeah I just pulled it
just having a bit of trouble; somethings taking up lots of hd space and I can't upgrade
Helllo @StefanoPalazzo @JorgeCastro @StefanoPalazzo @TheX
long time @TheX, no?
@KaustubhP yeah been busy, very busy
@TheX i know what you mean :|
trying to keep my job you know... trying to look busy even if I am not :D
@TheX teeheehee!
that time of the year when the school board decides who they want to keep for next year, and who they want to get rid of...
can any one help me in installing mysql 5.5?
on ubuntu 10.10
Q: Unable to start mysql 5.5 on ubuntu 10.10

charanrajI downloaded mysql 5.5 server and client rpm packages. I copied them to my home directory and converted those packages to deb installer using alien.(I'm using fakeroot) alien -d MySQL-server-5.5.8-1.rhel5.i386.rpm alien -d MySQL-client-5.5.8-1.rhel5.i386.rpm and then installed both of them. b...

@charanraj why did not you try running sudo apt-get install mysql-client-5.5 mysql-server-5.5 on the command line?
well I'm using ubuntu inside windows
I mean
ohk, and you dont have an internet connection too.
@charanraj using wubi, you mean.
@charanraj maybe you are not running mysql with sufficient privileges.
I'm using my phone to get net connection
and It doesnt seem to work on ubuntu
I cant seem to find any good tutorial for installing mysql 5.5
and Every time I tried installing it I ended up messing things up
(I'm a newbie :) )
@KaustubhP any help for my situation?
Q: Saving deb files from repositories to a custom location for installing offline

nixnotwinI want to download and save some deb files, and preferably their dependencies, of certain apps, from the repositories (apt-get, aptitude) to a custom location without installing, so that I can install those apps while the machine is off-line. Also I want to know if it is possible to download deb ...

@charanraj this could help
Ah ! I'll have a look @ it
thanks @StefanoPalazzo
Everything's broken :( I might have to go through that whole exercise of downloading and installing the daily iso again...
@charanraj will that work for you?
btw I wanted mysql 5.5
and maybe its not listed in the app store
and for installing mysql 5.5 I even downloaded rpm packages and then asked 1 of my friend to convert it to deb using alien
not sure, I'm not running 10.10 at the minute, but @KaustubhP said it should be there, the package name would be mysql-server-5.5
@StefanoPalazzo oh dude, I just noticed the quicklists
dpkg: error processing libasound2 (--configure):
 Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should
 reinstall it before attempting configuration.
Oh man. it looks like I'll be setting up another usb stick :\
@StefanoPalazzo no mysql 5.5 here packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/database
they have 5.1
I've tried installing mysql 5.5 using the instructions provided on the online manual

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