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7:48 AM
Is chat.unix.stackexchange.com/questions/foo supposed to work? Or did we abandon the concept of creating a room from a question
8:11 AM
That was dropped by order of the management.
8:24 AM
Ok, as long as it's intentional
6 hours later…
2:07 PM
@MarcGravell mind elaborating re UserInfo JSON?
all I know is $("#active-user").data() gives me 27, which is completely meaningless here.
because that's the same Denny, Brad Wilson, Mikeage, silvo, Adam Neal, ... would get
as flattening as it might be to know I seem to be the only user #27 with any decent reputation :P
oh -- I'm user 27 of this chat, not of Gaming.
2:47 PM
fffffffffffffffffound: http://chat.stackexchange.com/users/sites/{id}
3:24 PM
  var so_live_site = $("#footer-logo a").first().attr("href").replace("http://", "")
  var chat_user_id = $('#active-user').data('user');
  $.get("/users/sites/" + chat_user_id, _get_real_user_id) // MAXIMUM JQUERY
  function _get_real_user_id(associations){
    $.each(associations, function(x, association){
      if(association.Host == so_live_site){
        user_id = association.UserId
        console.debug("Found user id on", so_live_site, ":", user_id)
I hate for(;;) style loops :P
7 hours later…
10:28 PM
I wish we could do $\LaTeX{}$ in the mathematics chat....
11:27 PM
I created a Room. Set a name and description. I remarked then a mistake in the description. Can I modify the rooms description?
yes, go to the info page and click edit next to the description
now... can i delete my room?
@serhio No, you need a mod for that
As you, can probably see, I created 2 WordPres rooms.. first I created under... SO account.. don't know why, but I was in WP account
finally, I don't mind if there are 2 rooms with the same name and description in SO and WP...
but... well
a little duplication
For future reference, you can change which site a given room is hosted under. It's too late now obviously
11:38 PM
@MichaelMrozek how do i?
The "edit" link on the room's info page
I didn't even realize we could have SO-hosted rooms here. So there's SO chat and SO-specific SE rooms. That's confusing
I don't see room's info page...
@serhio "Statistics", although it looks like you're not on the profile that owns the room (you'd see a "room owner" category in that menu), so you might need to switch before the edit link will show up
@MichaelMrozek ok... so rooms's statistics page
don't see where should I have the modifications
@serhio You're on your wordpress profile right now, so it doesn't own the SO room. You need to switch to the SO profile
It should look like this:
11:47 PM
How do I know under what profile I am?
ok, found
I am now under WP profile
however, I can't edit WP room settings
I'm not sure I was right about needing to be on a specific profile. Does anybody know for sure?
It might be that you can edit any room you own, regardless of the profile you're on. Either way though, if you're on the WP profile you should definitely be able to edit the WP room
@MichaelMrozek not sure, sec
I tried switching and couldn't edit a room I made on my other profile, but forcing it to actually switch profiles wasn't easy, I ended up closing my browser and reconnecting
actually never mind. i created the StackApps room but have never had that as my parent user and have edited it
all i did is change it and refresh the page
I now appear to be stuck on my SO profile; I tried to switch back to Unix but it didn't take. Maybe I need to reconnect again

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