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@Chris If all things are equal, I would target the most stable genes.
@Chris The troubling thing about the politics is that there are many companies with life saving mAB/pAB cocktails that go unused, presumably because an generally uneducated field of doctors not keeping up with the advances made aside from the vaccine.
@Chris It's not what we see right now. It's what we see if we leave the virus alone. The spike proteins are always rapidly trying new things. And this should explain why it manages to quickly jump species barrriers.
I've seen many warnings like this one: 1of1.keybase.pub/docs/Permanant%20Behavior%20Shift/…
I think there's a failure of the media to ask if these vaccine makers are counting on producing a new batch of vaccines, and if so, since when?
11 hours later…
Q: Ramachandran plot Phi(ϕ) Psi(ψ) dihedral angle Convention for Zero, Positive and Negative value

Always ConfusedG.N. Ramachandran et al, in their own work (PMC) (DOI), did not used phi(ϕ) and psi(ψ) as we use today. They used phi(ϕ) and phi-dash(ϕ') defined as follows: The conventions we have adopted for the standard configuration ϕ = ϕ' = 0°) and for the positive sense of rotation for the two angular par...

2 hours later…
pls check my question.
many thanks in advance
@LouisWaweru You don't need only a stable gene, you also need a protein, which is visible for the immune system. Therefore the spike protein is an obvious target. Especially when you don't know very much about your virus. This is different, but remember, these targets where designed early in 2020, when the knowledge was much smaller.
@LouisWaweru These are really expensive and they have limited use except for the severe cases as far as I followed this up. The best thing for a disease is not to cure but to prevent it.

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