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I don't eant to mod close an answered question, but biology.stackexchange.com/questions/71277/… - how can such a question survive?
I downvoted this post hours ago and it just got an answer.
I've not been very active in keeping the site's level up, but the question quality is really at rock bottom isn't it?
@AliceD Unfortunately, I have to agree.
I haven't found much time lately to answer any question (let alone not having only few interesting ones), but yes, this is bothering me as well.
@Chris I'm also drowning in work and while I did keep an eye on nearly every new question (pre-graduation), those times are over for good.
But stress levels have dropped a bit and I'm skimming through the site. To be honest with you, it's appalling at times
There no research effort whatsoever and the only questions that seem to be OK are the species ID ones.
@AliceD Yes, since these are usually pretty clear questions to answer.
@AliceD Too much questions, ways too much other stuff going on.
BTW: Have you heard anything from @wysiwig lately?

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