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Q: Are questions on abiogenesis acceptable at this site?

Larian LeQuellaAs I often point out to many people who have a tenuous grasp of biology, evolution deals with everything that happened after abiogenesis. And also that abiogenesis is a rather young field that we are still exploring. As such, most answers in that field amount to "I don't know" (which is no excu...

12 hours later…
Q: Should we be encouraging people to wait before accepting answers?

RoryGiven that we are aiming for at least 2.5 answers per question, should we be pro-actively encouraging askers to give at least some time before choosing their preferred answer in order to encourage multiple takes on a question? At present a large amount of questions seem to be accepted with one a...

3 hours later…
Q: Creationist "canard" refutation type questions?

Larian LeQuellaLet's just say that proponents of creationism and "intelligent design" have a ready stable of canards and distortions out there. Would it be appropriate to post such canards here as questions, and then post the answer (as long as it adhered to biology). For instance, let's take the ever popular...

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