« first day (4534 days earlier)   

4:59 AM
I'm feeling these weird sensations in the left side of my body again, and I wish there were somewhere I could consult on whether a right-side lesion in the "corpora quardigemina area" can produce them; here in Russia I don't know whom to turn to for advice. I have MRI scans dating back to 2010, done every two years and often every year. Maybe there's some online community or forum where one could ask about such stuff
The very first MRI scan on which the lesion appeared, in February 2010 - but for some reason radiologists did not mention it in their impressions until this spring. I can see the same spot on all subsequent scans in the same location
Only this spring a radiologist first mentioned it after an MRI scan in his radiologist's impression document.
I went to my neurosurgeon and she said it has been present on all previous MRI scans, but for some reason nobody mentioned it in the impression documents

« first day (4534 days earlier)