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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

9:10 PM
@rahuldottech My pfSense install boots from a flash drive. That said, it's a Bad Idea and they removed the prebuilt image on latest releases.
9:34 PM
Accidentally bloodied my nose while shaving. That's an odd one.
Then again cats' noses are a lot closer to their mouths and human shavers don't particularly account for that, so that's not a surprise]
@noitsbecky You are supposed to use a different device to trim your nose hairs ;)
I once shaved my eyebrows.
as a kid
@djsmiley2k You were a baby goat? The mind boggles! ;)
9:45 PM
m,y hgod i hate my brain
@djsmiley2k I once shaved somebody else's eyebrow on one side, after he lost a bet.
As a kid
I hate my brain too yet I keep attacking it with drugs, and it won't die.
i just want mine to be quiet
10:01 PM
Why did I say apparently? Oh yeah, I'm a cat. Human speech apparently is weird.
lol no.
Looks like the Bitcoin FOMO is kicking in
Someone's fat fingered it. Urgh.
@noitsbecky Easy on the hard drug talk ok?
Plz plz
1 message moved to Trash
1 message moved to Trash
1 message moved to Trash
Chat on mobile sucks. Moderating chat on mobile double sucks. Moderating chat, on mobile, on a 3G slow like molasses...
@noitsbecky Allow me to disagree. Just wanted to avoid our draconian overlords coming to flag here and all the usual stuff.
Also it makes me a bit uncomfortable
So I merely removed references to hard drugs
Every other instance where you mentioned mental health issues, all I ever had were encouraging words.
If you want to talk controversial stuff, we have Riot
That's more or less exactly what it was created for.
10:22 PM
@ThatBrazilianGuy You may disagree as much as you want... people with certain issues such as those described by certain members here have been helped by certain drugs, and just because you consider them "hard" or "uncomfortable" doesn't give you the right to silence conversation or advice regarding it.
Sure, blame the "draconian overlords".
Had you said the same stuff on Riot I would just let it be.
I can't make you believe me.
Yeah, move my messages to trash because I wanted to pass on information to someone else that said they had the same problems as some of my friends I know.
Advocating the use of illegal drugs is literally a crime in many countries.
One more reason to remove the messages
Silencing people who say "this thing helped someone else with the same issues that you're describing" is literally a crime in many countries too.
Look, I have to go. You can continue having controversial conversations on Riot. Or here, whatever, I have to go and other people with better people skills than me can deal with it.
10:30 PM
Yeah, I have to go too, because some fat fingered idiot broke the cryptocurrency market a few days early.
This was supposed to happen on the 9th, not today -_-
God damn human stupidity
10:57 PM
Now that this old desktop is retired, let's do an ATA Secure Erase on it and dispose of it.
My knees hurt :/
My ego hurts
11:30 PM
@noitsbecky just to say - we have repeatedly had the talk about talking about drugs here. You shouldn't be surprised
Also whatever a room owner does has the full support of us mods
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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