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13 hours later…
7:31 PM
and include a very little, subtle penis there
1 message moved from The h Bar
1 hour later…
8:36 PM
I hear there's some sort of embargo against humans coming into my country, my adopting you may not work.
Nope, it's been put on hold, so to speak.
the embargo, I mean.
so everyone's rushing to get in before the embargo gets put back in place.
@BernardoMeurer Doesn't come from a country with oil
He's fine
Jan 30 at 3:31, by Sir Cumference
@thoughtforfood Please don't bring politics here
Brazil has a shitload of oil dude
...how free is Brazil
8:38 PM
Jan 30 at 3:31, by Sir Cumference
@thoughtforfood Please don't bring politics here
@KyleKanos I'm white, I'm not banned
12 messages moved from The h Bar
2 messages moved to The h Bar
2 hours later…
10:10 PM
This is absolutely amazing
@BernardoMeurer Agreed. The left is completely insane politically but they have some good comedy.
3 messages moved from The h Bar

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