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12:23 AM
Conjunction: or
  1. Connects at least two alternative words, phrases, clauses, sentences, etc. each of which could make a passage true. In English, this is the "inclusive or." The "exclusive or" is formed by "either […] or".
  2. Logical union of two sets of values. There are two forms, an exclusive or and an inclusive or.
  3. It's raining! Come inside or you'll catch a cold!
  4. Connects two equivalent names.
  5. or
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Noun: Wikipedia
  1. or (uncountable)
  2. or
  3. or m (plural ors)
  4. or m (plural ors)
  5. or m (uncountable)
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Adjective: or (not comparable)
  1. (heraldry) Of gold or yellow tincture on a coat of arms.
Adverb: or
  1. (obsolete) Early (on).
  2. or
  3. or
Verb: (ele/ei) or (modal auxiliary; third-person plural form of vrea, used with infinitives to form presumptive tenses)
  1. (they) might
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