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" Of course, I do make mistakes and even with best intentions... "
ayyyy ay Martin
8 hours later…
Q: Introducing the Staging Ground, an attempt at improving the first-time asker experience - What was asking your first question like?

SpencerGStack Exchange sites are some of the best knowledge resources available. The Stack Exchange network is built on the premise that good questions (asked with a good process behind them) can get good answers. However, it can be pretty daunting for newcomers to get that process right, and current new...

Q: Staging Ground Workflow: Question Details & Actions

Yaakov EllisWe have previously mentioned our plans for a new section on the site called the Staging Ground, which is aimed at improving the new user onboarding experience and increasing the quality of first questions. We have also given an overview of the extensive research behind, and motivations for, this ...

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