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@MartinSleziak hey!
@MartinSleziak it shows err for thislink "Found using Approach0"
It seems to be working for me. Although I have forgotten to add link to the post: radius of convergence of the power series $\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} z^{n!}$
Anyway, both comment are obsolete after your edit.
also a -1 is obsolete i think! he he
So I have deleted them - they are copied here in chat anyway in case you need them.
@BAYMAX Well, that's mainly the question for the user who downvoted the post.
ok sorry
@BAYMAX If you simply tried to enter this series into Approach0 you would have found: Radius of convergence of $\sum_{n=0}^\infty 4^{{(-1)}^n n} z^{2n}$
so since we need to take limsup what will be radiuso f convergence ?
ok got it !

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