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@Martin Sleziak i cannot post questions now , it says that "The ban will be lifted automatically by the system when it determines that your positive contributions outweigh those questions which were poorly received." . what to do ?
@BAYMAX Probably you can find some information in the links given here and perhaps in the post on meta tagged .
But I would assume that in the sme place where you see the information you quoted, you are provide at least some of those links.
@MartinSleziak ok..i am trying to increase my reputation by answering , editing what else can i do to lift my ban , please help!
@BAYMAX I am not sure whether other users can help you a lot with this.
@MartinSleziak yes but if i answer questions , increase my reputation will they lift the ban ?
Basically the only thing I can do you is the advice that if you somehow manage to lift the question ban, you should try to ask question with context and search before asking (several of your posts were closed as duplicates).
@BAYMAX There is no they, as far as I know. I believe that question ban (and lifting is) is an automated process which is done by the SE software.
ok,thank you.
I am not sure whether answers can actually influence question ban.
@MartinSleziak Has nothing exciting happened recently? chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/17403/…
@SimplyBeautifulArt Feel free to post there if you have something interesting. In fact, I will be glad if some other users will post there at least occasionally. (Although I doubt that the room fulfills the purpose for which it was created.)
@BAYMAX I have asked in Math Mods' Office whether somebody knows for sure if answers help with the question ban.
Anyway, reading this answer does not sound very optimistic for people with question ban: "People that receive this ban are in the extreme minority. People that successfully work their way out of it are in an even more extreme subset of that minority."
@BAYMAX This is what Daniel Fischer said. As he is an experienced user (and a moderator), I would consider what he says as quite reliable.
in Math Mods' Office, 6 mins ago, by Daniel Fischer
@MartinSleziak Yes, posting good answers helps. But the main factor in question bans are the questions, particularly the recent questions. Getting upvotes there helps more than answering.
It seems that those rules about post bans are quite complicated.
ok no bad.. i will be trying in chat .. and increasing some reputation and i hope the algo gets some hint!
@MartinSleziak thank you for helping and spending time on this!
It seems that deleted posts with answers count towards ban more than posts which were deleted but do not have answers.
Yeah, I knew deleted questions were definitely part of it. What I didn't know that how much of other people's time you waste plays a part. Someone who hits "post your question" accidentally and immediately deletes is dinged less than homework vampires who delete their questions after getting an answer--that's really nice. — Will Jun 10 '16 at 16:54
i deleted only 1 answer till now and now this..!but any way its ok..
but the algo never identified that i remain active as compared to old days and within less time i covered 100 changes..[although we cant argue this wth an algo! it performs what is said to perform.]
I see you tried to edit your question: $A_{5}$ is a simple group?
The natural question is whether the answers on already existing questions do not satisfy you.
I guess that if you indeed need something different from the answers already provided there, and if you explain in your post why you need a different proof and what kind of the proof of simplicity of $A_5$ you're looking for, that might possibly help.
yes! as i saw somewhere that editing the question which contains many downvotes can also lift your ban .... also i dont understand that the above question were asked in several competetive examinations ... you are right that i was unable to find those questions previously asked...so they could better mark it duplicate..but they downvote it .. and now this troubles.. !
Yes , the question is within a short period of time in examinations...how to answer it confidently like whether the following is a group or not which tskes small amount of time?
if a user is unable to search the question already asked .. is it mandatory that they should be downvoted... perhaps this may be too harsh..sorry for this! ..
One more drawback - you ask two different questions in the same post.
"Because it came in various competitive examinations" - you could make this a bit more specific by adding a link or mentioning a specific examination.
Now you said in this post that you are wondering how to solve this in short time period - you did not mention that in the post.
If you specify something like that in the question, it would made it a bit clearer.
Something like: "In these examinations you have on average 5 minutes per question. However, you do not have to write down justification for your claim."
"I understand that $A_{n}$ is generated by 3 cycles and the result will follow." You could add a link to the proof you have in mind. But I guess you mean probably the one suggested in the accepted answer.
@BAYMAX Certainly, editing might help. But you should try to edit them in a way which will actually improve the questions - so that you have chance to get some upvotes there (and perhaps in some cases to get them reopened).
In Math Mods' Office, a user pointed me to this message - I am not sure whether it was meant as offer for users with post bans in general or only for that specific user.
in Constructive Feedback, Jan 28 at 20:32, by amWhy
@TheGreatDuck @SimplyBeautifulArt I left this comment in the meta question from @superb jhon: "Come in and visit "concrete feedback, a chat-room. At least two of us would like to welcome you and help you move forward from here!"
Yes you are right
But probably you can also ask in Constructive Feedback whether some users would be willing to have a look at your questions and suggest some improvements. (Which could eventually lead to lifting the ban if there are enough of them.)
Anyway, I probably said all I was able to suggest for the simplicity of $A_5$. And I'll have to do some stuff for my work, so I'll have to leave the chat.
ok thanks!

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