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3:15 PM
@Paul Good luck :)
3:46 PM
No search engine, in this case java compositing & java composition are not related. Please bring me what I ask and not what you think I mean.
These annoying search engines.
I often miss older search engine logic. I get that they need to target the middle of the bell curve in terms of use & that I'm more toward the edges. However it's annoying when tools that used to work well have been compromised in order to broaden their appeal.
Yeah. The google search tool that you could set up on your PC, a while ago, used to work very well when they launched it. Then it became soft and useless.
Cynically, I now assume in their case it's because they harvested whatever sort of raw data corpus payload they were after & have since turned their resources towards monetizing it.
Or they used us as A/B beta testers for their search algorithm.
(I guess it's the same, either way.)
4:00 PM
Pretty sure just using quotes will do it. There is probably an advanced search thing somewhere still. It's been ages since I used google.
@nwp What do you use?
Ok, cool!
I used that most of the time but sometimes it does not get me what I'm looking for.
@nwp Yes, that works for Google - results on other search engines are mixed.
Sometimes google is better, but that depends on how much you use it. They have user profiles for you while duckduckgo doesn't, so naturally google knows better what you want. Unless you never use google, then they don't have an advantage anymore and the few times I tried on google because duckduckgo failed me I didn't get a better result.
4:06 PM
The thing is I really want to know about compositing, using Java, but I don't necessarily need the phrase "Java compositing". On google throwing quotes on just compositing does seem to do the trick, but it's not the engine I started with.
@nwp I most of the time use a new private browsing window for my google or duckduckgo searches, so I don't know if they can still track me...
Well, there's still the matter of profiling. I tried using private only browsers, but when I checked, the combination of browser choice + machine profile was enough to uniquely ID me.
Pretty sure they can, not sure if they do. Who knows. Privacy is pretty dead anyways. We should just embrace the cameras watching us 24/7 to give us the perfect ad in the perfect moment to maximize money drain.
I also use the duck duck go app on my phone... I guess this helps a bit.
Maybe I should browse everything from there.
I like it for the prefix shortcuts. !g gives you google, !i image search, !gi google image search, !b is bing I think, but nobody uses that. Very nice as a default search engine.
4:21 PM
The dugckduckgo app?
You can search with another search engine?
Maybe the app too, I meant the website.
It just redirects.
Ah, ok; I might try it with the app, then
Yeah, redirecting is probably safe legally. I'd be shocked if there's not something in the ToS for their web API that says something to the effect of "can't use our stuff to compete with our stuff", so handing the search off to engine B behind the scenes, and then passing the results back to the user as if it was the result of search engine A is probably a non starter.
Oh, apparently they have 13099 of them. !stackoverflow exists :D
@Pikalek Yeah it looks like it's what they're doing: sending the user away on the other site.
4:37 PM
!gdev term opens https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/search?q=term.
5:06 PM
lol, nice!
5:28 PM
Btw, does anyone know the exact release date of Unity 2019.3 ? The beta is currently running... hope it doesnt take that long anymore
I don't :)

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