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Dev Vlog- Colonial Sea Trader- Speed of start up considerably improved, price list improvements, font improvements. youtube.com/watch?v=gRUuNtDgm2U&t=7s
why is horizontal path is wobbly sometimes?
is that from water currents?
Wind actually.
I need a better way to let people know that's what's going on... Sigh.
Everyone always asks about it.
Maybe changing the line's color depending on amount of wind. Or smudging it in the wind's direction...
Yeah, I'm going to have to do something like that.
Or showing the wind somehow just along the path. Hmmm...
Well, I think I'll just put up with the question for a while, maybe someday I'll do something about it.
I'm sure it'll make sense to people playing the game after a tutorial.
Yeah, I should work on that sometime.
It's just that most games don't have wind factored in
I had a tutorial at one point in time, so...
It's a distinguishing factor.
I knew from the beginning I wanted wind factored in, because it makes a triangle trade possible.
Ere, I guess it was always possible, but make it so it was more likely to be required.
4 hours later…
@StephaneHockenhull dang, didn't even find these mentioned in the ref
8 hours later…
Had a brain wave? tips hat
As I was typing the thing in I realized what I was doing wrong
I was unable to clear my OpenGL render texture
I wasn't creating an alpha channel for it
So what's up with the hat man?
hmm rendering to render texture is not working :(
Have had some time to relax and rest and form plans in Australia, and now I want to make a little game in JavaScript as a study and exploration exercise, and as a tech demo, and as just a fun thing. It will involve smacking enemies with other enemies as a mechanic, because fun. Might be, idk, an office worker becoming enraged and deciding to trash the office and destroy co-workers with other coworkers.
sounds cool!
Or might instead be pirates in a pirate war, or Mr T tearing down a criminal organisation, or something. Someone with a reason to go on a rampage. :D
So Mr T in a plane?
@KevinvanderVelden hahaha! That could be fun. Or in a warehouse complex. Maybe both (after crashing the plane into the warehouse complex).
Not much going on with the hat man.
Just living life.
If I have a projection matrix, do I need to use glViewport?
Dev Blog- Colonial Sea Trader- Speed improvements, Price List updates, bug fixes. colonialseatrader.com/blog/index.php/2017/09/25/…
4 hours later…
Man, it's hot in here...
Normal temperature at this time of year is between 7°C and 17°C, but it's been 27°C-30°C for the past couple of days, and they're forecasting that high for a couple more days...
It's nice down in DC. Not too humid
2 hours later…
For a while at least.
Doing some livestreaming of Unity game dev, if anyone wants to take a peek at what I'm up to. twitch.tv/oldhammedia
2 hours later…
@PearsonArtPhoto cool

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